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中国近代,城乡联系不断加强,矛盾也随之加剧.城市攫取着乡村政治、经济、文化资源,却对农村的助推乏力.到20世纪前期,城乡关系失衡,一边是现代化程度日益增强的大城市,另一边是贫困落后的广大乡村.乡村在与城市的产品交易中地位下降,租税负担沉重,资金、青壮劳动力、社会精英纷纷流向城市,社会话语权渐失,乡村处于弱势地位,在江苏地区表现明显.这成为当时乡村群体性事件频发的结构性紧张因素之一.  相似文献   
脂砚斋、畸笏叟等评点家是曹雪芹的有关亲人,他们非常熟悉曹雪芹的生活和《红楼梦》的原始素材及创作过程。因此,研究脂砚斋已成为《红楼梦》研究的一个重要组成部分。20世纪学术界对脂砚斋、畸笏叟是谁,他们究竟是一个人还是两个人,以及他们的政治思想、现实主义文学观、典型观、技法论及其他相关问题作了多方面的研究,取得不少成绩,井成为新世纪研究《红楼梦》的基础之一。总结上个世纪的脂砚斋研究,会对新世纪的《红楼梦》研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
In analyzing data from unreplicated factorial designs, the half-normal probability plot is commonly used to screen for the ‘vital few’ effects. Recently, many formal methods have been proposed to overcome the subjectivity of this plot. Lawson (1998) (hereafter denoted as LGB) suggested a hybrid method based on the half-normal probability plot, which is a blend of Lenth (1989) and Loh (1992) method. The method consists of fitting a simple least squares line to the inliers, which are determined by the Lenth method. The effects exceeding the prediction limits based on the fitted line are candidates for the vital few effects. To improve the accuracy of partitioning the effects into inliers and outliers, we propose a modified LGB method (hereafter denoted as the Mod_LGB method), in which more outliers can be classified by using both the Carling’s modification of the box plot (Carling, 2000) and Lenth method. If no outlier exists or there is a wide range in the inliers as determined by the Lenth method, more outliers can be found by the Carling method. A simulation study is conducted in unreplicated 24 designs with the number of active effects ranging from 1 to 6 to compare the efficiency of the Lenth method, original LGB methods, and the proposed modified version of the LGB method.  相似文献   
We develop an omnibus two-sample test for ranked-set sampling (RSS) data. The test statistic is the conditional probability of seeing the observed sequence of ranks in the combined sample, given the observed sequences within the separate samples. We compare the test to existing tests under perfect rankings, finding that it can outperform existing tests in terms of power, particularly when the set size is large. The test does not maintain its level under imperfect rankings. However, one can create a permutation version of the test that is comparable in power to the basic test under perfect rankings and also maintains its level under imperfect rankings. Both tests extend naturally to judgment post-stratification, unbalanced RSS, and even RSS with multiple set sizes. Interestingly, the tests have no simple random sampling analog.  相似文献   
We study the least-square regression learning algorithm generated by regularization schemes in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. A non-iid setting is considered: the sequence of probability measures for sampling is not identical and the sampling may be dependent. When the sequence of marginal distributions for sampling converges exponentially fast in the dual of a Hölder space and the sampling process satisfies a polynomial strong mixing condition, we derive learning rates for the learning algorithm.  相似文献   
Do men and women behave differently while adjusting labor supply over the business cycle? Using data from the United States, we show that women are significantly more likely to adjust along the intensive margin (number of hours), while men adjust more along the extensive margin (employment). Older, single, and divorced/widowed adjust predominantly along the extensive margin.  相似文献   
邓建 《学术交流》2006,(2):158-161
词选是词的主要传播媒介,20世纪词选的数量和种类与前代相比达到最大值,其对柳永词的著录篇数与著录名次亦创历史新高。这种传播盛况充分表明此期柳永词在读者心目中的重要地位和深远影响。俚俗词进入柳永“名词”排行榜与“名词”的分散、扩展趋势则表明此期词学观念、词学趣尚的深刻变化与多元化发展态势。  相似文献   
中国自近代以来,始终存在着一个试图向社会独立发言的自由主义文化群体,它对美学的发展产生了至关重要的影响。本文认为,虽然20世纪中国美学体现出多元发展、不断调整的态势,但由于美与自由问题的本质联系,自由主义美学精神就必然构成了这一进程的主干。以康德美学为理论起点,以价值中立原则介入审美实践,以理想主义重建审美乌托邦,是自由主义美学在本世纪表现出的主要特点。  相似文献   
We use book translations as a new measure of international idea flows and study the effects of Communism's collapse in Eastern Europe on these flows. Using novel data on 800,000 translations and difference‐in‐differences approaches, we show that while translations between Communist languages decreased by two thirds with the collapse, Western‐to‐Communist translations increased by a factor of 4 and quickly converged to Western levels. Convergence was more pronounced in the fields of applied and social sciences, and was more complete in Satellite and Baltic than in Soviet countries. We discuss how these patterns help us understand how repressive institutions and preferences towards Western European ideas shaped the international diffusion of knowledge.  相似文献   
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