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Y. P. Chaubey 《Revue canadienne de statistique》1981,9(1):119-127
Testing the equality of variances of two linear models with common β-parameter is considered. A test based on least squares residuals (ASR test) is proposed, and it is shown that this test is invariant under the group of scale and translation changes. For some special cases, it is also proved that this test has a monotone power function. Finding the exact critical values of this test is not easy; an approximation is given to facilitate the computation of these. The powers of the BLUS test, the F-test and the new test are computed for various alternatives and compared in a particular case. The proposed test seems to be locally more powerful than the alternative tests. 相似文献
In this paper, we review available methods for determination of the functional form of the relation between a covariate and the log hazard ratio for a Cox model. We pay special attention to the detection of influential observations to the extent that they influence the estimated functional form of the relation between a covariate and the log hazard ratio. Our paper is motivated by a data set from a cohort study of lung cancer and silica exposure, where the nonlinear shape of the estimated log hazard ratio for silica exposure plotted against cumulative exposure and hereafter referred to as the exposure–response curve was greatly affected by whether or not two individuals with the highest exposures were included in the analysis. Formal influence diagnostics did not identify these two individuals but did identify the three highest exposed cases. Removal of these three cases resulted in a biologically plausible exposure–response curve. 相似文献
This paper deals with the estimation of the error distribution function in a varying coefficient regression model. We propose two estimators and study their asymptotic properties by obtaining uniform stochastic expansions. The first estimator is a residual-based empirical distribution function. We study this estimator when the varying coefficients are estimated by under-smoothed local quadratic smoothers. Our second estimator which exploits the fact that the error distribution has mean zero is a weighted residual-based empirical distribution whose weights are chosen to achieve the mean zero property using empirical likelihood methods. The second estimator improves on the first estimator. Bootstrap confidence bands based on the two estimators are also discussed. 相似文献
《Research Synthesis Methods》2017,8(3):343-354
This paper studies the influence diagnostics in meta‐regression model including case deletion diagnostic and local influence analysis. We derive the subset deletion formulae for the estimation of regression coefficient and heterogeneity variance and obtain the corresponding influence measures. The DerSimonian and Laird estimation and maximum likelihood estimation methods in meta‐regression are considered, respectively, to derive the results. Internal and external residual and leverage measure are defined. The local influence analysis based on case‐weights perturbation scheme, responses perturbation scheme, covariate perturbation scheme, and within‐variance perturbation scheme are explored. We introduce a method by simultaneous perturbing responses, covariate, and within‐variance to obtain the local influence measure, which has an advantage of capable to compare the influence magnitude of influential studies from different perturbations. An example is used to illustrate the proposed methodology. 相似文献
Amany Hassan Abdel-Karim 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2017,46(8):6155-6172
Extended zero-one inflated beta and adjusted three-part regression models are introduced to analyze proportional response data where there are nonzero probabilities that the response variable takes the values zero and one. The proposed models adapt skewness and heteroscedasticity of the fractional response data, and are constructed to estimate the unknown parameters. Extensive Monte Carlo simulation studies are used to compare the performance of the two approaches with respect to bias and root mean square error. A real data example is presented to illustrate the application of both regression models. 相似文献
Change point monitoring for distributional changes in time-series models is an important issue. In this article, we propose two monitoring procedures to detect distributional changes of squared residuals in GARCH models. The asymptotic properties of our monitoring statistics are derived under both the null of no change in distribution and the alternative of a change in distribution. The finite sample properties are investigated by a simulation. 相似文献
Edward J. Wegman 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》1988,20(3):279-294
This paper discusses the meaning and relationship of randomness and determinism. A fundamental development of chaotic dynamical systems is given with examples. Such systems are seen to exhibit randomness in the usual sense of unpredictability. The formal definition of randomness in terms of algorithmic incompressibility is also discussed. The role of recursion in computability and randomness is also discussed. 相似文献
Let X, T, Y be random vectors such that the distribution of Y conditional on covariates partitioned into the vectors X = x and T = t is given by f(y; x, ), where = (, (t)). Here is a parameter vector and (t) is a smooth, real–valued function of t. The joint distribution of X and T is assumed to be independent of and . This semiparametric model is called conditionally parametric because the conditional distribution f(y; x, ) of Y given X = x, T = t is parameterized by a finite dimensional parameter = (, (t)). Severini and Wong (1992. Annals of Statistics 20: 1768–1802) show how to estimate and (·) using generalized profile likelihoods, and they also provide a review of the literature on generalized profile likelihoods. Under specified regularity conditions, they derive an asymptotically efficient estimator of and a uniformly consistent estimator of (·). The purpose of this paper is to provide a short tutorial for this method of estimation under a likelihood–based model, reviewing results from Stein (1956. Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, vol. 1, University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 187–196), Severini (1987. Ph.D Thesis, The University of Chicago, Department of Statistics, Chicago, Illinois), and Severini and Wong (op. cit.). 相似文献
In this paper, we suggest a simple test and an easily applicable modeling procedure for threshold moving average (TMA) models. Firstly, based on the fitted residuals by maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) for MA models, we construct a simple statistic, which is obtained by linear arrange regression and follows F-distribution approximately, to test for threshold nonlinearity and specify the threshold variables. And then, we use some scatterplots to identify the number and locations of the potential thresholds. Finally, with the statistic and Akaike information criterion, we propose the procedure to build TMA models. Both the power of test statistic and the convenience of modeling procedure can work very well demonstrated by simulation experiments and the application to a real example. 相似文献
Thomas J. Diciccio Michael A. Martin Steven E. Stern 《Revue canadienne de statistique》2001,29(1):67-76
The authors propose two methods based on the signed root of the likelihood ratio statistic for one‐sided testing of a simple null hypothesis about a scalar parameter in the présence of nuisance parameters. Both methods are third‐order accurate and utilise simulation to avoid the need for onerous analytical calculations characteristic of competing saddlepoint procedures. Moreover, the new methods do not require specification of ancillary statistics. The methods respect the conditioning associated with similar tests up to an error of third order, and conditioning on ancillary statistics to an error of second order. 相似文献