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The EM algorithm is employed to compute maximum-likelihood estimates for beta kernel distributions. Estimation is considered under two censoring schemes: the progressive Type-I censoring and progressive Type-II right censoring schemes. As an application, the EM algorithm is executed to obtain maximum-likelihood estimates for the beta Weibull distribution under the two censoring schemes. A simulation study and two real data sets are used to show the efficiency of the EM algorithm.  相似文献   
Missing data are common in many experiments, including surveys, clinical trials, epidemiological studies, and environmental studies. Unconstrained likelihood inferences for generalized linear models (GLMs) with nonignorable missing covariates have been studied extensively in the literature. However, parameter orderings or constraints may occur naturally in practice, and thus the efficiency of a statistical method may be improved by incorporating parameter constraints into the likelihood function. In this paper, we consider constrained inference for analysing GLMs with nonignorable missing covariates under linear inequality constraints on the model parameters. Specifically, constrained maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is based on the gradient projection expectation maximization approach. Further, we investigate the asymptotic null distribution of the constrained likelihood ratio test (LRT). Simulations study the empirical properties of the constrained ML estimators and LRTs, which demonstrate improved precision of these constrained techniques. An application to contaminant levels in an environmental study is also presented.  相似文献   
Incomplete growth curve data often result from missing or mistimed observations in a repeated measures design. Virtually all methods of analysis rely on the dispersion matrix estimates. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to compare three methods of estimation of dispersion matrices for incomplete growth curve data. The three methods were: 1) maximum likelihood estimation with a smoothing algorithm, which finds the closest positive semidefinite estimate of the pairwise estimated dispersion matrix; 2) a mixed effects model using the EM (estimation maximization) algorithm; and 3) a mixed effects model with the scoring algorithm. The simulation included 5 dispersion structures, 20 or 40 subjects with 4 or 8 observations per subject and 10 or 30% missing data. In all the simulations, the smoothing algorithm was the poorest estimator of the dispersion matrix. In most cases, there were no significant differences between the scoring and EM algorithms. The EM algorithm tended to be better than the scoring algorithm when the variances of the random effects were close to zero, especially for the simulations with 4 observations per subject and two random effects.  相似文献   
Coarse data is a general type of incomplete data that includes grouped data, censored data, and missing data. The likelihood‐based estimation approach with coarse data is challenging because the likelihood function is in integral form. The Monte Carlo EM algorithm of Wei & Tanner [Wei & Tanner (1990). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85, 699–704] is adapted to compute the maximum likelihood estimator in the presence of coarse data. Stochastic coarse data is also covered and the computation can be implemented using the parametric fractional imputation method proposed by Kim [Kim (2011). Biometrika, 98, 119–132]. Results from a limited simulation study are presented. The proposed method is also applied to the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA). The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 604–618; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
The mixture transition distribution (MTD) model was introduced by Raftery to face the need for parsimony in the modeling of high-order Markov chains in discrete time. The particularity of this model comes from the fact that the effect of each lag upon the present is considered separately and additively, so that the number of parameters required is drastically reduced. However, the efficiency for the MTD parameter estimations proposed up to date still remains problematic on account of the large number of constraints on the parameters. In this article, an iterative procedure, commonly known as expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm, is developed cooperating with the principle of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to estimate the MTD parameters. Some applications of modeling MTD show the proposed EM algorithm is easier to be used than the algorithm developed by Berchtold. Moreover, the EM estimations of parameters for high-order MTD models led on DNA sequences outperform the corresponding fully parametrized Markov chain in terms of Bayesian information criterion. A software implementation of our algorithm is available in the library seq++at http://stat.genopole.cnrs.fr/seqpp.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a method to assess the local influence in a minor perturbation of a statistical model with incomplete data. The idea is to utilize Cook's approach to the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function in the EM algorithm. It is shown that the method proposed produces analytic results that are very similar to those obtained from a classical local influence approach based on the observed data likelihood function and has the potential to assess a variety of complicated models that cannot be handled by existing methods. An application to the generalized linear mixed model is investigated. Some illustrative artificial and real examples are presented.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a method to assess influence in skew-Birnbaum–Saunders regression models, which are an extension based on the skew-normal distribution of the usual Birnbaum–Saunders (BS) regression model. An interesting characteristic that the new regression model has is the capacity of predicting extreme percentiles, which is not possible with the BS model. In addition, since the observed likelihood function associated with the new regression model is more complex than that from the usual model, we facilitate the parameter estimation using a type-EM algorithm. Moreover, we employ influence diagnostic tools that considers this algorithm. Finally, a numerical illustration includes a brief simulation study and an analysis of real data in order to show the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
This note addresses a problem that can arise in surveys, namely when some respondents misinterpret the rating method and so assign high ratings when they intended to assign low ratings, and vice versa. We present a method that allows these misinterpretations to be corrected with high probability, and more meaningful conclusions to be drawn. The method is illustrated with data from a Community Value survey.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the prediction of time series with missing data using an alternative formulation for Holt's model with additive errors. This formulation simplifies both the calculus of maximum likelihood estimators of all the unknowns in the model and the calculus of point forecasts. In the presence of missing data, the EM algorithm is used to obtain maximum likelihood estimates and point forecasts. Based on this application we propose a leave-one-out algorithm for the data transformation selection problem which allows us to analyse Holt's model with multiplicative errors. Some numerical results show the performance of these procedures for obtaining robust forecasts.  相似文献   
针对筒子纱分拣机器人对作业目标堆叠时识别不准确、抓取位置不稳定的问题,课题组提出了一种堆叠筒子纱的机器人无序分拣方法。构建了具有3D视觉感知的筒子纱分拣机器人系统,利用Kinect V2相机获取堆叠筒子纱的图像信息,对采集到的筒子纱点云进行处理;通过M估计抽样一致性算法(MSAC)和直通滤波算法对原始点云进行裁剪,采用改进E R分割算法和ICP算法完成点云的分割和配准,得到筒子纱的位姿信息;最后使用机器人进行抓取实验。实验结果表明:该方法能够实现对堆叠场景下的作业目标的识别定位,系统的抓取成功率达到86%,可以满足筒子纱分拣的实际生产需求。  相似文献   
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