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刘熙载是我国晚清时期著名的学者、文艺理论家和书法家,平生不喜为宦、不喜交游,惟以著书教学为己任。就是这样一位在中国古代文学史、书法史上极有影响的人物,迄今惜无年谱问世。本文多方钩稽文献,作此年谱,就教于学界同仁。  相似文献   
The authors consider the correlation between two arbitrary functions of the data and a parameter when the parameter is regarded as a random variable with given prior distribution. They show how to compute such a correlation and use closed form expressions to assess the dependence between parameters and various classical or robust estimators thereof, as well as between p‐values and posterior probabilities of the null hypothesis in the one‐sided testing problem. Other applications involve the Dirichlet process and stationary Gaussian processes. Using this approach, the authors also derive a general nonparametric upper bound on Bayes risks.  相似文献   
刘祚昌先生是我国著名的历史学家、教育家和学贯中西的学者。他为新中国世界史专业的奠基工作做出了突出贡献,也是美国史和英国史研究的奠基人之一。改革开放后,在教学改革、教材建设和世界历史研究等方面取得了令人瞩目的成就,其美国史研究和杰斐逊研究在国内外享有盛誉。刘祚昌先生半个多世纪的学术人生曲折而辉煌,是留给我们的一笔宝贵的精神财富。  相似文献   
李商隐和杜牧是晚唐两位杰出的诗人,李商隐有两首赠诗给杜牧,但杜牧没有回应。董乃斌先生撰文,从对党争的态度不同、文学观的不同、个性不同和两首诗本身四个方面分析比较,论述李杜二人交谊。董文侧重于对"李赠而杜不答"这一现象展开分析,中肯而有见;而对两首诗本身进行细读,并补刘蕡一例,或可为董文补充。  相似文献   
作为中唐时期重要的思想家和文学家,柳宗元在寓言文学创作领域取得了辉煌的成就。其寓言散文不仅揭露时弊、展现自我高洁人格操守、于嬉笑怒骂中表达对现实丑恶现象的不满,而且善于自我反思,表现出深刻的哲理意味。柳宗元寓言散文创作在一定程度上对晚唐讽刺文学皮里阳秋的创作风格、以批判为主的思想内容产生了不容忽视的影响。  相似文献   
通过对钢琴协奏曲《山林》的创作背景、创作手法、曲式结构、音乐风格等内容的分析,阐明了作曲家只有深入生活、热爱生活,才能使富于幻想的笔调升华,才能创作出真挚感人的、无愧于时代的优秀作品。  相似文献   
五四时期的刘半农勇于匡正时弊,锐意改革,在国文教学中强化应用文的重要地位,确立应用文教学文体的选取标准,创新应用写作指导的原则,改革应用文的批改方法,这都是对中国古代文论优良传统的继承和发扬。他的语文教育教学改革主张和实践是比较科学、比较全面的,这不仅是对当时腐朽文化和落后的的国文教学所进行的猛烈冲击,而且也应当成为我们当今语文教育教学改革的宝贵借鉴。  相似文献   
A particular concerns of researchers in statistical inference is bias in parameters estimation. Maximum likelihood estimators are often biased and for small sample size, the first order bias of them can be large and so it may influence the efficiency of the estimator. There are different methods for reduction of this bias. In this paper, we proposed a modified maximum likelihood estimator for the shape parameter of two popular skew distributions, namely skew-normal and skew-t, by offering a new method. We show that this estimator has lower asymptotic bias than the maximum likelihood estimator and is more efficient than those based on the existing methods.  相似文献   
In the context of ridge regression, the estimation of shrinkage parameter plays an important role in analyzing data. Many efforts have been put to develop the computation of risk function in different full-parametric ridge regression approaches using eigenvalues and then bringing an efficient estimator of shrinkage parameter based on them. In this respect, the estimation of shrinkage parameter is neglected for semiparametric regression model. Not restricted, but the main focus of this approach is to develop necessary tools for computing the risk function of regression coefficient based on the eigenvalues of design matrix in semiparametric regression. For this purpose the differencing methodology is applied. We also propose a new estimator for shrinkage parameter which is of harmonic type mean of ridge estimators. It is shown that this estimator performs better than all the existing ones for the regression coefficient. For our proposal, a Monte Carlo simulation study and a real dataset analysis related to housing attributes are conducted to illustrate the efficiency of shrinkage estimators based on the minimum risk and mean squared error criteria.  相似文献   
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