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The partial attributable risk (PAR) has been introduced as a tool for partitioning the responsibility for causing an adverse event between various risk factors. It has arisen from epidemiology, but it is also a valid general risk allocation concept, which can, for example, be applied to data from customer satisfaction surveys. So far, a variance formula for the PAR has been missing so that the confidence intervals were not directly available. This paper provides the asymptotic normal distribution for the PAR determined from a cross-sectional study.  相似文献   
For the analysis of square contingency tables with ordered categories, Goodman considered the diagonals-parameter symmetry (DPS) model. This paper proposes a measure to represent the degree of departure from the DPS model. The proposed measure is expressed by applying Read and Cressie’s power-divergence or Patil and Taillie’s diversity index. The measure would be useful for comparing the degree of departure from the DPS model in several tables. Examples are given.  相似文献   
A multivariate modified histogram density estimate depending on a reference density g and a partition P has been proved to have good consistency properties according to several information theoretic criteria. Given an i.i.d. sample, we show how to select automatically both g and P so that the expected L 1 error of the corresponding selected estimate is within a given constant multiple of the best possible error plus an additive term which tends to zero under mild assumptions. Our method is inspired by the combinatorial tools developed by Devroye and Lugosi [Devroye, L. and Lugosi, G., 2001, Combinatorial Methods in Density Estimation (New York, NY: Springer–Verlag)] and it includes a wide range of reference density and partition models. Results of simulations are also presented.  相似文献   
There is a considerable amount of literature dealing with inference about the parameters in a heteroscedastic one-way random-effects ANOVA model. In this paper, we primarily address the problem of improved quadratic estimation of the random-effect variance component. It turns out that such estimators with a smaller mean squared error compared with some standard unbiased quadratic estimators exist under quite general conditions. Improved estimators of the error variance components are also established.  相似文献   
E. Spjotvoll 《Statistics》2013,47(1):69-93
A review is given of random regression coefficients models. The emphasis is put on the problem of estimating the mean regression coefficients and the covariance matrix of the coefficients. Prediction of the individual random coefficients is not discussed. The main purpose of the review is to point to the practical aspects of the models and the problem of statistical inference in finite samples. Some problems for future research are indicated.  相似文献   
J. Kleffe 《Statistics》2013,47(3):337-343
Stimualted by C.R. Rao's MINQUE J. Focke and G. Dewess introduced the so called r-and ∞ MINQUE. Although they developed a unique charecterization of ∞-MINQUE, they did not give explicite formulas for its computation. The goal this paper is to close this lack and to etend the concept to more general models.  相似文献   
We establish strong consistency of the least squares estimates in multiple regression models discarding the usual assumption of the errors having null mean value. Thus, we required them to be i.i.d. with absolute moment of order r, 0<r<2, and null mean value when r>1. Only moderately restrictive conditions are imposed on the model matrix. In our treatment, we use an extension of the Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund strong law to overcome the errors mean value not being defined. In this way, we get a unified treatment for the case of i.i.d. errors extending the results of some previous papers.  相似文献   
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