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Australian adult prisoner numbers continue to rise to what have been described as unprecedented and unsustainable levels. Research highlights that there are wide-ranging consequences of incarceration for families, and particularly for children. Despite the available research describing the negative impact of parental incarceration on children, it has been argued that these children remain virtually invisible to policy makers and social programs. Using a combination of policy analyses and findings from a research project undertaken in the Australian Capital Territory aimed at identifying the needs of children who have a parent in prison, we examine how this group of children is constructed and responded to by the systems that surround the children. It is argued that it is only when children are seen in a more holistic way that systems can respond more collaboratively to effectively support children.

  • Children of prisoners have needed to rely on adults to recognise the problem of parental incarceration and petition for them.

  • It is time for those who inform and develop social policy to consider the impact of current policies on children.

  • It is only when children are seen in a more holistic way that systems can respond more collaboratively to effectively support them.

地震灾后失依儿童面临着创伤压力、丧亲哀恸以及依附关系变迁的三重弱势困境.社会工作应基于儿童最佳利益原则,介入失依儿童寄养安置,增进其依附关系的建立;开展多层面的心理干预,妥善处理灾后心理危机;提供失依儿童个案管理,促进其可持续的社会适应.  相似文献   
以身体为基的自由是一种实践的、动态的自由,此自由体现在身体不断地对界限进行超越的过程中,体现在不确定性和流动性中。儿童的自由只有在实践的、不确定的身体运动中才能生长起来。儿童的权力,从动作出发而产生;儿童的智慧,在体验中生长;儿童的自由,在身体解放中得以实现。  相似文献   
刘亮程的散文以独特的视角抒写了他对人生和自然的感悟。通过对一个“村庄”的不厌其烦的描绘,诉说万物生灵的生存状态,表现他对于大千世界天人合一、等物齐观的思想认识。他以自己的故土为立足点,以儿童的眼光和情怀叙述故事,别开生面,又别具特色。  相似文献   
Books reviewed:
Bob Deacon with (Michelle Hulse and Paul Stubbs) Global Social Policy: International Organizations and the Future of Welfare
James Midgley Social Welfare in Global Context
John Carter Postmodernity and the Fragmentation of Welfare
Peter Leonard Postmodern Welfare: Reconstructing an Emancipatory Project
Robert E. Goodin The Theory of Institutional Design
A. Rogers and D. Pilgrim Mental Health Policy in Britain: A Critical Introduction
S. Goodwin Comparative Mental Health Policy: From Institutional to Community Care
D. Tomlinson and J. Carrier Asylum in the Community  相似文献   
兰州城区流动人口子女教育现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对兰州城区部分6~14周岁的流动人口子女教育现状的调查表明:流动人口子女家庭教育的客观环境较差。在学校的义务教育中,被调查对象对学校基本满意;学校的教学和课程基本适应学生发展需要;老师对待本地孩子和流动人口子女差别不明显,个别方面有所差异;流动人口子女与同学关系总体来说比较好。大多数流动人口子女自我评价比较肯定和积极。流动人口子女的教育,不但需要家长树立科学、理性的教育观念,学校内也要建立平等的教育环境,政府方面更应采取一定的措施。  相似文献   
儿童信息危机包括信息泛滥、信息污染、信息虚拟和信息图像化,其主要影响体现在三个方面:儿童加速了“成人化”倾向,呈现出“催赶式”的成长状况;儿童读写能力下降,深度思考和逻辑思维能力欠缺;儿童无法准确提炼有效信息,易受不良信息和虚拟信息的误导。应对儿童信息危机的对策如下:保护儿童的权利,与儿童共享信息权;注重儿童的媒介参与,加强媒介素养教育;制定和完善国家信息政策,颁布儿童互联网保护法律;加强信息监督管理,提高专业人员的媒介自律精神;注重印刷媒体的使用和推广。  相似文献   
对礼法观念的承载和传播是传统社会法律启蒙教育所具有的特质与功能。《幼学琼林》是明清以降蒙学的重要教材,其《讼狱篇》炼词精整、广搜众采,皆传统法律文化之名物掌故,颇为博瞻。其对"无讼"、"贬讼"的宣扬,对德教与刑罚并施的主张等,虽可说是编者对礼法观念的体认,实为对明清之际明刑弼教的迎合,也是当时法律知识宣讲渠道之一。作为道德教化下的情理关怀与教育,《讼狱篇》注重教育方法的采用,以典释礼律,事理并举,正反教育,堪比跨越识字阶段到阅读典籍阶段鸿沟的桥梁,是儿童从认字学故走向读经识礼的过渡。  相似文献   
窦影 《社会工作》2011,(1):87-89
作为城市中第二代移民的农民工子女,其城市融入存在着诸多障碍,如何解决是关乎城市社会稳定发展的重要问题之一,笔者试图从已有的农民工子女城市融入中存在的困境入手,从增权理论角度,对农民工子女的城市融入提供途径,提升其城市融入的能力.  相似文献   
Italy has one of the highest levels of childhood overweight and obesity in Europe. Therefore, preventing children from becoming overweight is a major public health challenge. Here, we used a mixed-method research approach – including a quasi-experimental design and three surveys – to create a formative evaluation of a social marketing campaign on healthy nutrition and lifestyle in Italian primary school children. The social marketing campaign was organized around the 4 Ps of the marketing mix (product: the educational activities; place: the involved schools and supermarkets; promotion: the in-person and technology-based communication; and price: hours spent by the targeted children in fulfilling the educational activities). The campaign involved primary-school children across four Italian cities. The findings suggest that social marketing education campaigns can be effective tools to improve children’s knowledge about healthy food and lifestyle, reduce their sedentary behavior, and increase their consumption of healthy food. Also, increasing children’s acceptance of healthful nourishment is a valuable tool to improve the dietary habits of the entire family. With relation to the educational program assessment method, this study can inform societal interventions especially those involving children through the integration of different qualitative and quantitative research methods, which collect data from different subjects and perspectives.  相似文献   
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