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We consider hypothesis testing and estimation of carry-over effects in continuous data under an incomplete block crossover design when comparing two experimental treatments with a placebo. We develop procedures for testing differential carry-over effects based on the weighted-least-squares (WLS) method. We apply Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the performance of these test procedures in a variety of situations. We use the data regarding the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) readings taken from a double-blind crossover trial comparing two different doses of formoterol with a placebo to illustrate the use of test procedures proposed here.  相似文献   
We compare posterior and predictive estimators and probabilities in response-adaptive randomization designs for two- and three-group clinical trials with binary outcomes. Adaptation based upon posterior estimates are discussed, as are two predictive probability algorithms: one using the traditional definition, the other using a skeptical distribution. Optimal and natural lead-in designs are covered. Simulation studies show that efficacy comparisons lead to more adaptation than center comparisons, though at some power loss, skeptically predictive efficacy comparisons and natural lead-in approaches lead to less adaptation but offer reduced allocation variability. Though nuanced, these results help clarify the power-adaptation trade-off in adaptive randomization.  相似文献   
In drug development, it sometimes occurs that a new drug does not demonstrate effectiveness for the full study population but appears to be beneficial in a relevant subgroup. In case the subgroup of interest was not part of a confirmatory testing strategy, the inflation of the overall type I error is substantial and therefore such a subgroup analysis finding can only be seen as exploratory at best. To support such exploratory findings, an appropriate replication of the subgroup finding should be undertaken in a new trial. We should, however, be reasonably confident in the observed treatment effect size to be able to use this estimate in a replication trial in the subpopulation of interest. We were therefore interested in evaluating the bias of the estimate of the subgroup treatment effect, after selection based on significance for the subgroup in an overall “failed” trial. Different scenarios, involving continuous as well as dichotomous outcomes, were investigated via simulation studies. It is shown that the bias associated with subgroup findings in overall nonsignificant clinical trials is on average large and varies substantially across plausible scenarios. This renders the subgroup treatment estimate from the original trial of limited value to design the replication trial. An empirical Bayesian shrinkage method is suggested to minimize this overestimation. The proposed estimator appears to offer either a good or a conservative correction to the observed subgroup treatment effect hence provides a more reliable subgroup treatment effect estimate for adequate planning of future studies.  相似文献   
Network meta‐analysis is becoming a common approach to combine direct and indirect comparisons of several treatment arms. In recent research, there have been various developments and extensions of the standard methodology. Simultaneously, cluster randomized trials are experiencing an increased popularity, especially in the field of health services research, where, for example, medical practices are the units of randomization but the outcome is measured at the patient level. Combination of the results of cluster randomized trials is challenging. In this tutorial, we examine and compare different approaches for the incorporation of cluster randomized trials in a (network) meta‐analysis. Furthermore, we provide practical insight on the implementation of the models. In simulation studies, it is shown that some of the examined approaches lead to unsatisfying results. However, there are alternatives which are suitable to combine cluster randomized trials in a network meta‐analysis as they are unbiased and reach accurate coverage rates. In conclusion, the methodology can be extended in such a way that an adequate inclusion of the results obtained in cluster randomized trials becomes feasible. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Meta‐analyses of clinical trials typically focus on one outcome at a time. However, treatment decision‐making depends on an overall assessment of outcomes balancing benefit in various domains and potential risks. This calls for meta‐analysis methods for combined outcomes that encompass information from different domains. When individual patient data (IPD) are available from all studies, combined outcomes can be calculated for each individual and standard meta‐analysis methods would apply. However, IPD are usually difficult to obtain. We propose a method to estimate the overall treatment effect for combined outcomes based on first reconstructing pseudo IPD from available summary statistics and then pooling estimates from multiple reconstructed datasets. We focus on combined outcomes constructed from two continuous original outcomes. The reconstruction step requires the specification of the joint distribution of these two original outcomes, including the correlation which is often unknown. For outcomes that are combined in a linear fashion, misspecifications of this correlation affect efficiency, but not consistency, of the resulting treatment effect estimator. For other combined outcomes, an accurate estimate of the correlation is necessary to ensure the consistency of treatment effect estimates. To this end, we propose several ways to estimate this correlation under different data availability scenarios. We evaluate the performance of the proposed methods through simulation studies and apply these to two examples: (a) a meta‐analysis of dipeptidyl peptidase‐4 inhibitors vs control on treating type 2 diabetes; and (b) a meta‐analysis of positive airway pressure therapy vs control on lowering blood pressure among patients with obstructive sleep apnea.  相似文献   
Oversubscribed treatments are often allocated using randomized waiting lists. Applicants are ranked randomly, and treatment offers are made following that ranking until all seats are filled. To estimate causal effects, researchers often compare applicants getting and not getting an offer. We show that those two groups are not statistically comparable. Therefore, the estimator arising from that comparison is inconsistent when the number of waitlists goes to infinity. We propose a new estimator, and show that it is consistent, provided the waitlists have at least two seats. Finally, we revisit an application, and we show that using our estimator can lead to a statistically significant difference with respect to the results obtained using the commonly used estimator.  相似文献   
The method of minimum likelihood allocation (MLA) for allocating subjects to treatments in a clinical trial amounts to checking at each stage which allocation would lead an outside observer to find the least evidence of a relationship between treatment and factors of prognostic significance, assuming that the observer would use a linear exponential model. One advantage of MLA is that results from game theory and likelihood theory can be used to prove it has desirable long run properties. Two of these demonstrated here are (1) ‘consistency’, in the sense that the average likelihood ratio which measures design imbalance tends to zero, and (2) ‘efficiency’ in the sense that the variance estimates of treatment effects will tend to be minimized in the long run.  相似文献   
An extension of the stochastic process associated with the geometric distribution is presented. Combinatorial arguments are used to derive probabilities for various events of interest. Probabilities are approximated by evaluating truncated series. Bounds on the errors of approximation are developed. An example is presented and some additional applications are noted.  相似文献   
Formal inference in randomized clinical trials is based on controlling the type I error rate associated with a single pre‐specified statistic. The deficiency of using just one method of analysis is that it depends on assumptions that may not be met. For robust inference, we propose pre‐specifying multiple test statistics and relying on the minimum p‐value for testing the null hypothesis of no treatment effect. The null hypothesis associated with the various test statistics is that the treatment groups are indistinguishable. The critical value for hypothesis testing comes from permutation distributions. Rejection of the null hypothesis when the smallest p‐value is less than the critical value controls the type I error rate at its designated value. Even if one of the candidate test statistics has low power, the adverse effect on the power of the minimum p‐value statistic is not much. Its use is illustrated with examples. We conclude that it is better to rely on the minimum p‐value rather than a single statistic particularly when that single statistic is the logrank test, because of the cost and complexity of many survival trials. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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