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城郊失地农民的社会角色转换 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
随着城市化进程的推进,失地农民数量激增。如何使这一群体实现社会角色的转变,变成真正意义上的城市居民,是当前城市化进程中一个亟待解决的重大问题。目前城郊农民角色转换中面临内在动力不足等现实困境,需要城郊失地农民通过自身的努力,增强生存和发展能力;更需要政府积极作为,加快制度创新,完善公共政策,为城郊失地农民实现角色转换提供制度保障。 相似文献
绵阳城区街道用字状况的调查分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
唐晋先 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2006,23(1):101-104
通过对绵阳城区街道用字状况的抽样调查,发现绵阳城区街道用字仍存在着一些不规范的现象。有关部门应加强宣传教育,提高人们的用字规范意识;同时加强监督管理,切实提高绵阳城区街道用字的规范程度。 相似文献
目前,受众心理学研究的两种主要套路,即对某些文化研究成果的有限发挥或是把一些传播学的研究成果运用到电影领域再做一次经验主义的练习,造成了这一领域研究实质上的空洞.事实上,有意义的受众心理学研究,应运用心理学研究的方法,对受众心理的形成机制进行深入探讨以取代那些普泛的、猜测性的结论.鉴于此,本文将在电影第二符号学理论的基础上,对电影二次同化问题、观影者在角色认同上的多重性和游移性问题作出新的阐释,以期重构观影主体理论. 相似文献
赖先刚 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2009,26(2):13-18,49
从数量语义特征看,量词重叠并未产生空间量的变化,量词重叠量变发生在时间维度上,此外数量短语具有时问性和层级性,它们都不具有体词性的数量语义特征而具有谓词性的数量语义特征。从句法功能上看,量词与量词结构也不具有体词性,而具有谓词性。量词体词性的误会可以从“理论影响、意义、运用、产生”四方面来看。 相似文献
罗先奎 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》2012,13(6):140-141
校园文化是高职院校赖以生存和发展的力量源泉,是高等职业教育的根基和灵魂,是提升高职院校办学实力、增强高职院校竞争力的重要砝码。高职院校校园文化主要涵盖物质文化、精神文化、制度文化和行为文化;应用性、服务性、职业选定性、特色性、文化地域性和开放性是高职院校校园文化的显著特征。 相似文献
邵炳军 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2003,2(2):45-48,62
以<诗经>、<尚书>、<国语>、<左传>为代表的诗经时代文学风格观念与"风骨论"有着渊源关系,先秦儒家与道家的文学风格观都不同程度地对"风骨论"产生过影响,先秦诸子和魏晋玄学的风格观对"风骨论"的形成具有更为直接的影响.正是刘勰从"宗经"、"征圣"的复古立场出发,提出了古代文艺理论中属于内容方面的重要范畴--风骨论. 相似文献
胡为雄 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2002,29(4):9-17
由于各国经济发展的不平衡,经济全球化的当代特征表现为三角化、区域一体化和跨国公司的迅速崛起。经济全球化正在改变现有政治格局,推动世界政治朝全球性方向演进并形成全球性的治理机构或协调治理形式。在以发达国家为主导、跨国公司为主要动力的经济全球化过程中,中国作为发展中国家在国际竞争方面处于弱势,这要靠全党全民运用自己的智慧和力量,利用自己已经具备的各种有利条件去应对全球化的挑战。从人类社会经济形态演进的自然历史过程看,经济全球化不过是资本主义的社会化生产和市场全球性扩张的新的历史阶段。从马克思的立场看,全球化将会是资本主义时代的终结,并为社会主义社会的到来做好准备,随全球化而来的将是一个更加美好的新世界。 相似文献
Shiyu Lu 《Journal of social service research》2019,45(2):241-253
Community-based elder care has become a dominant model in the world. However, the role of community-level factors in helping or hindering the individuals concerned in obtaining the needed care has not received much attention. This research aims to investigate how community-level factors, including neighborhood disadvantage, residential instability, and social service environment affect the need for instrumental, medical, and emotional services of Chinese senior residents. Employing the hierarchical multiple regression analysis, the results show that instrumental activities of daily living impairment contributed significantly to the need for instrumental, medical and emotional services. Living alone was found to be associated with the need for medical and emotional services. Objective socioeconomic status was only significantly related to the need for medical care. The type of urban community was positively associated with the need for instrumental services and was negatively related to the need for medical care. Residential instability was positively associated with of the need for instrumental services and medical care. Social service environments had heterogeneous effects on the need for social services. However, neighborhood disadvantage had no significant impact on the need for social services. Implications for future research and policy reform were also discussed. 相似文献
Caroline Vandenplas Michèle Ernst Stähli Dominique Joye Alexandre Pollien 《Mathematical Population Studies》2017,24(2):103-125
ABSTRACTAdjustment for nonresponse should reduce the nonresponse bias without decreasing the precision of the estimates. Adjustment for nonresponses are commonly based on socio-demographic variables, although these variables may be poorly correlated with response propensities and with variables of interest. Such variables nevertheless have the advantage of being available for all sample units, whether or not they are participating in the survey. Alternatively, adjustment for nonresponse can be obtained from a follow-up survey aimed at sample units which did not participate in the survey and from which the variables are designed to be correlated with response propensities. However, information collected through these follow-up surveys is not available for people in the sample who participated neither in the survey nor in its nonresponse follow-up. These two sets of variables when used in a nonresponse model for the Swiss European Social Survey 2012 differ only slightly with regard to their effect on bias correction and on the precision of estimates. The variables from the follow-up are performing slightly better. In both cases, the adjustment for nonresponse performs poorly. 相似文献