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本文在分析司法的本性和特征以及司法独立原则发展的历史脉络的基础上,提出司法即审判,司法独立即审判独立;司法独立的基本含义在于法院、法官依法独立行使司法权或审判权,法院、法官对案件的裁决只服从法律,不受任何外来干涉.  相似文献   
论拉伦茨氏裁判方法的实质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用传统的判案理论系统分析了拉伦茨氏的方法论体系。指出,拉伦茨氏方法论的基础是欧洲传统“名判”逻辑,其设定目标乃个案公决。拉伦茨氏强调了法官“续造法”的权力。所续造的“法”不是条法,而是曾经自主运用诸条法的模式,它理应有“现行法”的拘束力。“条法库”的缺漏由审判员以法律运用技术补足。诸准则之不谐或与宪法条法的不谐需赖“法益衡量”调谐。分析结论是,拉伦茨氏片面突出法官的自主地位,其方法论在本质上是现代法治社会一种尚需调制的折衷系统。  相似文献   
独立是西方文化中的一个重要概念,也是与自立涵义相近的一个概念.从西方学者提出的关于独立的界定、结构与测量、影响因素以及对独立概念的反思等可以了解到西方的独立研究现状.在此基础上探讨独立与自立的异同,得到以下认识:(1)自立与独立是在不同文化、经济和政治条件下产生的不同人格构念,差异的关键在于自立是一种辩证性的人格特征,是独立与依赖对立统一的结果;(2)自立是我国优秀文化传统保持下来的有现代生命力的人格构念;(3)自立和独立都是涉及多种心理成分和多个领域的复杂人格构念.  相似文献   
利用随机变量的投影关系,定义了偏方差矩阵,从而导出了逆方差阵元素的一种形式在随机变量是正态的条件,它为判别条件独立性有方便的操作办法。  相似文献   
抗战时期,陕甘宁边区广大农村妇女在中国共产党的领导下,通过积极投身生产运动,使其家庭处境和社会处境得到改观,促进了妇女主体意识的萌生和人们对妇女解放运动的认同与协作,更反映了中国共产党始终是妇女根本利益的代表。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with independence test in high-dimension. A new test statistic is proposed with two terms: one is based on the modified distance correlation statistic, the other is constructed to enhance the power under sparse alternatives. Asymptotic properties of the test statistic are discussed under some regular conditions. The finite-sample simulations exhibit its superiority over some existing procedures. Finally, a real data example illustrates the proposed test.  相似文献   
At the end of May 2005, UNMIK head Jessen-Petersen addressed the UN Security Council presenting a generally positive picture of the situation in Kosovo. Now, a special envoy of the UN Secretary General will prepare a full-length report by September 2005 that addresses whether the most important human rights and democratic standards in Kosovo have been fulfilled. It is expected that this report will ascertain that the necessary progress has been made so that, as early as autumn of 2005, the UN Security Council can give the green light for starting negotiations on Kosovo's final status. Whether the carrot of EU membership can be dangled as the most enticing political incentive for Belgrade and Prishtina is questionable in light of the increasing weariness within the EU over expansion.  相似文献   
With the rhetoric of independence, new cash for care systems were introduced in many developed welfare states at the end of the 20th century. These systems allow local authorities to pay people who are eligible for community care services directly, to enable them to employ their own careworkers. Despite the obvious importance of the careworker’s perceptions of a welfare system aimed at independence for disabled people, this perspective is under‐researched. This article explores this perspective by outlining three examples of careworker strategies (a continuing carer biography, searching for new horizons and acting pragmatically) identified in a cross‐national case study of cash for care in the UK and Norway. The strategies are mainly derived by considering different positions in the labour market and different ways of carrying out this carework. Overall, the paper intends to contribute to the understanding of the complex welfare dilemma between user independence and the nature of carework.  相似文献   
Objective: The authors evaluated the validity of familial enmeshment (extreme proximity in family relationships) as a risk factor for eating disorders across cultural value orientations. They tested the hypothesis that although familial enmeshment may be a risk factor for eating disorder pathology for (1) participants of non-Asian descent or (2) culturally independent participants, enmeshment will not be a risk factor for (1) participants of Asian descent or (2) culturally interdependent participants. Participants: 255 undergraduate women participated. Methods: Participants completed questionnaires on cultural value orientations, enmeshment, and eating disorder pathology. Results: As hypothesized, enmeshment was related to eating disorder pathology in non-Asian American and culturally independent participants, but not in Asian American and culturally interdependent participants. Conclusions: Depending on cultural values, enmeshment may or may not be a risk factor for eating disorders. This study highlights the importance of examining risk factors in the appropriate cultural framework when considering college student mental health.  相似文献   
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