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战后初期,英国政府在实施独立核威慑政策的过程中面临着诸多难以克服的困难,具体表现在四个方面:英国经济困难与资源短缺对独立核威慑政策的实施具有根本制约作用;英国需要与美国、各自治领乃至西欧各国进行原子能交流与合作而难以完全独立进行原子能开发;两极格局与北大西洋公约组织的建立致使英国在防务上的独立地位受到挑战;英国核威慑力量及其威慑效应比较有限。  相似文献   
司法独立体系的建构必须要体现科学发展观的要求,要随着社会发展的步伐不断进步,要把以人为本作为建构司法独立体系的核心要求,同时在法制建设的同时要满足可持续发展的要求。我国现阶段司法独立体系的建设已经取得长足的进步,但是在我国司法实践中,司法独立遇到的现实冲突还是不少的,本文拟从法官、机构设置等角度探讨我国司法独立体系的建构。  相似文献   
Gambling research is beset with vested interests, be they those of the state or the gambling industry. The effect of these on the quality and focus of research has been largely ignored. Full and transparent disclosure policies are a useful first step in identifying possible sources of conflict. Progress in public health tends to be achieved in small, incremental steps, as the experience in tobacco and alcohol research makes plain. The rest of the journey will involve the achievement of the level of independence in gambling research that has been modelled by the alcohol and tobacco research assemblages.  相似文献   
面对经济全球化的浪潮和审计国际化趋势,内部审计必须准确定位,积极与国际惯例接轨。本文较系统地分析了内部审计的职能和内容,对内部审计独立性及其必要性进行了理论阐述  相似文献   
The existing synthetic exponential control charts are based on the assumption of known in-control parameter. However, the in-control parameter has to be estimated from a Phase I dataset. In this article, we use the exact probability distribution, especially the percentiles, mean, and standard deviation of the conditional average run length (ARL) to evaluate the effect of parameter estimation on the performance of the Phase II synthetic exponential charts. This approach accounts for the variability in the conditional ARL values of the synthetic chart obtained by different practitioners. Since parameter estimation results in more false alarms than expected, we develop an exact method to design the adjusted synthetic charts with desired conditional in-control performance. Results of known and unknown in-control parameter cases show that the control limit of the conforming run length sub-chart of the synthetic chart should be as small as possible.  相似文献   
论高校教学档案的信息化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着以计算机、网络技术为代表的现代信息技术迅猛发展,从事教学档案管理工作的从业者们纷纷思索着新时代档案管理工作的新走向。如何使教学档案的管理工作逐步走出从前的依附性地位的状况,成为独立性的信息资源,如何将"信息化"这一理念作为一种"符号"引入教学档案的管理工作中,是本文所讨论的内容。  相似文献   
We present an overview of some important and/or interesting contributions to the latent variable literature for the analysis of multivariate categorical responses, beginning with Lazarsfeld's introduction of latent class models. There is by now an enormous literature on latent variable models for categorical responses, especially in the context of including random effects in generalized linear mixed models, so this is necessarily a highly selective overview. Due to space considerations, we summarize the main ideas, suppressing details. As part of our presentation, we raise a couple of questions that may suggest future research work.  相似文献   
We present a stochastic version of a three-layer supply network planning problem that includes the selection of vendors that must be equipped with company-specific tools. The configuration of a supply network must be determined by using demand forecasts for a long planning horizon to meet a given service level. The risk induced by the uncertain demand is explicitly considered by incorporating the conditional value at risk. The objective is to maximize the weighted sum of the expected net present value of discounted cash flows and the conditional value at risk. This would lead to a non-linear model formulation that is approximated by a mixed-integer linear model. This approximation is realized by a piecewise linearization of the expected backlogs and physical inventory as non-linear functions of cumulative production quantities. A two-stage stochastic programming approach is proposed. Our numerical analysis of generic test instances indicates that solving the linearized model formulation yields a robust and stable supply network configuration when demand is uncertain.  相似文献   
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