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Studies of children's conceptions of war, which have been carried out up to now mainly by asking for a definition of war and associating it with other notions, have found few age-related changes after the age of 6. Considering the complexity of the concept, and its embeddedness in the political conceptual domain, which emerges at around 11 years, we expect that greater differences should emerge if children's ideas on the causes and consequences of war, and the actors involved, are carefully assessed. Semi-structured interviews carried out with a total of 80 Italian children from 2nd to 8th grades confirmed this hypothesis. Many 2nd graders described war as a clash between collectives without structure, attributing all decisions about starting, the development of, and ending a war to the individual fighters and explaining these decisions (when they did) as due to emotions such as hatred, envy, revenge, or being tired or unwilling to fight any longer. Most 6th and 8th graders depicted war as a clash between nation-states, attributing decisions about its starting and ending to political authorities on the basis of political and economic reasons, and the actual fighting of battles to an organized army collaborating with, or subordinate to, political authorities. Many 2nd and 4th graders also showed a mixed pattern of answers, involving both political authorities and individual fighters, thus showing that the transition from the rudimentary backward conception to the more advanced one occurs through the piecemeal addition and deletion of concepts and beliefs.  相似文献   
中国传统文学观主要有杂文学观和纯文学观,这两种文学观在西方现代文学观的强烈冲击下,仍然得以延续。阮元的纯文学观、章太炎的杂文学观、刘师培的纯文学观与杂文学观都与传统的杂文学观和纯文学观密不可分,可谓传统文学观的现代余绪。  相似文献   
在新的历史条件和背景下,高校思想政治教育工作面临着挑战和机遇。我们应进一步转变思想观念,切实推进高校思想政治理论课教学改革,不断提高其针对性、实效性和吸引力、感染力,努力使思想政治理论课成为深受学生欢迎、受益终身的重要课程。  相似文献   
正义是人类社会的永恒价值追求,其主要问题是社会的基本结构,其本质目的就是利益的合理划分。文章旨在运用价值作为分析评判社会制度规约下的社会合作之利益划分正义与否的标准和依据。  相似文献   
亚里士多德的自然哲学著作和近代物理学都是physics,但却是两种有根本区别的研究。自然哲学是哲学的一个分支,不是近代意义上的“科学”。自然哲学较多依赖于一般的经验与观察,而近代科学更多依赖于借助仪器进行的观察和通过实验产生的事实。自然哲学的目的是理解基本事物一现象的所以然,主要通过对自然概念的梳理来理解自然现象;近代意义上的物理学则以建构技术性概念来说明自然现象。自然哲学以形而上学为原理,而物理学则最终要抛弃形而上学。要读懂自然哲学著作,读者需要有良好的思考训练,但无须任何特殊学科的技术准备和专门的数学训练。自然哲学每个体系更多地展现出某个哲学家首创的总体解释,而不在于为这一学科的知识积累作出贡献。  相似文献   
本文对进口替代和出口导向两种外贸战略进行了分析,认为我国应该充分利用大国的优势,立足于国内需求,降低对外依存度,同时应根据经济全球化的内在要求积极与世界经济接轨,实施进口替代与出口导向相结合的外贸战略,以成功应对经济全球化的挑战。  相似文献   
角色理论是一个丰富的哲学概念群,是个亟待拓展的哲学空间,开发角色理论的方法论功能,应当是哲学的使命。角色理论蕴含着重要的社会规范意义和丰富的方法论意义。增强人们的角色意识,有利于规范人们的社会行为,促进健康的社会氛围的培育和发展;丰富的中国特色社会主义实践,亟需用具有时代特征的历史唯物主义概念和语言来描述和解读,角色理论所倡导的一系列概念应当能够有所贡献。  相似文献   
We propose new dependence measures for two real random variables not necessarily linearly related. Covariance and linear correlation are expressed in terms of principal components and are generalized for variables distributed along a curve. Properties of these measures are discussed. The new measures are estimated using principal curves and are computed for simulated and real data sets. Finally, we present several statistical applications for the new dependence measures.  相似文献   
开阔思维抓住本质——"计算机控制技术"课程教学探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"计算机控制技术"是以控制原理和计算机技术为基础的综合专业课。为了建立与前续课程的区别与联系,文章从积分变换、部分分式法求Z反变换、连续域离散化设计和计算机控制系统直接设计方法等方面探讨了计算机控制技术知识点的本质,以便学生能够理清概念,掌握本课程的知识。  相似文献   
汪曾祺所追求的超功利的率性自然的美学思想在启蒙与救亡的双重变奏的现代文学中注定是一个边缘性的存在。即使进入新时期,政治与文学的蜜月期也让以天下为己任关心民瘼的作家以牺牲文学的启蒙的审美一维而获得了启蒙的文学的功利性的轰动效应,但他的秉性气质、生活阅历都决定了他的超功利性的审美叙事风格与主流文坛的格格不入。到了文学与政治分离回归文学本体的九十年代,失去了对文学的敬畏和职业操守的新新作家在与钱共舞的欲望泥淖中将文学打扮成码字儿的职业,嗜短篇小说如命而且宣称自己只会写短篇小说不知长篇小说为何物的汪曾祺也只能在众声喧哗、多元共存的无名时代处于边缘的边缘的位置了,这种边缘化的叙事美学风格在叙事题材的边缘化、叙事观念的边缘化、叙事风格的边缘化等方面得到了鲜明的体现。  相似文献   
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