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本文应用 H.L.P.均值于样本,构造了广义样本均值;为了将它用于参数估计,根据替换法则(Substitution rule),推广了数学期望的定义,同时引入新的无偏性.最后应用广义数学期望的基本性质推出若干结论(定理1~4),说明在参数估计方面应用广义均值是有意义的.  相似文献   
It is shown in detail how recent advances in multiple-output and projectional quantile regression open the door to exact computation of many inferential statistics based on projection pursuit. This is also illustrated on a few examples including new regression generalizations of multivariate skewness, kurtosis, and projection depth.  相似文献   

Several authors ( e.g. Kim and DeMets, 1987a, Biometrics) have developed methods for estimation following group sequential tests in clinical trials when each patient has only one response. In many long-term clinical trials, the subjects enter the study sequentially and yield repeated measurements or other types of multivariate observations at successive follow-up visits. Typically, investigators want to compare a parameter of interest such as the slope over time in a repeated measures trial etc. In this article, we propose an exact confidence interval for these parameters in a repeated measures trial, and compare it with a naive confidence interval using Monte Carlo simulation. This method is illustrated with a real example for bone density measurements.  相似文献   
A non‐parametric kernel estimator of the spectral density of stationary random closed sets is studied. Conditions are derived under which this estimator is asymptotically unbiased and mean‐square consistent. For the planar Boolean model with isotropic compact and convex grains, an averaged version of the kernel estimator is compared with the theoretical spectral density.  相似文献   
An objective of Record Linkage is to link two data files by identifying common elements. A popular model for doing the separation is the probabilistic one from Fellegi and Sunter. To estimate the parameters needed for the model usually a mixture model is constructed and the EM algorithm is applied. For simplification, the assumption of conditional independence is often made. This assumption says that if several attributes of elements in the data are compared, then the results of the comparisons regarding the several attributes are independent within the mixture classes. A mixture model constructed with this assumption has been often used. Within this article a straightforward extension of the model is introduced which allows for conditional dependencies but is heavily dependent on the choice of the starting value. Therefore also an estimation procedure for the EM algorithm starting value is proposed. The two models are compared empirically in a simulation study based on telephone book entries. Particularly the effect of different starting values and conditional dependencies on the matching results is investigated.  相似文献   
We discuss the nature of ancillary information in the context of the continuous uniform distribution. In the one-sample problem, the existence of sufficient statistics mitigates conditioning on the ancillary configuration. In the two-sample problem, additional ancillary information becomes available when the ratio of scale parameters is known. We give exact results for conditional inferences about the common scale parameter and for the difference in location parameters of two uniform distributions. The ancillary information affects the precision of the latter through a comparison of the sample value of the ratio of scale parameters with the known population value. A limited conditional simulation compares the Type I errors and power of these exact results with approximate results using the robust pooled t-statistic.  相似文献   
In this article, we use a characterization of the set of sample counts that do not match with the null hypothesis of the test of goodness of fit. Two direct applications arise: first, to instantaneously generate data sets whose corresponding asymptotic P-values belong to a certain pre-defined range; and second, to compute exact P-values for this test in an efficient way. We present both issues before illustrating them by analyzing a couple of data sets. Method's efficiency is also assessed by means of simulations. We focus on Pearson's X 2 statistic but the case of likelihood-ratio statistic is also discussed.  相似文献   
The exact maximum likelihood estimate provides a test statistic for the unit root test that is more powerful than the usual least-squares approach. In this article, a new derivation is given for the asymptotic distribution of this test statistic that is simpler and more direct than the previous method. The response surface regression method is used to obtain a fast algorithm that computes accurate finite-sample critical values. This algorithm is available in the R package mleur that is available on CRAN. The empirical power of the new test is shown to be much better than the usual test not only in the normal case but also for innovations generated from an infinite variance stable distribution as well as for innovations generated from a GARCH(1,1) process.  相似文献   
Here we have obtained a non-parametric test for testing the null hypothesis H0 that the given realization is from a Markov process against the alternative hypothesis H1 that it is from a semi-Markov process with the transition rate monotone increasing (or decreasing). We have shown that the test criterion has normal distribution asymptotically, and the test is consistent and unbiased.  相似文献   
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