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刘向在校书的过程中积累了大量的经验,并在不断深化认识的基础上建构了古文献学的基本框架。他对古文献学的分支学科如版本学、校勘学、目录学、辨伪学等的理论建构,表现出可贵的自觉性。刘向的成就在于承上启下,把古文献学的发展由早期形态推进到一个新的阶段。  相似文献   
The following life-testing situation is considered. At some time in the distant past, n objects, from a population with life distribution F, were put in use; whenever an object failed, it was promptly replaced. At some time τ, long after the start of the process, a statistician starts observing the n objects in use at that time; he knows the age of each of those n objects, and observes each of them for a fixed length of time? ∞, or until failure, whichever occurs first. In the case where T is finite, some of the observations may be censored; in the case where T =∞, there is no censoring. The total life of an object in use at time ∞ is a length-biased observation from F. A nonparametric estimator of the (cumulative) hazard function is proposed, and is used to construct an estimator of F which is of the product-limit type. Strong uniform consistency results (for n → ∞) are obtained. An “Aalen-Johansen” identity, satisfied by any pair of life distributions and their (cumulative) hazard functions, is used in obtaining rate-of-convergence results.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the linear regression model in which the coefficients are random variables. The Hildreth-Houck method is considered for estimating the model. Sufficient conditions for the consistency of the Hildreth-Houck estimator are discussed and its asymptotic normality is established.  相似文献   
The necessary and sufficient condition is obtained such that ridge estimator is better than the least squares estimator relative to the matrix mean square error.  相似文献   
宋词中,柳永多秋暮之吟,苏轼多晴雨之咏,不同的物象选择反映了词人不同的经历、志趣和生活态度。柳永晚年才跻身仕途,且辗转流离,飘泊不定,故多迟暮、悲秋之情;苏轼一生历经风雨,对宦海沉浮已习以为常,故有超然睛雨之态。在吟咏自然之中,柳,苏虽然都有思归之意,但归因与归宿并不相同。诱发柳永归去的是往昔的梦,他向往的是温柔富贵之乡;促使苏轼归去的是自然之道,其理想至境是超然物外。因此,他们对词体的选择也各不相同,柳永的秋暮词多长调,非此不能尽其缠绵婉致,苏轼的晴雨词多小令,非此不足显其蕴藉空灵。  相似文献   
唐代刘长卿因诗而得名,后世对他的诗集给予了极大的关注。本文在学习和借鉴前辈学者研究成果的基础上,通过认真研习和比较查证,详细地梳理出刘集的版本源流,以期呈现一个更加明晰的面貌。相信这也将对刘长卿的诗歌研究有所支持。同时,针对版本命名和承续关系提出一些不甚成熟的想法,就教于前辈方家。  相似文献   
刘若愚(James L.Y. Liu,1926-1986)教授是美国著名华裔中英比较诗学研究家。他的《李商隐的诗》是美国汉学界研究李商隐最重要的成果,于1969年由美国芝加哥大学出版社出版。本文探讨李商隐的诗在具体表达不同的境界上有多么成功,并且揭示这些是什么样的境界。译者由原版译出,原载该书第207-219页。为了中国读者阅读方便,译者加上了各节标题。该书在中国翻译出版,得到刘若愚教授遗著托付人林理彰(Richard John Lynn)教授的支持,谨致谢忱!  相似文献   
刘勰的《文心雕龙》与钟嵘的《诗品》都多次用到"奇"这一术语,但两人所论之"奇"的内涵有很大区别,他们对"奇"所持的态度也有所不同。这种不同折射出两人论文指导思想和著述目的的差别。  相似文献   
结合诸家意见来看,杜佑《通典》与刘秩《政典》的关系并非如传统看法那样密切,但也不能忽视《政典》对《通典》的影响, 《通典》仍旧是在《政典》基础上扩充和整编的政书。两书的渊源关系主要体现在以下三个方面:第一,杜佑《通典》参酌正史书志,变更了《政典》的六部分类法,将类目扩充为九门;第二,《通典》继承了《政典》的记言特点,拓展了收录“当时群士论议得失”的范围;第三, 《通典》内《兵典》《选举典》的部分内容可能直接取自《政典》。需要说明的是,《通典》并非是对《政典》的简单扩充,《政典》尚处于典制体史书的雏形阶段,可能只是分门别类,以记言为主的一部典制资料汇编,而《通典》则是一部以记叙制度沿革为要义,在内容、体例和旨趣上与《政典》迥然有别的全新史著,它的问世标志着典制体史书体裁的最终形成。  相似文献   
The goal of this paper was to investigate the generalizability of prejudice across contexts by analyzing associations between different types of prejudice in a cross-national perspective and by investigating the relation between country-specific contextual factors and target-specific prejudices. Relying on the European Social Survey (2008), results indicated that prejudices were indeed positively associated, confirming the existence of a generalized prejudice component. Next to substantial cross-national differences in associational strength, also within country variance in target-specific associations was observed. This suggested that the motivations for prejudice largely vary according to the intergroup context. Two aspects of the intergroup context – economic conditions and cultural values – showed to be related to generalized and target-specific components of prejudice. Future research on prejudice and context should take an integrative approach that considers both the idea of generalized and specific prejudice simultaneously.  相似文献   
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