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Ijaz Iqbal M.H. TahirM.L. Aggarwal Asghar AliIftikhar Ahmed 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2012,142(3):626-632
A generalized neighbor design relaxes the equality condition on the number of times two treatments as neighbors in the design. In this article, we have considered the construction of some classes of generalized neighbor designs with block size k=3 by using the method of cyclic shifts. The distinguishing feature of this construction method is that the properties of a design can easily be obtained from the sets of shifts instead of constructing the actual blocks of the design. A catalog of generalized neighbor designs with block size k=3 is compiled for v∈{5,6,…,18} treatments and for different replications. We provide the reader with a simpler method of construction, and in general the catalog that gives an open choice to the experimenter for selecting any class of neighbor designs. 相似文献
Joachim Merz 《Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv》2004,88(4):451-472
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie wird ein Konzept zur Kumulation von laufenden
Haushaltsbudgetbefragungen im Rahmen des Projektes Amtliche Statistik und sozioökonomische
Fragestellungen entwickelt und zur Diskussion gestellt. Dafür werden die theoretischen
Grundlagen und Bausteine gelegt und die zentrale Aufgabe einer strukturellen
demographischen Gewichtung mit einem Hochrechnungs–/Kalibrierungsansatz auf informationstheoretischer
Basis gelöst.Vor dem Hintergrund der Wirtschaftsrechnungen des Statistischen Bundesamtes (Lfd.
Wirtschaftsrechnungen und EVS) wird darauf aufbauend ein konkretes Konzept für die
Kumulation von jährlichen Haushaltsbudgetbefragungen vorgeschlagen. Damit kann das
Ziel einer Kumulation von Querschnitten mit einer umfassenderen Kumulationsstichprobe
für tief gegliederte Analysen erreicht werden. Folgen sollen die Simulationsrechnungen
zur Evaluation des Konzepts.
Summary: In this study a concept for cumulating periodic household surveys within the frame of the project Official Statistics and Socio–Economic Questions is developed and asks for discussion. We develop the theoretical background and solve the central task of a structural demographic weighting/calibration based on an information theoretical approach.Based on the household budget surveys of the Federal Statistical Office (Periodic Household Budget Surveys and Income and Consumption Sample (EVS)) a practical concept is proposed to cumulate yearly household surveys. This allows a cumulation of cross–sections by a comprehensive cumulated sample for deeply structured analyses. In a following study this concept shall be evaluated.相似文献
Göran Kauermann Renate Ortlieb 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statistics》2004,53(2):355-367
Summary. The pattern of absenteeism in the downsizing process of companies is a topic in focus in economics and social science. A general question is whether employees who are frequently absent are more likely to be selected to be laid off or in contrast whether employees to be dismissed are more likely to be absent for the remaining time of their working contract. We pursue an empirical and microeconomic investigation of these theses. We analyse longitudinal data that were collected in a German company over several years. We fit a semiparametric transition model based on a mixture Poisson distribution for the days of absenteeism per month. Prediction intervals are considered and the primary focus is on the period of downsizing. The data reveal clear evidence for the hypothesis that employees who are to be laid off are more frequently absent before leaving the company. Interestingly, though, no clear evidence is seen that employees being selected to leave the company are those with a bad absenteeism profile. 相似文献
基于随机化回答模型的最低工资敏感性问题研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对最低工资调查中出现的敏感性问题,引入随机化回答技术,并针对定性和定量两类敏感性问题,分别引入不同的随机化回答模型。同时还考虑到最低工资调查中,不同调查单位对同一问题敏感程度不相同的特性,在定量问题的随机化回答模型中引入敏感性水平,对原有模型进行有效的改进,使被调查者能够更加积极配合最低工资调查,从而能够进一步减少由于各类敏感性问题造成的非抽样误差。这套随机化处理方法还可推广应用到其他类型的敏感性问题中。 相似文献
Gareth M. James 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology》2002,64(3):411-432
Summary. We present a technique for extending generalized linear models to the situation where some of the predictor variables are observations from a curve or function. The technique is particularly useful when only fragments of each curve have been observed. We demonstrate, on both simulated and real data sets, how this approach can be used to perform linear, logistic and censored regression with functional predictors. In addition, we show how functional principal components can be used to gain insight into the relationship between the response and functional predictors. Finally, we extend the methodology to apply generalized linear models and principal components to standard missing data problems. 相似文献
日本的最低生活保障制度产生于第二次世界大战之前,在其实行过程中政府积累了大量的执法经验。日本"低保"制度所具有的鲜明特色,主要表现为具有深厚的儒法文化底蕴、完善的法律体系。日本低保先进的制度优势对我国构建、完善农村低保制度具有重要的借鉴意义。我国农村低保制度的建设重点应为:构建完整的低保体系,设置科学合理的低保实体制度,确立公正透明的低保程序制度。 相似文献
王志坚 《苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版)》1991,(Z1)
以[x]表不小于x的最小整数,设函数f(n)=n+[k/n],其中k为给定正整数,自变量n在正整数集取值。本文指出函数f(n)在整个定义域上的最小值和全部最小值点。 相似文献
最低工资标准与和谐劳动关系的构建——广州、佛山、深圳最低工资标准比较研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
最低工资保障问题是构建和谐劳动关系的核心内容和难点问题。对广州、佛山和深圳最低工资标准现状进行分析,并运用ELES模型测算其最低工资标准,测算结果显示:目前三市最低工资实际标准与理论标准仍有差距,其中广州的差距最小,佛山次之,深圳的差距最大;最低工资标准与职工平均工资比例偏低,与人均GDP比例关系失调,深圳最低工资执行标准总体优于广州和佛山。鉴此,提出应以发展线水平为目标制定最低工资标准等建议。 相似文献
Pekka H.J. Lampio Patric R.J. Östergård 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2011,141(3):1194-1207
The existence of difference matrices over small cyclic groups is investigated in this computer-aided work. The maximum values of the parameters for which difference matrices exist as well as the number of inequivalent difference matrices in each case is determined up to the computational limit. Several new difference matrices have been found in this manner. The maximum number of rows is 9 for an r ×15 difference matrix over Z3, 8 for an r ×15 difference matrix over Z5, and 6 for an r ×12 difference matrix over Z6; the number of inequivalent matrices with these parameters is 5, 2, and 7, respectively. 相似文献
Jelena Jockovi? 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2011,141(7):2348-2352
Let Nn={1,2,…,n}. We sample with replacement from the set Nn assuming that each element has probability 1/n of being drawn. Let Mn be the waiting time determined by certain stoping rules in the coupon collector's problem. We investigate models for the asymptotic behavior of the excesses of Mn over the high thresholds. 相似文献