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“有X没X”是现代汉语框式结构的一种较为典型的语法构式。当前,学界的研究大多是探究“有X没Y”的句法及语用表现,而对于变项“X”属同一形式的现象尚未涉及。通过外层的形式描写和深层的语义分析,鉴别“有X没X”常规和非常规的用法,指出客观叙述性和主观评价性是区别“有X没X”常规和非常规用法的主要方法。同时,利用句法功能的差异,描绘出现代汉语中“有X没X”所有类型的特点,即“有NP没NP”“有VP没VP”“有一Q没一Q”和“有的没的”4类情况的共性及个性。另外,深入诠释转指性和描述性语义特征的不同是“有X没X”常规和非常规用法区别的关键。  相似文献   
中国省域碳排放的空间特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过核密度分布和莫兰指数对中国2000—2015年30省份碳排放强度的动态趋势及集聚特征进行测度,并利用空间杜宾模型对其主要影响因素进行分析。结果显示:(1)中国30省份碳排放强度呈下降趋势,新常态以来低碳步伐加快;(2)碳排放强度的空间集聚性具有高水平集中、低水平集聚特征,空间溢出效应不断增强;(3)本省经济规模、产业结构对本省碳排放强度具有显著的正向影响,专利产出具有显著的负向影响;相邻省份的外商投资规模及能源消费结构变化对本省碳排放具有显著的空间溢出作用。因此,未来中国加快产业结构调整幅度、优化相邻省份间的产业空间布局以及大力发展绿色技术进步是中国促进区域低碳转型的主要方向,同时生态城镇化以及继续改善外商直接投资质量也是减排潜力因子,省域间的减排空间溢出效果不容忽视。  相似文献   
土家族长期繁衍生息于湘鄂渝黔边的武陵山区,受这里的自然环境和历史上生产力状况的影响,形成了这个民族在生产中的许多特点。尤其是土家族的传统分配和交换制度在阶级社会中仍然保留着原始民族的一般互惠性分配方式的遗迹,在封建社会的产品交换中仍然表现出浓厚的等价互惠性。但是,由于阶级的出现,传统的分配和交换已打上了阶级压迫的烙印。  相似文献   
彝族文学具有显著的民族志属性、道德教育功能与共同体特性。第一,它是构建文化记忆基础的凝聚性结构,作为彝族历史记忆和知识图谱的载体和表征;第二,它是彝族文化主体传承和传播其道德精神的特殊文本,发挥着从个人品德到社会公德的重要德育功能;第三,它是共同体关联的交融记忆场,由内而外、从抽象到具体,多维度、多层次、全方位地展现了彝族主动而深层的中华民族共同体认同。关注这类民族文学中的主位认知与自觉表达,不断拓展和深化关于它们的研究,能够为铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供更丰富的经验支撑和更强力的文化支柱。  相似文献   
Logistic regression is estimated by maximizing the log-likelihood objective function formulated under the assumption of maximizing the overall accuracy. That does not apply to the imbalanced data. The resulting models tend to be biased towards the majority class (i.e. non-event), which can bring great loss in practice. One strategy for mitigating such bias is to penalize the misclassification costs of observations differently in the log-likelihood function. Existing solutions require either hard hyperparameter estimating or high computational complexity. We propose a novel penalized log-likelihood function by including penalty weights as decision variables for observations in the minority class (i.e. event) and learning them from data along with model coefficients. In the experiments, the proposed logistic regression model is compared with the existing ones on the statistics of area under receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve from 10 public datasets and 16 simulated datasets, as well as the training time. A detailed analysis is conducted on an imbalanced credit dataset to examine the estimated probability distributions, additional performance measurements (i.e. type I error and type II error) and model coefficients. The results demonstrate that both the discrimination ability and computation efficiency of logistic regression models are improved using the proposed log-likelihood function as the learning objective.  相似文献   
Researchers in statistical shape analysis often analyze outlines of objects. Even though these contours are infinite-dimensional in theory, they must be discretized in practice. When discretizing, it is important to reduce the number of sampling points considerably to reduce computational costs, but to not use too few points so as to result in too much approximation error. Unfortunately, determining the minimum number of points needed to achieve sufficiently approximate the contours is computationally expensive. In this paper, we fit regression models to predict these lower bounds using characteristics of the contours that are computationally cheap as predictor variables. However, least squares regression is inadequate for this task because it treats overestimation and underestimation equally, but underestimation of lower bounds is far more serious. Instead, to fit the models, we use the LINEX loss function, which allows us to penalize underestimation at an exponential rate while penalizing overestimation only linearly. We present a novel approach to select the shape parameter of the loss function and tools for analyzing how well the model fits the data. Through validation methods, we show that the LINEX models work well for reducing the underestimation for the lower bounds.  相似文献   
This work presents an extension of the slash Lindley–Weibull distribution, of which it can be considered a modification. The new family is obtained by using the quotient of two independent random variables: a two-parameter Lindley–Weibull distribution divided by a power of the exponential distribution with parameter equal to 2. We present the pdf and cdf of the new distribution, analyzing their risk functions. Some statistical properties are studied and the moments and coefficients of asymmetry and kurtosis are shown. The parameter estimation problem is carried out by the maximum likelihood method. The method is assessed by a Monte Carlo simulation study. We use nutrition data, which are characterized by high kurtosis, to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed model.  相似文献   
国际体坛反兴奋剂问题不仅是法律问题、政治问题、医学问题,也是一个经济学问题。本文通过建立一个简单的效用函数,分析了运动员使用兴奋剂的成本和收益因素,并根据这些因素,提出了通过提高运动员使用兴奋剂行为的预期成本来减少兴奋剂使用行为的一些措施。  相似文献   
考虑由一个供应商和多个零售商组成的分销系统。研究高、中、低三种不同信息透明度模式下系统的最优补货及分配策略以及相应的系统和各个零售商的期望成本。证明无论从系统的角度还是从零售商的角度,并非信息透明度越高,期望成本越低。从整个系统的角度来讲,虽然系统的期望成本总在高信息透明度模式下取得最低,但是,中低两种信息透明度模式谁取得第二低的系统期望成本取决于系统内各节点之间的距离以及零售商所面对客户需求的性质。从零售商的角度,高信息透明度并不能降低零售商的期望成本。零售商是否可以从较高的信息透明度水平中获益则取决于零售商在送货路线上所处的位置,系统内各节点之间的距离,以及零售商所面对客户需求的性质。  相似文献   
认识和把握交响乐的审美特征与欣赏规律;避免过多依靠语言、文字解释、阐述交响乐;反对把想象与联想心理过程作为欣赏交响乐的主要功能;主张通过听觉直接感受交响乐的交响性音响艺术效果美,进而欣赏、领略交响乐艺术所表现的内容美、形式美;不同意过分夸大交响乐的社会作用。  相似文献   
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