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借助反问题方法对风洞实验工况选取不同施密特数进行数值模拟试验,分析比较了不同施密特数时街道峡谷内各个观测点的数值模拟数据和风洞实验数据.研究结果表明,城市街道内大气污染物扩散的施密特数为0.7~0.8.  相似文献   
通常的投资建议和两基金分离定理之间存在较大差异,这就是著名的Canner难题。厚尾分布以及投资者对风险的厌恶水平对真实的投资组合行为有显著的影响,在考虑下侧风险的情况下,本文关注投资者如何选择投资组合、两基金分离定理在什么情况下能够成立、以及对投资者的投资策略的选择的影响如何。当目标等于无风险利率时,有文献表明两基金分离定理可以在均值——下偏距(M-LPM)中得到证明。然而,除了以无风险利率为目标外,哪些其它的目标也可以使分离定理成立的问题已经出现。本文尝试回答这个问题,并对投资建议和两基金分离定理的差异给出了合理的解释。  相似文献   
The class of nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms is increasingly used to tackle all kinds of optimization problems across disciplines. It also plays an important component in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Members in this class are general purpose optimization tools that virtually require no assumptions for them to be applicable. There are many such algorithms, and to fix ideas, we review one of its exemplary members called particle swarm optimization (PSO). We discuss the algorithm, its recent applications to find different types of efficient experimental designs, and provide resources, where codes for PSO and other metaheuristic algorithms and tutorials with examples are available. This article is categorized under:
  • Algorithms and Computational Methods > Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing
We consider a type of heavy random censoring where the number of uncensored observations still tends to infinity. Under natural conditions the life distribution can be locally analyzed by generalizing tail empirical processes to the heavily censored case. A uniform central limit theorem for the tail product-limit process and the tail empirical cumulative hazard process is established. Statistical applications include a local confidence band for the cumulative life distribution and a test concerning the value of its density at the origin.  相似文献   
To estimate cell probabilities for sparse multinomial data several smoothing techniques have been investigated. Here we propose local polynomial smoothers as estimators for the cell probabilities and we study their performance. For the mean sum of squared errors we obtain the optimal rate of convergence and we establish a central limit theorem. We show that local polynomial smoothers provide a nice alternative for already existing nonparametric estimators and we discuss interrelations. Some illustrations are also included.  相似文献   
This article is an extension of research conducted by Banerjee and Rahim in 1988. Their general approach is now applied to a multivariate control chart instead of a univariate control chart. A cost model for the economic-statistical design of a Hotelling T 2 control chart is derived to deal with situations involving a Weibull shock model with an increasing failure rate. Application of the proposed T 2 control chart design is demonstrated through a numerical example. A sensitivity analysis of the model is performed.  相似文献   
The varying kernel density estimates are particularly designed for positive random variables. Unlike the commonly used symmetric kernel density estimates, the varying kernel density estimates do not suffer from the boundary problem. This paper establishes asymptotic normality and uniform almost sure convergence results for a varying kernel density estimate when the underlying random variable is positive. Similar results are also obtained for a varying kernel nonparametric estimate of the regression function when the covariate is positive. Pros and cons of the varying kernel regression estimate are also discussed via a simulation study.  相似文献   
As an estimator of a real estimable parameter, we consider a linear combination of U-statistics which include V-statistic and limit of Bayes estimate [Toda, K. and Yamato, H. (2001). Berry-Esseen bounds for some statistics including LB-statistic and V-statistic. J. Japan Statis. Soc., 31, 225–237.]. In the case that the kernel of the estimable parameter is degenerated, we show functional limit theorems (invariance principles) for the linear combination of U-statistics. As their applications we give the asymptotic distribution of a linear combination of U-statistics.  相似文献   
Under quite general conditions we establish a central limit theorem for second order degenerate U-statistics of absolutely regular processes. The new central limit theorem is then used to establish the validity of an asymptotic test for the parametric functional form of a general regression model involving time series.  相似文献   
阶乘幂多项式及其基本恒等式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑两类阶乘幂多项式,由向前或向后差分公式,得到两个同类阶乘幂多项式等价的充分必要条件.给出并证明了阶乘幂代数系统的两类基本恒等式,一类是阶乘幂的二项式定理;另一类是同阶阶乘幂之差的因式分解定理(乘方差定理).  相似文献   
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