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Equivariant functions can be useful for constructing of maximal invariant statistic. In this article, we discuss construction of maximal invariants based on a given weakly equivariant function under some additional conditions. The theory easily extends to the case of two or more weakly equivariant functions. Also, we derive a maximal invariant statistic when the group contains a sharply transitive and a characteristic subgroup. Finally, we consider the independence of invariant and weakly equivariant functions under some special conditions.  相似文献   
A statistical distribution of a random variable is uniquely represented by its normal-based quantile function. For a symmetrical distribution it is S-shaped (for negative kurtosis) and inverted S-shaped (otherwise). As skewness departs from zero, the quantile function gradually transforms into a monotone convex function (positive skewness) or concave function (otherwise). Recently, a new general modeling platform has been introduced, response modeling methodology, which delivers good representation to monotone convex relationships due to its unique “continuous monotone convexity” property. In this article, this property is exploited to model the normal-based quantile function, and explored using a set of 27 distributions.  相似文献   
M-quantile regression is defined as a “quantile-like” generalization of robust regression based on influence functions. This article outlines asymptotic properties for the M-quantile regression coefficients estimators in the case of i.i.d. data with stochastic regressors, paying attention to adjustments due to the first-step scale estimation. A variance estimator of the M-quantile regression coefficients based on the sandwich approach is proposed. Empirical results show that this estimator appears to perform well under different simulated scenarios. The sandwich estimator is applied in the small area estimation context for the estimation of the mean squared error of an estimator for the small area means. The results obtained improve previous findings, especially in the case of heteroskedastic data.  相似文献   
Economic selection of process parameters has been an important topic in modern statistical process control. The optimum process parameters setting have a major effect on the expected profit/cost per item. There are some concerns on the problem of setting process parameters. Boucher and Jafari (1991 Boucher , T. O. , Jafari , M. A. ( 1991 ). The optimum target value for single filling operations with quality sampling plans . J. Qual. Technol. 23 : 4447 . [CSA] [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) first considered the attribute single sampling plan applied in the selection of process target. Pulak and Al-Sultan (1996 Pulak , M. F. S. , Al-Sultan , K. S. ( 1996 ). The optimum targeting for a single filling operation with rectifying inspection . Omega 24 : 727733 . [CSA] [CROSSREF] [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) extended Boucher and Jafari's model and presented the rectifying inspection plan for determining the optimum process mean. In this article, we further propose a modified Pulak and Al-Sultan model for determining the optimum process mean and standard deviation under the rectifying inspection plan with the average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) protection. Taguchi's (1986 Taguchi , G. ( 1986 ). Introduction to Quality Engineering . Asian Productivity Organization . [Google Scholar]) symmetric quadratic quality loss function is adopted for evaluating the product quality. By solving the modified model, we can obtain the optimum process parameters with the maximum expected profit per item and the specified quality level can be reached.  相似文献   
Analytical properties of regression and the variance–covariance matrix of asymmetric generalized scale mixture of multivariate Gaussian variables are presented. The analysis includes an in-depth analytical investigation of the first two conditional moments of the mixing variable. Exact computable expressions for the prediction and the conditional variance are presented for the generalized hyperbolic distribution using the inversion theorem for Fourier transforms. An application to financial log returns is demonstrated via the classical Euler approximation. The methodology is illustrated by analyzing the regression of intraday log returns for CISCO against the corresponding data from S&P 500.  相似文献   
We consider Prais–Houthakker heteroscedastic normal regression model having variance of the dependent variable same as square of its expectation. Bayes predictors for the regression coefficient and the mean of a finite population are derived using Zellner's balanced loss function. Bayes predictive expected losses are obtained and compared with those of classical predictors and Bayes predictors under squared error loss function to examine their loss robustness.  相似文献   
Left censoring concept has been defined in different ways in statistical applications. Turnbull (1974 Turnbull , B. W. ( 1974 ). Nonparametric estimation of a survivorship function with doubly censored data . J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 69 : 169173 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) defines it in a particular way. Whereas in recent literature, especially in epidemiological studies, it has been defined in another way. This difference between the two approaches is the main reason that despite simplicity, Turnbull method cannot be applicable in all cases of doubly censored data. In this article we present a modified Turnbull method for analysis of doubly censored data adequate with recent definition. Comparison has been done with other statistical methods, including imputation estimator, full likelihood-based and conditional likelihood-based approach using Iranian HIV data.  相似文献   
In this article, we discuss some properties of Renyi entropy and Renyi information of order statistics. Some bounds for Renyi entropy of order statistics are obtained. Also, we relate Renyi entropy ordering of order statistics to Renyi entropy ordering and other well known orderings of parent random variables. Then it is proved that the Renyi information between order statistics and parent random variable is distribution free, and it is shown, as expected, the distance is minimum for the median.  相似文献   
A control procedure is presented in this article that is based on jointly using two separate control statistics in the detection and interpretation of signals in a multivariate normal process. The procedure detects the following three situations: (i) a mean vector shift without a shift in the covariance matrix; (ii) a shift in process variation (covariance matrix) without a mean vector shift; and (iii) both a simultaneous shift in the mean vector and covariance matrix as the result of a change in the parameters of some key process variables. It is shown that, following the occurrence of a signal on either of the separate control charts, the values from both of the corresponding signaling statistics can be decomposed into interpretable elements. Viewing the two decompositions together helps one to specifically identify the individual components and associated variables that are being affected. These components may include individual means or variances of the process variables as well as the correlations between or among variables. An industrial data set is used to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   
In this article, we establish optimal rates for the strong approximation of empirical copula processes in ?2 by sequences of Gaussian processes. These results are applied to investigate Cramér–von Mises-type statistics.  相似文献   
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