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The problem of selection of the best multivariate population is given a new formulation which does not involve reducing the populations to univariate quantities. This formulation's solution is developed for known, and (using the Heteroscedastic Method) also for unknown, variance-covariance matrices. Preference reversals and arbitrary nonlinear preference functions are explicitly allowed in this new theory  相似文献   
In this article, we present a goodness-of-fit test for a distribution based on some comparisons between the empirical characteristic function cn(t) and the characteristic function of a random variable under the simple null hypothesis, c0(t). We do this by introducing a suitable distance measure. Empirical critical values for the new test statistic for testing normality are computed. In addition, the new test is compared via simulation to other omnibus tests for normality and it is shown that this new test is more powerful than others.  相似文献   
This paper deals with a regression model for several vari¬ables under the assumption that the errors have a multivariate t-distribution. The parameters of the model, the regression parameters, as well as the scale parameters and the degress of freedom of the error variable are estimated and the estimation procedure is illustrated by a numerical example, Also, the prop¬erties of the estimators and tests for the regression parameters are discussed.  相似文献   
In this paper, the bootstrap method of Efron (1979) is given for a ranking and a slippage problem, where the ranking (or slippage) is with respect to the mean of the distributions. The method is also applied to obtain a confidence interval for the largest mean.  相似文献   

In this article we investigate the design of scoring schemes for surveys using the block total response method. This method was first proposed by Raghavarao and Federer (1979 Raghavarao , D. , Federer , W. T. ( 1979 ). Block total response as an alternative to the randomized response method in surveys . J. Roy. Statist. Soc. 41 ( 1 ): 4045 . [CSA] [CROSSREF]  [Google Scholar]) to provide accurate estimates of the base rates of sensitive characteristics using balanced incomplete block designs. The scoring scheme used in Raghavarao and Federer (1979 Raghavarao , D. , Federer , W. T. ( 1979 ). Block total response as an alternative to the randomized response method in surveys . J. Roy. Statist. Soc. 41 ( 1 ): 4045 . [CSA] [CROSSREF]  [Google Scholar]) did not guarantee anonymity of answers and so the possibility of improving on this basic scoring scheme is considered in this article.  相似文献   

There are several indices for measuring the similarity of two populations, including the ratio of the number of shared species to the number of distinct species (Jaccard's index) and the conditional probability of observing a shared species (Smith et al., 1996 Smith , W. , Solow , A. R. , Preston , P. E. ( 1996 ). An estimator of species overlap using a modified beta-binomial model. Biometrics 52 : 14721477 . [CSA] [CROSSREF] [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). However, these indices only take into account the number of species and species proportions of shared species. In this article, we propose a new similarity index which includes the species proportions of both the shared and non shared species in each population, and also propose a Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimator (NPMLE) for this index. Bootstrap and delta methods are used to evaluate the standard errors of the NPMLE. Based on a loss function, we also compare a class of nonparametric estimators for the proposed index in various situations.  相似文献   

We consider the variance estimation in a general nonparametric regression model with multiple covariates. We extend difference methods to the multivariate setting by introducing an algorithm that orders the design points in higher dimensions. We also consider an adaptive difference estimator which requires much less strict assumptions on the covariate design and can significantly reduce mean squared error for small sample sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a nonpreemptive priority queue with two priority classes of customers. Customers arrive according to a batch Markovian arrival process (BMAP). In order to calculate the boundary vectors we propose a spectral method based on zeros of the determinant of a matrix function and the corresponding eigenvectors. It is proved that there are M zeros in a set Ω, where M is the size of the state space of the underlying Markov process. The zeros are calculated by the Durand-Kerner method, and the stationary joint probability of the numbers of customers of classes 1 and 2 at departures is derived by the inversion of the two-dimensional Fourier transform. For a numerical example, the stationary probability is calculated.  相似文献   
Although the noncentral hypergeometric distribution underlies conditional inference for 2 × 2 tables, major statistical packages lack support for this distribution. This article introduces fast and stable algorithms for computing the noncentral hypergeometric distribution and for sampling from it. The algorithms avoid the expensive and explosive combinatorial numbers by using a recursive relation. The algorithms also take advantage of the sharp concentration of the distribution around its mode to save computing time. A modified inverse method substantially reduces the number of searches in generating a random deviate. The algorithms are implemented in a Java class, Hypergeometric, available on the World Wide Web.  相似文献   
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