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Various mathematical and statistical models for estimation of automobile insurance pricing are reviewed. The methods are compared on their predictive ability based on two sets of automobile insurance data for two different states collected over two different periods. The issue of model complexity versus data availability is resolved through a comparison of the accuracy of prediction. The models reviewed range from the use of simple cell means to various multiplicative-additive schemes to the empirical-Bayes approach. The empirical-Bayes approach, with prediction based on both model-based and individual cell estimates, seems to yield the best forecast.  相似文献   
Time series models are presented, for which the seasonal-component estimates delivered by linear least squares signal extraction closely approximate those of the standard option of the widely-used Census X-11 program. Earlier work is extended by consideration of a broader class of models and by examination of asymmetric filters, in addition to the symmetric filter implicit in the adjustment of historical data. Various criteria that guide the specification of unobserved- components models are discussed, and a new preferred model is presented. Some nonstandard options in X-11 are considered in the Appendix.  相似文献   
A simple modification is suggested for the construction of transfer function models relating an output variable Yt to an input variable Xt when the model for Xt contains operators that cancel out. In addition, the evaluation of transfer function models is discussed by comparing the forecasts with the actual observations.  相似文献   

One main challenge for statistical prediction with data from multiple sources is that not all the associated covariate data are available for many sampled subjects. Consequently, we need new statistical methodology to handle this type of “fragmentary data” that has become more and more popular in recent years. In this article, we propose a novel method based on the frequentist model averaging that fits some candidate models using all available covariate data. The weights in model averaging are selected by delete-one cross-validation based on the data from complete cases. The optimality of the selected weights is rigorously proved under some conditions. The finite sample performance of the proposed method is confirmed by simulation studies. An example for personal income prediction based on real data from a leading e-community of wealth management in China is also presented for illustration.  相似文献   
We propose a novel observation-driven finite mixture model for the study of banking data. The model accommodates time-varying component means and covariance matrices, normal and Student’s t distributed mixtures, and economic determinants of time-varying parameters. Monte Carlo experiments suggest that units of interest can be classified reliably into distinct components in a variety of settings. In an empirical study of 208 European banks between 2008Q1–2015Q4, we identify six business model components and discuss how their properties evolve over time. Changes in the yield curve predict changes in average business model characteristics.  相似文献   
In the real world situations, many time series are aggregates of two or more time series. An aggregation may take place due to an addition or the product or both of two or more time series. We are often interested in the study of the properties of aggregates which are, in turn, dependent on the properties of the constituent series. Motivated by this problem, the authors study in this paper the properties of models generated by the operator (Σ+II) on autoregressive-moving-average (ARMA) processes of orders (pi,qi), i = l→n . A few practical examples where such models have been used are given in the introduction and an illustrative numerical example is discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   
Murray and Smith (1985) and Hocking (1985) give a generalized definition and test of connectedness in the case of missing cells using the univariate cell-means model with linear restrictions on the cell-means. The test of connectedness is here extended to multivariate fixed effects models, including the usual MANOVA model with linear restrictions, the MANOVA model with double linear restrictions, and the GMANOVA model.  相似文献   
Let W be a normal random variable with mean μand known variance σ2. Conditions on the function f(·) are given under which there exists an unbiased estimator, f(W), of f(μ) for all real μ. In particular it is shown that f(·) must be an entire function over the complex plane. Infinite series solutions for F(·) are obtained which are shown to be valid under growth conditions of the derivatives, fk( ·), of f(·). Approximate solutions are given for the cases in which no exact solution exists. The theory is applied to nonlinear measurement-error models as a means of finding unbiased score functions when measurement error is normally distributed. Relative efficiencies comparing the proposed method to the use of conditional scores (Stefanski and Carroll, 1987) are given for the Poisson regression model with canonical link.  相似文献   
Some test statistics for the structural coefficients of simultaneous equations model often referred to as the multivariate linear functional relationship model are proposed in this article. The following cases are considered: the covariance matrix of errors is either unknown, known up to a proportionality factor, or completely known. The exact and approximate distributions of the proposed test statistics, as well as those of some that are known, are also given.  相似文献   
This article presents the results of a simulation study investigating the performance of an approach developed by Miller and Landis (1991) for the analysis of clustered categorical responses. Evaluation of this “two-step” approach, which utilizes the method of moments to estimate the extra-variation pardmeters and subsequently incorporates these parameters into estimating equations for modelling the marginal expectations, is carried out in an experimental setting involving a comparison between two groups of observations. We assume that data for both groups are collected from each cluster and responses are measured on a three-point ordinal scale. The performance of the estimators used in both “steps” of the analysisis investigated and comparisons are made to an alternative analysismethod that ignores the clustering. The results indicate that in the chosen setting the test for a difference between groups generally operatbs at the nominal α=0.05 for 10 or more clusters and hasincreasing power with both an increasing number of clusters and an inrreasing treatment effect. These results provide a striking contrasc to those obtained from an improper analysis that ignores clustering.  相似文献   
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