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推进高校廉政文化建设、构建和谐干群关系是促进高校健康发展的有力保障,也是践行科学发展观、构建和谐校园乃至构建和谐社会的必然要求。其路径主要是以科学发展观为指导,通过建立健全管理制度、加强宣传以扩大廉政文化阵地,增强民主监督意识等来实现,其中校园文化是载体,营造廉政文化氛围,提高师德修养是保证。  相似文献   
Based on a reflexive method, this article explores the roles of researchers behind Age-Friendly Cities and Environments. Referring to Michael Burawoy's division of sociological work (professional, critical, policy and public sociology), it is structured around the international comparison of two empirical case studies: Walloon region (Belgium) and Quebec (a province of Canada). While the first case shows some difficulties faced by a limited policy sociology perspective with little room for research, the latter presents a more developed public sociology approach with larger involvement from research. If both cases started with policy links, the latter presents a special interest for praxis, through knowledge transfer as an ongoing public dialogue. Based on this comparison, the article concludes with a twofold use of praxis: on one side – knowledge in action – a public sociology position offers an original perspective on what AFC/AFE may mean and produce to avoid a limited field of actions focusing only on some stakeholders or advocates for older people. On the other side – action in knowledge – policy and public sociology question professional and critical sociology facing AFC/AFE programmes: is a purely academic knowledge of such a programme epistemologically realistic or should it necessarily be empirically fuelled?  相似文献   
In this paper I present and summarize the theoretical proposals of four leading scholars of the so-called ‘relational sociology’. First of all I try to contextualize its emergence and developments in the increasingly globalized scientific system. From this particular (and international) point of view, relational sociology seems to develop through a peculiar scientific path opened and charted by well-identified actors and competitors, their invisible colleges, their global connections, cleavages, and coalitions. Whatever the structuring of this field, it accomplishes the criticism of classical individualistic and collectivistic sociological theories, a task strongly facilitated by the development of new methods and techniques of empirical research, and by the increasingly powerful computing capabilities. After this brief historical reconstruction, and following very strictly the contributions of the four scholars, I try to synthetize their theoretical designs, focusing the analysis on two scientific issues of great significance for the future of relational sociology: the specific ontology of ‘social relations’ and the methodologies used to observe it adequately. Finally, I wonder if we are facing a new sociological paradigm, already well structured and internationally established, or rather a ‘relational turn’ that probably will develop into a new ‘sociological field’ internally very differentiated and articulated.  相似文献   
For constructing simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios of means for lognormal distributions, two approaches using a two-step method of variance estimates recovery are proposed. The first approach proposes fiducial generalized confidence intervals (FGCIs) in the first step followed by the method of variance estimates recovery (MOVER) in the second step (FGCIs–MOVER). The second approach uses MOVER in the first and second steps (MOVER–MOVER). Performance of proposed approaches is compared with simultaneous fiducial generalized confidence intervals (SFGCIs). Monte Carlo simulation is used to evaluate the performance of these approaches in terms of coverage probability, average interval width, and time consumption.  相似文献   
州本身就是美国政治经济体系的重要环节,中美关系的发展现状对我们开展美国州别研究提出了新的要求.研究美国各州与中国的经贸关系应该以各州经济发展的总体情况研究为基础,以各州与中国经贸往来中的大宗货物为重点,数据收集与加工分析的方法、典型个案分析的方法与比较研究的方法并用.  相似文献   
战略边疆指的是一国影响力所能实际控制的战略空间。在国际政治中,战略边疆具有特殊的效能,例如维护国家战略通道安全、拓展国家海外利益等。本文认为,中国在和平发展的历史进程中,也应该高举发展、和平、合作的旗帜,依据国家实力、利益分布等因素构造自己的战略边疆。  相似文献   
This paper establishes that instruments enable the identification of nonparametric regression models in the presence of measurement error by providing a closed form solution for the regression function in terms of Fourier transforms of conditional expectations of observable variables. For parametrically specified regression functions, we propose a root n consistent and asymptotically normal estimator that takes the familiar form of a generalized method of moments estimator with a plugged‐in nonparametric kernel density estimate. Both the identification and the estimation methodologies rely on Fourier analysis and on the theory of generalized functions. The finite‐sample properties of the estimator are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   
供应链组织间的关系对产品质量绩效十分重要.文章通过供应链网络关系的特点,构建了供应链纵向合作关系、供应链横向竞争关系和产品质量绩效分析框架.研究结果表明供应链纵向合作关系由交流、协作、信任、承诺、适应性及权力等因素度量.供应链纵向合作关系与供应链横向竞争关系互相影响,二者均对质量绩效有正向影响,并且纵向合作关系对质量绩效的影响更大.  相似文献   
邓凡 《太平洋学报》2010,18(11):96-102
在台湾问题上,美国历来是一个敏感而不可忽视的外部干预因素。奥巴马政府干预台海关系的姿态更为积极,原因在于美国不想被两岸对话时代抛弃,不想出让在该地区的影响力,更不愿两岸出现朝向统一向度的快速融合。本文从中美、美台和两岸三个关系层面观察美国因素的作用,分析了台湾马英九政府执政以来,在两岸交流日趋紧密、两岸关系日益发展的新阶段。美国政府应该认清台海形势,重新审视其在未来两岸进程中的角色定位。  相似文献   
The results of this paper are the continuation of the research presented by Bieniek [Optimal bounds for the mean of the total time on test for distributions with decreasing generalized failure rate. Statistics. 2016;50:1206–1220]. We consider the remaining total time on test after a given failure in a life test experiment. We derive sharp upper bounds on the mean of the total time on test optimal in the class of distributions with increasing generalized failure rate with respect to generalized Pareto distributions. Specific results are obtained for distributions with increasing density and increasing failure rate. We also provide exemplary numerical values of the obtained bounds and we compare them with the corresponding bounds for distributions with decreasing generalized failure rate.  相似文献   
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