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In the statistical process control literature, there exists several improved quality control charts based on cost-effective sampling schemes, including the ranked set sampling (RSS) and median RSS (MRSS). A generalized cost-effective RSS scheme has been recently introduced for efficiently estimating the population mean, namely varied L RSS (VLRSS). In this article, we propose a new exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart for monitoring the process mean using VLRSS, named the EWMA-VLRSS chart, under both perfect and imperfect rankings. The EWMA-VLRSS chart encompasses the existing EWMA charts based on RSS and MRSS (named the EWMA-RSS and EWMA-MRSS charts). We use extensive Monte Carlo simulations to compute the run length characteristics of the EWMA-VLRSS chart. The proposed chart is then compared with the existing EWMA charts. It is found that, with either perfect or imperfect rankings, the EWMA-VLRSS chart is more sensitive than the EWMA-RSS and EWMA-MRSS charts in detecting small to large shifts in the process mean. A real dataset is also used to explain the working of the EWMA-VLRSS chart.  相似文献   
A new S2 control chart is presented for monitoring the process variance by utilizing a repetitive sampling scheme. The double control limits called inner and outer control limits are proposed, whose coefficients are determined by considering the average run length (ARL) and the average sample number when the process is in control. The proposed control chart is compared with the existing Shewhart S2 control chart in terms of the ARLs. The result shows that the proposed control chart is more efficient than the existing control chart in detecting the process shift.  相似文献   
A cumulative sum control chart for multivariate Poisson distribution (MP-CUSUM) is proposed. The MP-CUSUM chart is constructed based on log-likelihood ratios with in-control parameters, Θ0, and shifts to be detected quickly, Θ1. The average run length (ARL) values are obtained using a Markov Chain-based method. Numerical experiments show that the MP-CUSUM chart is effective in detecting parameter shifts in terms of ARL. The MP-CUSUM chart with smaller Θ1 is more sensitive than that with greater Θ1 to smaller shifts, but more insensitive to greater shifts. A comparison shows that the proposed MP-CUSUM chart outperforms an existing MP chart.  相似文献   
Recognizing the importance of values and the specific characteristics of participants and situations in voluntary organizations, we examine how value congruence—the fit or compatibility of values between participants and the organization, or among participants—interacts with personal and situational factors to predict participants' length of stay in their organizations. Introducing the case of a voluntary organization that offers shared housing, we measure value congruence through textual similarity in the self‐introduction documents of 49 participants and the organization's mission statement. This approach differs from the self‐reported measures based on participants' perceptions or recalled interactions used in previous studies. In line with expectation‐disconfirmation theory, participants with the strongest beliefs in organizational values had shorter lengths of stay. The amount of intraorganizational communication also moderated the relationship between value congruence and length of stay. This study provides theoretical and methodological implications for nonprofit management by considering personal and situational factors and evaluating value congruence by textual similarity.  相似文献   
Grammaticality judgments of bilingual Hungarians in Slovakia and Ukraine vs. Yugoslavia show that overt objects are much more acceptable in the northern Slavic countries than in Yugoslavia. Two conflicting hypotheses have been advanced to explain this difference. The structural hypothesis claims that Serbian cliticization is responsible, while the socio-historical hypothesis claims that the difference in grammaticality judgments is due to a difference in the duration of Hungarian–Slavic language contact north of and south of present-day Hungary. Data from a seven-country survey (N = 846) show that there is a split between judgments in the northern vs. southern Slavic countries across a wide range of linguistic variables, which discredits the structural explanation for the object pro-drop variable, at least as the sole cause of change. Moreover, statistical analyses of 24 variables provide substantial empirical verification of Thomason and Kaufman's 'two crucial parameters of intensity of contact in a borrowing situation': time and level of bilingualism. It is shown that the 250 years of contact between Hungarian and Serbian has resulted in much smaller contact effects than the thousand-year-old contact of Hungarian with the northern Slavic languages. Bilingual Hungarians who constitute a local minority in the settlements where they live systematically favor the contact-induced variants of variables vis-a`-vis those who constitute a local majority.  相似文献   

A G θ I/G/1-type batch arrival system is considered. Explicit formulae for the distribution of queue length both at the fixed time t and as t → ∞ are obtained. The study is based on the generalization of Korolyuk's method for semi-markov random walks.  相似文献   
文章从生理学的角度,阐述了放松技术对提高短跑成绩的作用,认为放松技术主要指肌 肉放松。肌肉放松可增大肌肉的收缩力量和收缩速度,提高速度耐力和肌肉、关节的灵活性及柔 韧性。同时,从心理学的角度分析了短跑运动员的情绪、意志、自信心和竞争力等心理品质对肌 肉放松的影响,结合训练实践,针对性的提出了短跑放松训练方法和检测手段。  相似文献   
The monitoring of process/product profiles is presently a growing and promising area of research in statistical process control. This study is aimed at developing monitoring schemes for nonlinear profiles with random effects. We utilize the technique of principal components analysis to analyze the covariance structure of the profiles and propose monitoring schemes based on principal component (PC) scores. The number of the PC scores used in constructing control charts is crucial to the detecting power. In the Phase I analysis of historical data, due to the dependency of the PC-scores, we adopt the usual Hotelling T 2 chart to check the stability. For Phase II monitoring, we study individual PC-score control charts, a combined chart scheme that combines all the PC-score charts, and a T 2 chart. Although an individual PC-score chart may be perfect for monitoring a particular mode of variation, a chart that can detect general shifts, such as the T 2 chart and the combined chart scheme, is more feasible in practice. The performances of the schemes under study are evaluated in terms of the average run length.  相似文献   
We reinvestigate the empirical problem of lag length selection in unit root tests when using the augmented Dickey–Fuller test based on GLS-detrending. We extend the Ng and Perron (1995 Ng , S. , Perron , P. ( 1995 ). Unit root tests in ARMA models with data-dependent methods for the selection of the truncation lag . Journal of American Statistical Association 90 : 268281 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) work on this issue by applying the finite sample critical values calculated using the formulae proposed by Cheung and Lai (1995 Cheung , Y. W. , Lai , K. S. ( 1995 ). Lag order and critical values of a modified Dickey–Fuller test . Oxford Bulletin of Business and Economics 57 : 411418 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Unlike Ng and Perron (2001 Ng , S. , Perron , P. (2001). Lag length selection and the construction of unit root tests with good size and power. Econometrica 69:15191554.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) we find through simulation studies that the method of selecting lag length using the sequential t-test in the ADF regression of GLS-detrended series performs the best in most cases.  相似文献   
Temporary price reductions (sales) are common for many goods and naturally result in large increases in the quantity sold. Demand estimation based on temporary price reductions may mismeasure the long‐run responsiveness to prices. In this paper we quantify the extent of the problem and assess its economic implications. We structurally estimate a dynamic model of consumer choice using two years of scanner data on the purchasing behavior of a panel of households. The results suggest that static demand estimates, which neglect dynamics, (i) overestimate own‐price elasticities by 30 percent, (ii) underestimate cross‐price elasticities by up to a factor of 5, and (iii) overestimate the substitution to the no‐purchase or outside option by over 200 percent. This suggests that policy analysis based on static elasticity estimates will underestimate price–cost margins and underpredict the effects of mergers.  相似文献   
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