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中国目前有相当多的国有企业下岗职工,如果不能筹集到足够的资金保证其基本生活,将影响到国有企业改革的成功和社会的安定,本文利用计算一般均衡模型分析此资金在政府、国有企业和非国有企业之间的合理分配及其对经济系统的影响。哪一方负担的多此,哪一方负担的少一些,取决于政府在未来经济增长、当期居民福利、政府财政赤字、GNP以及部门产出、部门价格之间的取舍。  相似文献   
邓小平以中国国情为坐标原点,以中华民族找到了一条实现社会主义现代化的正确之路,在经济、政治、化和对外关系等方面构筑了中国特色的社会主义现代化的模式。  相似文献   
This paper describes the various stages in building a statistical model to predict temperatures in the core of a reactor, and compares the benefits of this model with those of a physical model. We give a brief background to this study and the applications of the model to rapid online monitoring and safe operation of the reactor. We describe the methods, of correlation and two dimensional spectral analysis, which we use to identify the effects that are incorporated in a spatial regression model for the measured temperatures. These effects are related to the age of the reactor fuel and the spatial geometry of the reactor. A remaining component of the temperature variation is a slowly varying temperature surface modelled by smooth functions with constrained coefficients. We assess the accuracy of the model for interpolating temperatures throughout the reactor, when measurements are available only at a reduced set of spatial locations, as is the case in most reactors. Further possible improvements to the model are discussed.  相似文献   
The introduction of the Degree in Social Work programme in 2003 prompted considerable diversification in arrangements for practice supervision, teaching and assessment. A small scale exploratory study was undertaken into a model which utilises work-based supervisors, working in tandem with off-site practice teachers who are primarily responsible for the assessment of student social workers. The study focused on exploring the experiences of work-based supervisors and off-site practice teachers working to this model. The findings pointed to increased anxiety and confusion about roles amongst work-based supervisors and off-site practice teachers. Work-based supervisors described themselves as the ‘neglected partners’ in the learning process, taking on most of the work, but with limited recognition, reward or status. Work-based supervisors valued the new range of professional development opportunities to support them in their role but had difficulty in accessing these due to other professional commitments.  相似文献   
Understanding the context of practice is an essential component of social work practice as is providing service that respects diversity. These twin concepts are necessary to include in planning and delivering services across all levels of practice. However, while we might understand how the context impacts on service users (and such an understanding is a vital part of assessment processes), the context has greater and more far reaching impacts. For example, in rural practice research, there is evidence that the context strongly influences the choice of practice methods, the behaviour of the professional as an individual and as a community member, and the management of complex ethical situations. This paper proposes a model that may be useful in analysing the various impacts of diversity and context in social work practice, and is relevant for the education of social workers and other human service personnel. The SUPAmodel (Service User, Professional, Agency) uses practice examples to explore how changes in context impact on professional decision making and choices about intervention.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to present a family intervention model to family service providers that builds on previous research in areas of social support and family problem solving. The Family Outreach Model provides a set of strategies for engaging and working with families in five phases of family coping at different points in time in the family's life. The strategies reflect intentional choices by family service providers about both collaborative and directive styles of therapeutic alliance and highlights ways to determine which style best fits with what specific families want and need, depending on the manner of family coping that it is using. Implications for programs and public policy are presented.  相似文献   
This exploratory research brief presents a single case study of the resiliency of “Mary B.” She grew up in an Old Order Amish family where isolation, secrecy, and patriarchy masked repeated sexual assaults by her older brothers that began at age 7. By the age of 20, Mary alleged she had been raped on more than 200 separate occasions by members of her Amish family. After years of pleading with her mother and church officials to intervene, she sought therapy outside the Amish community. This led to three of her brothers being incarcerated. Her family disowned her and she was banned from the Amish community, leaving with an 8th grade education and little more than the clothes she was wearing. In less than 2 years, Mary had moved to a new town, completed her GED, obtained a car and driving license, maintained a small home, and worked as a certified nursing assistant. She consented to tape recorded interviews and completed several quantitative diagnostic measures. Scores on the diagnostic measures placed her within the normal range on self-esteem, competency, depression, stress, social support, and life skills. Analysis of interviews revealed Mary rebounded from her past by reframing her experiences. Themes identified within the interviews supported 6 of the 7 types of resiliencies (insight, independence, initiative, relationships, humor, and morality) outlined in the therapeutic Challenge Model.  相似文献   

The average student of diverse sexuality hears eight homophobic insults per day with one third from faculty and staff. Through a lens of citizenship education, we elucidate heteronormative undercurrents obstructing the acceptance of sexual diversity; in-depth analysis of two such barriers, the public man and the ethics of marriage, are provided and suggest that heteronormativity, with roots in the Enlightenment discourse, is overpowering instrumental curricula promoting the acceptance of sexual diversity. Further, the perpetuation of such heteronormative undercurrents can and should be seen as a form of violence: cloaked bullying. The article challenges the use of “It's Ok to be Gay” kits and other modes of essentializing sexual diversity, and petitions educators to remain cognizant of heteronormative undercurrents in their teaching practice. By laboring to dislodge heteronormative underpinnings educators are enabled to model genuine open-minded and accepting citizenship and effect meaningful progress in the acceptance of sexual diversity.  相似文献   
本研究以马-冯-陈模型为定性基础,认为一定人口的出生性别比并非固定不变,而是受到生育水平的影响。当无性别偏好时,生育水平主要通过改变不同孩次占出生人口比例的方式影响出生性别比;当有性别偏好时,生育水平既影响不同孩次占总出生人口的比例,又影响不同孩次的出生性别比,从而对总出生性别比产生影响。对于没有性别偏好和性别选择行为的人口,生育水平变化是引起出生性别比波动的主要原因。有性别选择行为时,生育水平变化对出生性别比的影响较小,性别选择行为是出生性别比异常的主要原因。监测以"曾生子女孩次和性别次序"为条件划分的人群,可以有效而便捷地判断出生性别比变化趋势。  相似文献   
This research focused on understanding the factors associated with utilization of post-acute care services in Singapore and how these are woven into family care as well as the lived experience of elderly persons and their families. The multi-method study applied Andersen's model and the quantitative results of the 299 elderly Singaporeans surveyed showed medical and physical conditions, perceived health and utility, knowledge and previous use of service, ethnicity, family size, paid help, housing type, and living arrangement as significant factors. Qualitative results from interviews of a subsample of 13 elderly and their family members and focus group discussions of providers consistently pointed affordability of services as an important factor. Findings surfaced the question of service accessibility and its implications on practice, policy, and research.  相似文献   
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