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Summary.  A fully Bayesian analysis of directed graphs, with particular emphasis on applica- tions in social networks, is explored. The model is capable of incorporating the effects of covariates, within and between block ties and multiple responses. Inference is straightforward by using software that is based on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Examples are provided which highlight the variety of data sets that can be entertained and the ease with which they can be analysed.  相似文献   
Summary. The determination of evolutionary relationships is a fundamental problem in evolutionary biology. Genome arrangement data are potentially more informative than deoxyribonucleic acid sequence data for inferring evolutionary relationships between distantly related taxa. We describe a Bayesian framework for phylogenetic inference from mitochondrial genome arrangement data using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. We apply the method to assess evolutionary relationships between eight animal phyla.  相似文献   
Abstract. A stochastic epidemic model is defined in which each individual belongs to a household, a secondary grouping (typically school or workplace) and also the community as a whole. Moreover, infectious contacts take place in these three settings according to potentially different rates. For this model, we consider how different kinds of data can be used to estimate the infection rate parameters with a view to understanding what can and cannot be inferred. Among other things we find that temporal data can be of considerable inferential benefit compared with final size data, that the degree of heterogeneity in the data can have a considerable effect on inference for non‐household transmission, and that inferences can be materially different from those obtained from a model with only two levels of mixing. We illustrate our findings by analysing a highly detailed dataset concerning a measles outbreak in Hagelloch, Germany.  相似文献   
The Birnbaum-Saunders regression model is becoming increasingly popular in lifetime analyses and reliability studies. In this model, the signed likelihood ratio statistic provides the basis for testing inference and construction of confidence limits for a single parameter of interest. We focus on the small sample case, where the standard normal distribution gives a poor approximation to the true distribution of the statistic. We derive three adjusted signed likelihood ratio statistics that lead to very accurate inference even for very small samples. Two empirical applications are presented.  相似文献   
Canonical variate analysis often involves the construction of confidence regions round points representing group means in a 2-dimensional plot. Traditionally circles have always been constructed, but some authors have recently advocated ellipses as being more appropriate. This paper describes a Monte Carlo study investigating the effect of a range of factors on the inclusion rates of true population means within both types of region for normal data. The traditional circles do not perform too badly within a restricted range, but they are nearly always under-included. The ellipses usually have higher inclusion rates, and so are often closer to the nominal rate, but are sometimes over-included.  相似文献   
文章考虑了一类具有多个时间点重置执行价格的欧式熊市(或牛市)重置权证定价.应用鞅定价方法和多维正态分布函数,得到了该类权证价格的显示解和△对冲策略,推广了Gray和Whaley的单时点重置权证定价模型.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a spatial model for the initiation of cracks in the bone cement of hip replacement specimens. The failure of hip replacements can be attributed mainly to damage accumulation, consisting of crack initiation and growth, occurring in the cement mantle that interlocks the hip prosthesis and the femur bone. Since crack initiation is an important factor in determining the lifetime of a replacement, the understanding of the reasons for crack initiation is vital in attempting to prolong the life of the hip replacement. The data consist of crack location coordinates from five laboratory experimental models, together with stress measurements. It is known that stress plays a major role in the initiation of cracks, and it is also known that other unmeasurable factors such as air bubbles (pores) in the cement mantle are also influential. We propose an identity-link spatial Poisson regression model for the counts of cracks in discrete regions of the cement, incorporating both the measured (stress), and through a latent process, any unmeasured factors (possibly pores) that may be influential. All analysis is carried out in a Bayesian framework, allowing for the inclusion of prior information obtained from engineers, and parameter estimation for the model is done via Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques.  相似文献   
贝叶斯动态模型及其预测理论具有广泛的应用性,如在通信,控制,人工智能,经济管理,气象预报等领域。本文简要介绍了贝叶斯动态模型,对于非线性贝叶斯动态模型提出了SIS算法及其在处理非线性模型中应用。  相似文献   
针对中国股票型开放式基金收益波动中是否存在杠杆效应的问题,在对该类基金整体及所选取的三支具有代表性的单个基金分析的基础上,运用一个带杠杆效应的SV模型对其收益的波动性建模,并利用MCMC方法对模型进行参数估计。结果显示:不同于一般对股票市场的研究结论,无论股票型开放式基金整体还是单个基金,其收益率序列的波动中均不存在显著的杠杆效应。  相似文献   
This paper develops a likelihood‐based method for fitting additive models in the presence of measurement error. It formulates the additive model using the linear mixed model representation of penalized splines. In the presence of a structural measurement error model, the resulting likelihood involves intractable integrals, and a Monte Carlo expectation maximization strategy is developed for obtaining estimates. The method's performance is illustrated with a simulation study.  相似文献   
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