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We present a method for fitting parametric probability density models using an integrated square error criterion on a continuum of weighted Lebesgue spaces formed by ultraspherical polynomials. This approach is inherently suitable for creating mixture model representations of complex distributions and allows fully autonomous cluster analysis of high-dimensional datasets. The method is also suitable for extremely large sets, allowing post facto model selection and analysis even in the absence of the original data. Furthermore, the fitting procedure only requires the parametric model to be pointwise evaluable, making it trivial to fit user-defined models through a generic algorithm.  相似文献   
In this paper, two control charts based on the generalized linear test (GLT) and contingency table are proposed for Phase-II monitoring of multivariate categorical processes. The performances of the proposed methods are compared with the exponentially weighted moving average-generalized likelihood ratio test (EWMA-GLRT) control chart proposed in the literature. The results show the better performance of the proposed control charts under moderate and large shifts. Moreover, a new scheme is proposed to identify the parameter responsible for an out-of-control signal. The performance of the proposed diagnosing procedure is evaluated through some simulation experiments.  相似文献   
We obtain the rates of pointwise and uniform convergence of multivariate kernel density estimators using a random bandwidth vector obtained by some data-based algorithm. We are able to obtain faster rate for pointwise convergence. The uniform convergence rate is obtained under some moment condition on the marginal distribution. The rates are obtained under i.i.d. and strongly mixing type dependence assumptions.  相似文献   
Two-unit warm standby systems have been elaborately dealt within the literature. However, the study of standby systems with more than two units, though very relevant in state-of-the-art practical situations, has received little attention because of mathematical intricacies involved in analyzing them. Also, such systems have been studied assuming: (i) the lifetime or repair time of the units to be exponential, or (ii) the lifetime and repair time to be independent. The present contribution is an improvement in the state-of-the-art in the sense that three-unit warm standby system with dependent structure is shown to be capable of comprehensive analysis.  相似文献   
In this paper, Fisher information matrix about the five parameters ρ, μ:1, μ2, λ1and λ2of a mixture of two Inverse Gaussian density functions is obtained. The Leguerre-Gauss quadrature formula is used to evaluate the essential integral on which the twenty five elements of the information matrix are based. Results involving the computation of the information about p are compared with those involving both the power series expansion and Simpson's method of integration. Laguerre-Gauss quadra-ture was found to lead to good approximations as compared with other methods. It was therefore chosen for the computations of the elements of the information matrix.  相似文献   
In this article, we propose a multivariate random forest method for multiple responses of mixed types with missing responses. Imputation is performed for each bootstrap sample used to build the individual trees that form the forest. The individual trees are built using a weighted splitting rule allowing downweighting of imputed observations. A simulation study shows the benefits of this approach over complete case analysis when missing responses are missing completely at random and missing at random (MAR). In particular, the gain in prediction accuracy of the proposed method is larger in the MAR case and also increases as the proportion of missing increases.  相似文献   

Extremal dependence analysis assesses the tendency of large values of components of a random vector to occur simultaneously. This kind of dependence information can be qualitatively different than what is given by correlation which averages over the total body of the joint distribution. Also, correlation may be completely inappropriate for heavy tailed data. We study the extremal dependence measure (EDM), a measure of the tendency of large values of components of a random vector to occur simultaneously and show consistency of an estimator of the EDM. We also show asymptotic normality of an idealized estimator in a restricted case of multivariate regular variation where scaling functions do not have to be estimated.  相似文献   
In problems related to evaluations of products or services (e.g. in customer satisfaction analysis) the main difficulties concern the synthesis of the information, which is necessary for the presence of several evaluators and many response variables (aspects under evaluation). In this article, the problem of determining and comparing the satisfaction of different groups of customers, in the presence of multivariate response variables and using the results of pairwise comparisons is addressed. Within the framework of group ranking methods and multi criteria decision making theory, a new approach, based on nonparametric techniques, for evaluating group satisfaction in a multivariate framework is proposed and the concept of Multivariate Relative Satisfaction is defined. An application to the evaluation of public transport services, like the railway service and the urban bus service, by students of the University of Ferrara (Italy) is also discussed.  相似文献   
We develop Bayesian models for density regression with emphasis on discrete outcomes. The problem of density regression is approached by considering methods for multivariate density estimation of mixed scale variables, and obtaining conditional densities from the multivariate ones. The approach to multivariate mixed scale outcome density estimation that we describe represents discrete variables, either responses or covariates, as discretised versions of continuous latent variables. We present and compare several models for obtaining these thresholds in the challenging context of count data analysis where the response may be over‐ and/or under‐dispersed in some of the regions of the covariate space. We utilise a nonparametric mixture of multivariate Gaussians to model the directly observed and the latent continuous variables. The paper presents a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for posterior sampling, sufficient conditions for weak consistency, and illustrations on density, mean and quantile regression utilising simulated and real datasets.  相似文献   
We jointly model longitudinal values of a psychometric test and diagnosis of dementia. The model is based on a continuous-time latent process representing cognitive ability. The link between the latent process and the observations is modeled in two phases. Intermediate variables are noisy observations of the latent process; scores of the psychometric test and diagnosis of dementia are obtained by categorizing these intermediate variables. We propose maximum likelihood inference for this model and we propose algorithms for performing this task. We estimated the parameters of such a model using the data of the 5 year follow-up of the PAQUID study. In particular this analysis yielded interesting results about the effect of educational level on both latent cognitive ability and specific performance in the mini mental test examination. The predictive ability of the model is illustrated by predicting diagnosis of dementia at the 8 year follow-up of the PAQUID study based on the information from the first 5 years.  相似文献   
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