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《Journal of elder abuse & neglect》2013,25(1-2):133-151
ABSTRACT The article tries to answer the question: Is elder abuse in residential care in Israel a myth or a reality? A broad definition of abuse was used, including the ‘classical’ forms presented in the literature, and also violation of rights and any act that infringes on quality of life of residents. As no data exist which directly explored this issue, the analysis was based on: recent laws mandating the report of abuse, governmental surveillance data, court cases, media clippings, and data from quality of life studies. Findings reveal that abuse in its ‘classical’ form exists only in a limited number of small private unlicensed facilities. However, when using the broader definition, abuse is a reality in many settings, exercised mainly by nurses' aides. 相似文献
Broderick O. Oluyede 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(5):1531-1547
In this paper, bivariate binomial distributions generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distributions are obtained and studied. Representation of the bivariate binomial distribution generated by a convex combination of extreme bivariate Bernoulli distributions as a mixture of distributions in the class of bivariate binomial distribution generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distribution is obtained. A subfamily of bivariate binomial distributions exhibiting the property of positive and negative dependence is constructed. Some results on positive dependence notions as it relates to the bivariate binomial distribution generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distribution and a linear combination of such distributions are obtained. 相似文献
Abstract Extremal dependence analysis assesses the tendency of large values of components of a random vector to occur simultaneously. This kind of dependence information can be qualitatively different than what is given by correlation which averages over the total body of the joint distribution. Also, correlation may be completely inappropriate for heavy tailed data. We study the extremal dependence measure (EDM), a measure of the tendency of large values of components of a random vector to occur simultaneously and show consistency of an estimator of the EDM. We also show asymptotic normality of an idealized estimator in a restricted case of multivariate regular variation where scaling functions do not have to be estimated. 相似文献
城市商业银行是现代金融业和区域经济发展的产物,相对于传统的商业银行,其经营灵活、成长性强、创新性高。但城市商业银行由于其发展时间较短,经营管理及风险控制存在一定的问题。从风险管理、区域限制、产业依赖等角度,运用SBM-Undesirable模型及Bootstrap纠偏技术分析测算了我国54家城市商业银行2010~2014年的经营效率及特征。研究发现:城市商业银行经营效率与风险管理水平存在阶段性正相关关系;城市商业银行经营效率对当地产业有较强的依赖性;跨区域经营有利于城市商业银行的资源优化配置,实现经营效率的提高。 相似文献
以中长期经济运行和中央银行制度建设面临的风险为视角,文章探讨美联储应对2007-09金融危机的负面效应。综合来看,恶性通货膨胀风险、金融市场扭曲风险、中央银行独立性风险和财务风险是美联储为稳定金融体系而带来的潜在隐患。从中得出的启示是需要客观认识货币政策在危机时期的作用,以求审慎平衡货币政策的积极效应和负面效应。 相似文献
本文主要是在二项分布,多项分布,负二项分布的基础上,把负二项分布进一步推广,给出负N项分布的定义,推导出它的概率分布,并计算出其数学期望和方差. 相似文献
Copula函数包含了随机变量间所有的相关信息,可表示金融资产间的相关模式(即依存关系)。分析了一些Copula函数描述相关模式的特点,结合GARCH模型、Copula函数和基于极值理论的GPD分布,构造了Copula-GARCH-GPD模型,用于研究上海期货交易所和伦敦金属交易所期铜间的相关模式。实证研究结果表明,GARCH-GPD模型能很好地描述两市期铜收益率序列的“厚尾”特征,混合Joe-Clayton Copula能很好描述相关模式,充分反映相关性的信息。 相似文献
Portmanteau tests are typically used to test serial independence even if, by construction, they are generally powerful only in presence of pairwise dependence between lagged variables. In this article, we present a simple statistic defining a new serial independence test, which is able to detect more general forms of dependence. In particular, differently from the Portmanteau tests, the resulting test is powerful also under a dependent process characterized by pairwise independence. A diagram, based on p-values from the proposed test, is introduced to investigate serial dependence. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposal is evaluated in a simulation study and with an application on financial data. Both show that the new test, used in synergy with the existing ones, helps in the identification of the true data-generating process. Supplementary materials for this article are available online. 相似文献
Yogita S. Wagh 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2018,47(8):2248-2265
In this paper, we briefly overview different zero-inflated probability distributions. We compare the performance of the estimates of Poisson, Generalized Poisson, ZIP, ZIGP and ZINB models through Mean square error (MSE), bias and Standard error (SE) when the samples are generated from ZIP distribution. We propose a new estimator referred to as probability estimator (PE) of inflation parameter of ZIP distribution based on moment estimator (ME) of the mean parameter and compare its performance with ME and maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) through a simulation study. We use the PE along with ME and MLE to fit ZIP distribution to various zero-inflated datasets and observe that the results do not differ significantly. We recommend using PE in place of MLE since it is easy to calculate and the simulation study in this paper demonstrates that the PE performs as good as MLE irrespective of the sample size. 相似文献
We consider the optimal consumption and portfolio selection problem with constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility. The economic agent in this model receives constant labor income, and her economic behavior is restricted on consumption and wealth, which are called the subsistence consumption constraint and the negative wealth constraint. We use the convex duality method to derive the value function and the optimal policies in closed-form solutions. Also we illustrate some numerical examples. 相似文献