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A variable sample size (VSS) scheme directly monitoring the coefficient of variation (CV), instead of monitoring the transformed statistics, is proposed. Optimal chart parameters are computed based on two criteria: (i) minimizing the out-of-control ARL (ARL1) and (ii) minimizing the out-of-control ASS (ASS1). Then the performances are compared between these two criteria. The advantages of the proposed chart over the VSS chart based on the transformed statistics in the existing literature are: the former (i) provides an easier alternative as no transformation is involved and (ii) requires less number of observations to detect a shift when ASS1 is minimized.  相似文献   
We propose that Bayesian variable selection for linear parametrizations with Gaussian iid likelihoods should be based on the spherical symmetry of the diagonalized parameter space. Our r-prior results in closed forms for the evidence for four examples, including the hyper-g prior and the Zellner–Siow prior, which are shown to be special cases. Scenarios of a single-variable dispersion parameter and of fixed dispersion are studied, and asymptotic forms comparable to the traditional information criteria are derived. A simulation exercise shows that model comparison based on our r-prior gives good results comparable to or better than current model comparison schemes.  相似文献   
Progressively Type-II censored conditionally N-ordered statistics (PCCOS-N) arising from iid random vectors Xi = (X1i, X2i, …, Xip), i = 1, 2…, n, were investigated by Bairamov (2006 Bairamov, I. (2006). Progressive Type II censored order statistics for multivariate observations. J. Mult. Anal. 97:797809.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), with respect to the magnitudes of N(Xi), i = 1, 2, …, n, where N( · ) is a p-variate measurable function defined on the support set of X1 satisfying certain regularity conditions and N(Xi) denotes the lifetime of the random vector Xi, i = 1, …, n. Under the PCCOS-N sampling scheme, n independent units are placed on a life-test and after the ith failure, Ri (i = 1, …, m) of the surviving units are removed at random from the remaining observations. In this article, we consider PCCOS-N arising from a vector with identical as well as non identical dependent components, jointly distributed according to a unified elliptically contoured copula (PCCOSDUECC-N). Results established here contain the previous results as particular cases. Illustrative examples and simulation studies show that PCCOSDUECC-N enables us to analyze the lifetime of several systems, including repairable systems and systems with standby components, more efficiently than PCCOS-N.  相似文献   
Modeling binary familial data has been a challenging task due to the dependence among family members and the constraints imposed on the joint probability distribution of the binary responses. This paper investigates some useful familial dependence structures and proposes analyzing binary familial data using Gaussian copula model. Advantages of this approach are discussed as well as some computational details. An numerical example is also presented with an aim to show the capability of Gaussian copula model in more sophisticated data analysis.  相似文献   
Covariance matrix and its inverse, known as the precision matrix, have many applications in multivariate analysis because their elements can exhibit the variance, correlation, covariance, and conditional independence between variables. The practice of estimating the precision matrix directly without involving any matrix inversion has obtained significant attention in the literature. We review the methods that have been implemented in R and their R packages, particularly when there are more variables than data samples and discuss ideas behind them. We describe how sparse precision matrix estimation methods can be used to infer network structure. Finally, we discuss methods that are suitable for gene coexpression network construction. WIREs Comput Stat 2017, 9:e1415. doi: 10.1002/wics.1415 This article is categorized under:
  • Statistical Models > Linear Models
  • Applications of Computational Statistics > Computational and Molecular Biology
  • Statistical and Graphical Methods of Data Analysis > Multivariate Analysis
Graphical models have played an important role in inferring dependence structures, discovering multivariate interactions among high‐dimensional data associated with classes of interest such as disease status, and visualizing their association. When data are modeled with Gaussian Markov random fields, the graphical model is called a Gaussian graphical model. It has been used to investigate the conditional dependency structure between random variables by estimating sparse precision matrices. Although the Gaussian model has been widely applied, the normality assumption is rather restrictive. Hence, several methods have been proposed under assumptions weaker than the Gaussian assumptions to handle continuous, discrete, and mixed data. However, modeling data of heterogeneous classes and multilevel networks still poses challenges. Addressing these challenges stresses open problems and points out new directions for research. In this article, we review various undirected graphical models for multiple, joint, and multilevel graphs. This article is categorized under: Statistical Models > Graphical Models Statistical and Graphical Methods of Data Analysis > Statistical Graphics and Visualization  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an algorithm for clustering based on univariate kernel density estimation, named ClusterKDE. It consists of an iterative procedure that in each step a new cluster is obtained by minimizing a smooth kernel function. Although in our applications we have used the univariate Gaussian kernel, any smooth kernel function can be used. The proposed algorithm has the advantage of not requiring a priori the number of cluster. Furthermore, the ClusterKDE algorithm is very simple, easy to implement, well-defined and stops in a finite number of steps, namely, it always converges independently of the initial point. We also illustrate our findings by numerical experiments which are obtained when our algorithm is implemented in the software Matlab and applied to practical applications. The results indicate that the ClusterKDE algorithm is competitive and fast when compared with the well-known Clusterdata and K-means algorithms, used by Matlab to clustering data.  相似文献   
We consider fast lattice approximation methods for a solution of a certain stochastic non‐local pseudodifferential operator equation. This equation defines a Matérn class random field. We approximate the pseudodifferential operator with truncated Taylor expansion, spectral domain error functional minimization and rounding approximations. This allows us to construct Gaussian Markov random field approximations. We construct lattice approximations with finite‐difference methods. We show that the solutions can be constructed with overdetermined systems of stochastic matrix equations with sparse matrices, and we solve the system of equations with a sparse Cholesky decomposition. We consider convergence of the truncated Taylor approximation by studying band‐limited Matérn fields. We consider the convergence of the discrete approximations to the continuous limits. Finally, we study numerically the accuracy of different approximation methods with an interpolation problem.  相似文献   
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