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Matrix analogues are given for a known scalar identity which relates certain expectations with respect to the Wishart distribution. (The scalar identity was independently derived by C. Stein and L. Haff.) The matrix analogues are more aptly called “matrix extensions.” They can be derived by using the scalar identity; nevertheless, they are seen (in quite elementary terms) to be more general than the latter. A method of doing multivariate calculations is developed from the identities, and several examples are worked in detail. We compute the first two moments of the regression coefficients and another matrix arising in regression analysis. Also, we give a new result for the matrix analogue of squared multiple correlation: the bias correction of Ezekiel (1930), a result often used in model building, is extended to the case of two or more dependent variables.  相似文献   
The quadratic discriminant function (QDF) with known parameters has been represented in terms of a weighted sum of independent noncentral chi-square variables. To approximate the density function of the QDF as m-dimensional exponential family, its moments in each order have been calculated. This is done using the recursive formula for the moments via the Stein's identity in the exponential family. We validate the performance of our method using simulation study and compare with other methods in the literature based on the real data. The finding results reveal better estimation of misclassification probabilities, and less computation time with our method.  相似文献   
In a recent paper Muirhead (1986) derived certain useful identities involving expectations taken with respect to the Wishart distribution. This note generalizes the above results by taking expectations with respect to a generalized version of the Wishart distribution, considered by Sutradhar and Ali (1989), based on a multivariate tdistribution.  相似文献   
In this paper, the exact distribution of Wilks' likelihood ratio criterion, A, for MANOVA, in the complex case when the alternate hypothesis is of unit rank (i.e. the linear case) has been derived and the explicit expressions for the same for p = 2 and 3 (where p is the number of variates) and general f1 (the error degrees of freedom) and f2 (the hypothesis degrees of freedom), are given. For an unrestricted number of variables, a general form of the density and the distribution of A in this case, is also given. It has been shown that the total integral of the series obtained by taking a few terms only, rapidly approaches the theoretical value one as more terms are taken into account, and some percentage points have also been computed.  相似文献   
In this paper we.present a Normal asymptotic distribution for the logarithm of the generalized Wilks Lambda statistic based on an asymptotic distribution for the determinant of a Wishart matrix. This distribution is obtained through the combined use of Taylor expansions of random variables whose exponentials have chi-square distributions and the Lindeberg-Feller version of the Central Limit Theorem, Another asymptotic Normal distribution for the logarithm of the generalized Wilks Lambda statistic for the case when at most one of the sets has an odd number of variables is derived directly from the exact distribution. Both distributions are non-degenerate and non-singular. The first Normal distribution compares favorably with other known approximations and asymptotic distributions namely for large numbers of variables and small sample sizes, while the second Normal distribution, which has a more restricted application, compares in most cases highly favorably with other known asymptotic distributions and approximations. Finally, a method to compute approximate quantiles which lay very close and converge steadily to the exact ones is presented.  相似文献   
This paper considers the Bayesian analysis of the multivariate normal distribution when its covariance matrix has a Wishart prior density under the assumption of a multivariate quadratic loss function. New flexible marginal posterior distributions of the mean μ and of the covariance matrix Σ are developed and univariate cases with graphical representations are given.  相似文献   
Noncentral distributions appear in two sample problems and are often used in several fields, for example, in biostatistics. A higher order approximation for a percentage point of the noncentral t-distribution under normality is given by Akahira (1995 Akahira, M. 1995. A higher order approximation to a percentage point of the non-central t-distribution. Communications in Statistics–Simulation, 24(3): 595605. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and is also shown to be numerically better than others. In this article, without the normality assumption, we obtain a higher order approximation to a percentage point of the distribution of a noncentral t-statistic, in a similar way to Akahira (1995 Akahira, M. 1995. A higher order approximation to a percentage point of the non-central t-distribution. Communications in Statistics–Simulation, 24(3): 595605. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) where the statistic based on a linear combination of a normal random variable and a chi-statistic takes an important role. Its application to the confidence limit and the confidence interval for a noncentrality parameter are also given. Further, a numerical comparison of the higher order approximation with the limiting normal distribution is done and the former one is shown to be more accurate. As a result of the numerical calculation, the higher order approximation seems to be useful in practical situations, when the size of sample is not so small.  相似文献   
The Bayesian analysis of the multivariate mixed linear model is considered. The exact posterior distribution for the fixed effects matrix and the error covariance matrix are obtained. The exact posterior means and variances of the Bayesian estimators for the covariance matrices of random effects are also derived. These posterior moments are computed without constrained optimization and numerical integration. The calculations are feasible for arbitrary models. Reasonable approximations for the posterior distributions for the covariance matrices associated with the random effects are obtained also. Results are illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   
The authors discuss prior distributions that are conjugate to the multivariate normal likelihood when some of the observations are incomplete. They present a general class of priors for incorporating information about unidentified parameters in the covariance matrix. They analyze the special case of monotone patterns of missing data, providing an explicit recursive form for the posterior distribution resulting from a conjugate prior distribution. They develop an importance sampling and a Gibbs sampling approach to sample from a general posterior distribution and compare the two methods.  相似文献   
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