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北魏建立后,其经济结构经历了由狩猎、畜牧、农耕等多元混合经济向以农耕经济为主的转换,这个转换是多重因素综合的结果。在生态环境、经济、军事、人口以及游牧思维习惯等因素的共同影响下,最终于孝文帝时期确立了农业的主体地位。  相似文献   
释奠是魏晋以来由皇帝、皇太子倡导推行的国家级学礼,以尊师崇圣为宗旨,倡导了当时以及后世的崇儒学风。南朝的释奠丰富详备,且讲且奠,由帝王、太子在京师举行典礼;北朝的释奠前简后详,呈后来居上之势,逐渐发展为从中央到地方多层级推行的官学学礼。释奠成为普及面甚广的全国性学礼的历史过程体现了南、北礼仪文化的迥异品质和整体差异。  相似文献   

A shared identity has been shown to reduce prejudice between conflicting social groups. One such common national category is the ‘Northern Irish’ identity which can be inclusive of both Catholics and Protestants. This study analyses the plenary sessions of the Northern Ireland Assembly to show how the national category ‘Northern Irish’ is framed by politicians. Content analysis shows that it is used more often by centrist parties who tend to frame it positively and as part of their political viewpoint. There is also evidence of the instrumental use of this identity by unionists in line with the ingroup projection model.  相似文献   
This article argues that national identity is closely bound up with religion, which in turn is closely bound up with ideas of truth. Different religions will form and transmit different ideas of truth, both moral and cognitive, and transmit them and socialise their members in to holding them. From this a socially exclusive group is formed, which becomes one basis for a nation. This nation becomes morally and cognitively exclusive of non-religious members since they will hold different truths and so cannot be trusted, they cannot be ‘loyal and true’. Ireland and Northern Ireland provide a classic example of this, where Catholic and Protestant were the mediums for transmitting Romantic or Enlightenment versions of the truth and so provided a basis for opposed ideas of nation.  相似文献   

While an exploration of mobility patterns in ‘post-conflict’ societies has much to tell us about how division is produced through ordinary activities, less work has considered the practical application of a mobilities ‘lens’ during fieldwork in such contexts. Negotiating the ground in highly polarized contexts presents a unique array of challenges, but also offers opportunities to make use of mobile methodologies. This paper discusses the advantages of GPS-based technologies and walking interviews to a recent activity-space segregation study in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and reflects on methodological issues posed by the ‘post-conflict’ field site.  相似文献   
从洛阳出土的西域鄯乾、鄯月光和于仙姬墓志可知:北魏王朝使鄯善王"世君西夏",任鄯乾为"辅国将军城门校尉"和"征虏将军安定内史"诸职。于阗国主女于仙姬远嫁文成皇帝,居魏宫七十余年,死后陪葬"西陵"。车师前部王长子与其妻鄯月光流寓洛阳,死葬北邙。这些正是北魏时期西域诸国"乐中国土风,因而宅者","万有余家"的历史佐证。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝诗赋的骈偶化进程及其理论意义   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
《四库全书总目提要.四六法海》说:"自李斯《谏逐客令》始点缀华词,自邹阳《狱中上梁王书》始点缀故事,是骈体文之渐萌也"。骈偶化倾向虽萌芽于周秦两汉,但从汉末魏晋始才成为诗、赋创作一种自觉的形式上的诉求,至南朝宋,诗、赋骈偶句比例发展至最高峰,齐梁以后则比例下降,表现出在更高层次上追求形式均衡美、对称美、和谐美的理性思考。本文拟考察此一过程中文人创作心态上呈现出的对骈偶化的"部分趋同———过度趋同———理性认同"的阶段性特征,并揭示其对诗、赋文体的影响。  相似文献   
进入21世纪以来,泰国的政党政治发生了重要转变,原来的代理式政党被以项目为基础的纲领式政党取代,国家和社会组织在乡村地区推行了许多发展项目。文章运用集体欢腾的概念,对泰北乡村的农家乐项目进行民族志描述和分析。农家乐项目的实施过程嵌入在地方文化实践当中,表现为项目在原有的有灵空间中展开,通过多主体参与的方式来实现,以及项目实施过程所具有的集体欢腾的特点。文中将这种项目治理模式归纳为欢腾式发展。欢腾式发展的成功之处在于强化了社区的共同体意识,项目实施过程的意义超越了用单一的经济发展指标考量项目实施结果的意义,而国家权力和其他社会力量的绩效也在项目实施过程中得以实现。项目实施过程中所体现出来的社区生活的丰富性、开放性以及重组的可能性应当成为国家与社会治理的重要目标。  相似文献   
教师职业倦怠的存在使个人、家庭、组织与社会付出了极大的代价。通过已知的材料和调查了解得出结论:苏北中学教师的职业倦怠程度并不严重,但仍有一定比率的教师经历严重的倦怠。形成苏北中学教师职业倦怠的原因是多方面的,其核心原因主要有社会环境、职业特征、教学情境和自身人格因素等。有效防治教师职业倦怠刻不容缓。  相似文献   
以江苏省13个地市2009年旅游总收入、旅游增加值等六项指标,采用因子分析法,通过与省内其他城市的对比,定量分析了苏北旅游经济发展水平以及在全省的地位。结果表明,苏北五市旅游经济远落后于苏南各市,连云港和徐州旅游经济相对较高,而淮安、盐城和宿迁则位于全省最后列。在分析导致苏北旅游经济落后的主要原因有旅游资源禀赋较差、经济发展水平落后、区位和交通条件不利等因素的基础上,提出了苏北地区应加大政府支持和宏观调控、加强旅游交通建设、挖掘旅游资源潜力、加大旅游宣传和营销力度以及推进区域旅游合作等建议。  相似文献   
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