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诸葛亮北伐问题历史上一向争议很大,进而对诸葛亮的才能问题也众说纷纭。本文通过分析当时蜀汉与曹魏的形势对比、诸葛亮的北伐动机,指出无论在公在私,诸葛亮都有不得不北伐的动因;且在北伐战争的初期如果策略得当,的确有胜利的希望,而不能单纯以兵力数量为战争胜负的决定因素。导致诸葛亮北伐战争的失败有诸多原因,但诸葛亮个人军事才能的平庸以及用人上的失误的确是不可否认的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
18世纪朝鲜北学思想堪称朝鲜走向近代社会的前奏.它主要是在部分朝鲜入华燕行使臣深切感受到清初中国政治稳定、人民生活繁盛、文化事业发达的过程中逐渐形成的,更准确地说是在使臣为解决其传统华夷观与现实所产生的矛盾中,在其"攘清夷"观逐渐被打破的过程中形成的.虽然它率先提出打破"华夷之辨"的口号,但根本上还是对中国传统儒家文化认同的一种回归.  相似文献   
1926年7月正式发动的北伐战争,是中国乃至世界军事史上最辉煌的战事之一。它的发动不是偶然的,至少具备以下条件:1.各种政治力量尤其是国共两党对北伐的认同。2.广东国民革命根据地的统一和巩固。3.民众运动营造的有利社会环境。4.北洋军阀各派系间的战争和兵变提供的时机。5.苏联政府的帮助。  相似文献   
This article responds to calls in this journal for increased attention to identity, culture, power and sport. It explores, for the first time, the lived realities of identity politics in a divided society, through interviews with 12 self-declared Irish nationalists and republicans that represented Northern Ireland. Important insights are revealed into national eligibility decisions for either Irish team, motivated mainly by ‘shop window’ visibility and being seen as the best of a peer group. Political and sporting nationalisms were not necessarily analogous. A significant original finding is that the lived experiences of being closer to ‘the other’ resulted in an overall reinforcement rather than dissolution of difference. Visual and oral ‘national’ symbols such as flag, and especially anthem, delineated such difference, being symbolic walls of the mind. ‘Our wee country’ was thus a polarised and polarising fantasy shield. The article concludes by reconsidering the role of sport as a lens through which to examine identity and its’ place as part of the ‘problem’ and ‘solution’.  相似文献   
北宋初年,太祖、太宗通过简拔厢军精锐、扩充禁军,实现了“收其精兵”的既定目标,消除了藩镇割据的军事基础,改变了厢军这一藩镇旧兵的性质。此后,奉行“祖宗家法”的北宋君臣,在军队建设中,都把厢军与禁军视为一体,不断以厢军补充或升隶禁军,同时又把不合格的禁军兵员降为厢军。尽管厢军、禁军的主要职能不同,但在北宋时期却是紧密相连、互相依存的整体,二者的互动关系,是募兵制条件下北宋兵制的一个重要特点。  相似文献   
本文探讨了魏晋南北朝时期毒药与政治斗争和社会矛盾处理的关系。认为当时毒药已广泛用于政治谋杀和官员的自杀事件之中,并使用于战争、血亲复仇、忌才、殉葬、家庭矛盾事件中。随着时代的发展,毒药对社会各阶层人群的影响呈日益显著之势。  相似文献   
This article focuses on multiple conditionalities in benefits and housing from the perspective of lone parents in Ireland. The Irish case echoes historical experiences elsewhere and is offered not as an exceptional or extreme case but as an in-depth single case study and a lens for comparison. Although contemporary forms and combinations of conditionalities are new to Ireland, the experience of multiple conditionalities in benefits and housing is not new. Hence, a historical perspective is used to examine contemporary multiple conditionalities in benefits and housing. In the past, conditional regimes for lone parents were justified in terms of moral reformation for first time mothers and avoiding moral contagion of mothers with subsequent pregnancies. In contemporary times, in the case of employment, lone parents are problematised as working part-time and “nesting” on in-work-benefits, and in the case of homelessness, lone parents who prioritise the security of tenure embedded in social housing are accused of “gaming” the system. While acknowledging ambiguities, the paper finds the overlap of welfare and housing discourses contribute, intentionally or unintentionally, to epistemological foundations or understandings of lone parents, shifting public perceptions, and framing them as “problems” to be solved. They simultaneously temper lone parents' expectations. Increased precarity and disempowerment is associated with dual conditionality, and ontological uncertainty is multiplied when experienced cumulatively across employment, social protection, and housing regimes in a context of generally poor public services and labour market precarity and in the historical context of stigmatisation. Nonetheless, lone parents demonstrate considerable agency.  相似文献   
A weaver, seamstress, laundress and artist, in this essay I shall spin a yarn, tangle a web, and construct a text(ile) of the inter-weave of narrative and identity that I define as my intellectual, textual, somatic and material/visual practice obsessions. My work explores ‘the places in-between’ in the entanglements of Irish and Northern Irish gender and identity, and in the abject fabrics of death and of desire. As an Irish feminist, sense-making of the complexities, conundrums, challenges and contradictions of my land, my cloth, my body and my culture owes much to Irish women before me who fought for female suffrage, and Irish women now – north and south of the border that divides the island of Ireland – who still struggle for equality of citizenship, social justice, human rights, and full reproductive autonomy. My contention is that when we accept that Ireland herself is a many-layered cloth, a stained and bloodied cloth, a cloth marked irreversibly by history, conflict, denial and abuse, stained by its own repression, marked through denial of all its people’s rights and needs, and bloodied by its greatest export, the haemorrhage of its people, then – polemical, didactic or reflective, with more compassion, empathy, humility and heart – we just might make peace with our past.  相似文献   
Eoin Reeves 《Policy Studies》2017,38(4):339-355
The global financial crisis that took hold in late 2008 resulted in a major slowdown of activity in the global market for public-private partnerships (PPPs). Ireland was one of the countries most affected with over 20 major infrastructure PPP projects postponed or abandoned. Since 2012 however, the Irish government has adopted a number of initiatives to make PPP more attractive to bidders and private sources of finance. This paper describes these initiatives and shows that they have been associated with a renewal of PPP activity. It suggests that some of the adopted measures may involve trade-offs between encouraging PPP investment and achieving standard PPP objectives such as economic efficiency and better innovation. However, the attraction of public sources of finance from sources such as the European Investment Bank should result in a relatively lower cost of finance and enhance value for money if providers adopt rigorous risk management strategies.  相似文献   
里坊是古代都城构造的一个重要组成部分,坊之置始于北魏平城,洛阳、邺京沿置。邺南城400余坊,北宋时已不可名状。稽诸石刻,可考证出东魏北齐邺京28里3坊,里、坊置正,分掌管理和治安。城内置坊,城外置村。里承汉制,坊启隋唐,邺京里坊制度在中国古代都城制度发展史上具有承前启后的地位与作用。  相似文献   
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