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美国与北约东扩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北约是美国主导的西方最主要的政治军事组织.冷战结束后,北约非但没有消失,而且不断对其战略、结构和任务进行调整.不仅如此,为了实现其长远的战略目标,北约先后两次进行东扩.在这个过程中,美国始终扮演着极其重要的角色.北约东扩不但使自身的势力范围得以扩大,同时也使美国的势力获得极大拓展,这为美国实现其全球战略提供了重要条件.  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝在中国历史上是一个重大变化时期,社会变迁在意识形态和文化心理上的表现就是占统治地位的两汉经学的崩溃,那些无用的谶纬宿命论和神学目的论受到摒弃,在这种背景下,“人的觉醒”成为一个新的理念。云冈石窟作为这个时期突出的艺术成就,就不可避免地带有“人的觉醒”这个划时代的印迹。  相似文献   
诸葛亮是三国时期一位卓越的政治家、军事家。他以毕生的精力治理蜀国,力图以一州之地复大汉皇朝。他在强烈的忠君思想的支配下厉行改革、依法治国;发展屯田、务农积谷;平定诸夷、稳定政局;厉兵秣马、挥师北伐。在他短暂的政治生涯中,取得了一些成功和胜利,然而由于客观条件的限制,他没有能够实现自己为之奋斗一生的抱负。  相似文献   
发生在1926年的北伐意义重大,而就在北伐出师之时,陈独秀发表了《论国民政府之北伐》一文,对北伐进行批评,在当时引起了强烈反响。通过分析,陈独秀发表反对北伐文章的成因有以下三个方面:共产国际对北伐的坚决反对直接影响了陈独秀的立场;当时广州政府内忧外患,国共矛盾尖锐,是导致陈独秀反对北伐的客观原因;注重刷新国人思想,轻视军事行动是陈独秀批评北伐的思想根源。而与国民党分家的意图,促使陈独秀将自己对北伐的意见公诸于众。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝诗坛模拟袭用之风盛行,诗人在模拟与重复中感受并彰显诗歌形式美的各种要素,对于促进古典诗歌走向成熟以及诗歌意象的形成发挥了承上启下的重要作用。同时,因模拟袭用之风推动,魏晋南北朝诗坛出现了数量众多分别在内容、情境、语言、风格诸方面相似或相近的诗篇,甚至导致传播过程中某些诗篇署名的混淆。探讨曹植五言诗与《古诗十九首》的相似,必须充分考虑上述因素。  相似文献   
This paper explores how local actors form alliances and join networks with (inter-)national NGOs working on religious, political and environmental issues in a dispute over tourism development in northern Bali. All of these actors construct a particular concept of landscape which serves their respective goals to contest or defend the planned large-scale tourism projects. Three of these conceptual framings are identified as playing a major role in the conflict: (1) a spiritual Hindu-Balinese perspective mobilised by tourism protesters and NGOs; in alliance with (2) views on landscape based on sustainability and conservation powerfully represented by international NGOs; clashing with (3) a material and economic view of landscape by international investors, who consider land primarily as a commodity generating economic value. These three contrasting views and resulting networks provide an instrument of moral and political pressure for the contending parties in this conflict over natural resources and tourism development.  相似文献   
配子捐赠有助于不孕不育患者实现为人父母的美好愿望。而随之产生的一系列伦理法律问题仍有待探讨解决。匿名配子捐赠存废问题、卵子捐赠的可接受性问题和捐赠配子的补偿问题是北欧各国讨论中较突出的问题。北欧国家对这些问题做了大量研究,积累了丰富经验,并制定了法律法规。中国的配子银行建设仍在起步阶段,需要借鉴北欧经验,以便更好地满足配子捐赠的需要。  相似文献   
The Northern Irish civil rights movement, like other minority or subaltern struggles, has been interpreted in terms of the national minority’s struggle for state recognition. Such frameworks emphasise the importance of identity in political conflict and tend to assume the state as guarantor of the recognition of identity. The difficulty here is that political possibilities that exceed the terms of identity and the state are obscured. Moreover, the interpretation of the Northern Irish conflict in these terms forms part of the consociational approach to conflict resolution which operates as normative underpinning to the post-conflict state. This article provides an alternative interpretation of the political significance of the civil rights movement. Rather than assuming the analytical usefulness and political significance of identity, I seek to trace the tension between identity and disidentification within the movement, drawing attention to the ways in which activists were aware of, and sought to respond to, the dangers of identity politics.  相似文献   
陈峰  王路平 《文史哲》2006,(6):119-125
在中国古代战争中,为了更有效地发挥军队多兵种与群体作战的效果,产生了阵法以及阵图。至北宋时期,统治者长期对阵法予以高度重视,不断加以建设,更通过授阵图指挥作战。尽管宋朝君臣为此耗尽了心机,但因为当政者的主要目的是用来消极防御和控制将帅,因此这些产物恰恰违背了军事的基本原则与常识,束缚了军事将领的手脚,造成巨大的危害。  相似文献   
余悦  冯文开  王立霞 《河北学刊》2007,27(6):142-146
饮茶作为一种雅趣之事,受到北宋文士的推崇。他们认为,只有雅士才能懂得品茗,品味茶的芬芳,体味茶的三昧。茶诗作为茶文化的有机组成,也呈现出"雅"的品格,是透视文人心态的一面镜子,文士的雅趣透过对饮茶的技雅、境雅、人雅的追求表现出来。  相似文献   
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