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Because of the inherent complexity of biological systems, there is often a choice between a number of apparently equally applicable physiologically based models to describe uptake and metabolism processes in toxicology or risk assessment. These models may fit the particular data sets of interest equally well, but may give quite different parameter estimates or predictions under different (extrapolated) conditions. Such competing models can be discriminated by a number of methods, including potential refutation by means of strategic experiments, and their ability to suitably incorporate all relevant physiological processes. For illustration, three currently used models for steady-state hepatic elimination--the venous equilibration model, the parallel tube model, and the distributed sinusoidal perfusion model--are reviewed and compared with particular reference to their application in the area of risk assessment. The ability of each of the models to describe and incorporate such physiological processes as protein binding, precursor-metabolite relations and hepatic zones of elimination, capillary recruitment, capillary heterogeneity, and intrahepatic shunting is discussed. Differences between the models in hepatic parameter estimation, extrapolation to different conditions, and interspecies scaling are discussed, and criteria for choosing one model over the others are presented. In this case, the distributed model provides the most general framework for describing physiological processes taking place in the liver, and has so far not been experimentally refuted, as have the other two models. These simpler models may, however, provide useful bounds on parameter estimates and on extrapolations and risk assessments.  相似文献   
A quantitative criterion for ranking the different scenarios of nuclear and radiological terrorism has been developed. The aim of the model is not to predict terroristic events but only to indicate which scenario has the higher utility from the point of view of a terroristic organization in terms of balance between factors favoring and discouraging the attack, respectively. All these factors were quantified according to a scoring system that takes into account the logarithmic relationship between perceptions and stimuli. The criterion was applied to several scenarios, each of which was modeled in a simple but not trivial way in order to estimate the expected damage in terms of probable life losses from both radiative and nonradiative effects. The outcome from the ranking method indicates that the attractive scenario appears to be the detonation of a low yield improvised nuclear device in the metropolitan area of a major city.  相似文献   
金融核心区的培育是提升重庆金融集聚力和辐射力以及构建长江上游地区金融中心的关键因素.在审视金融核心区的概念、内涵和重庆市培育金融核心区的必要性、可能性基础上,运用大系统分析方法的原理,提出重庆金融核心区的规划布局和总体思路;基于产业集群理论探讨重庆金融核心区的培育路径与对策.研究认为,培育重庆金融核心区,要在运筹高端金融商务发展体系、夯实现代金融业发展平台、拓展金融业发展空间等三个方面合理布局金融产业,促进形成金融业产业集群,并优化金融生态环境和金融主体结构、强化金融资源共享和政府公共服务职能.  相似文献   
We consider acyclic directed mixed graphs, in which directed edges ( x → y ) and bi-directed edges ( x ↔ y ) may occur. A simple extension of Pearl's d -separation criterion, called m -separation, is applied to these graphs. We introduce a local Markov property which is equivalent to the global property resulting from the m -separation criterion for arbitrary distributions.  相似文献   
中国的民间手工艺文化一直延续着中华本元文化的特征,保持了精神和物质统一的原生状态,同时包蕴了中华民族传统的自然观和思维方式,无论是其中的思想智慧还是造物工艺都为我们的现代设计在如何继承本土文化方面打开了一个可供吸收营养和借鉴的宝库。凤翔泥塑作为一种符号现象被现代设计加以运用,不能不说是民间传统手工艺术在现代的一次回归浪潮。文章探讨的是凤翔泥塑在纹饰、色彩、造型三个方面带给现代设计的启示。  相似文献   
基于规则的客户关系管理系统建模方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
客户关系管理系统(CRM)是提高企业核心竞争力的有力武器。以工作流和过程建模技术为基础,研究CRM系统的建模,是CRM系统的建立和顺畅运行的关键。因此,将动态过程建模的思想引入CRM系统的建模过程中,按照逐层分解的建模方式来简化系统的复杂性,并采用事件驱动的、基于扩展业务规则的方法进行CRM系统的过程建模和系统性能评价,是针对CRM系统进行建模的有效手段。通过以上方法,可以建立出全面支持CRM系统运行、监控、仿真和性能评价的过程模型。根据该方法建立的CRM系统的模型经过仿真实验和企业实际应用,证明具有良好的应用效果。  相似文献   
经济转轨期农村经营模式:路径、绩效与创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国农村实行的是以家庭承包经营为基础的双层经营体制。这种体制的弊端在于土地难以流转、经营规模太小、市场联系面窄、抵抗风险能力弱、农业资本投资不足、土地使用效率低等。要进一步发展农村经济,就必须创新经营模式,下一步应该把突破口放在以产权清晰为基础的统一经营上,建立农村家庭、涉农企业、集体和政府利益协同的产业链,把重点放在农产品的加工和流通环节,以企业为龙头,建立大市场大流通,实现规模经济效应。  相似文献   
哲学理解的生成,是由生成方法、生成路径和生成判据三个步骤来完成的。具体地说:在理解生成的方法中,并存着演绎法、归纳法、目的法三种方法,而目的法是生成理解的根本方法,因为生成理解就在于揭示目的;在理解生成的路径中,如果采用目的方法,则要解决理解的层面性和客观性问题,因为层面性和客观性牵涉到生成某一具体理解的最佳途径;在理解生成的判据中,某一具体理解的生成,其判据就是信念的确立,因为正是信念才构成个人与现实之间的价值关系。  相似文献   
本文以西安内陆外向型城市建设为例,运用系统工程的基本思想、网络理论及综合评价技术,构建了内陆外向型城市建设的障碍因素集层次结构分析模型,找到了西安内陆外向型城市建设的主要和次要障碍因素集,提出了在目前和今后较长的一段时间内,西安内陆外向型城市建设的主要任务是大力发展第三产业。本模型方法对其它地区的内陆外向型城市建设及复杂的社会经济系统障碍因素定量分析研究也有较好的参考价值  相似文献   
乡村振兴战略的全面铺开为红色资源的有效开发利用提供了良好契机,而红色资源在推动乡村产业发展、促进农村基层治理、培育文明乡风、加强生态保护、增强文化自信等方面的多维价值也日渐凸显。湖南省作为中国近代革命的摇篮和红色文化的发源地,有着富集的红色物质资源、深厚的红色精神内涵和优良的红色革命传统,在充分发掘红色资源的多维价值以助力乡村全面振兴的实践方面具有得天独厚的优势,因此,需要在聚焦现实需求、采取有力措施、多层面精准发力的基础上,推动红色资源在“保护好”“管理好”的过程中顺利实现“利用好”的目标,将资源禀赋转化为发展优势,实现红色资源保育与乡村振兴的互动双促,从而加速推进乡村全面振兴。  相似文献   
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