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信息混沌环境下区域物流能力盲数测评模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王岳峰  刘伟 《管理学报》2010,7(3):418-422
以盲数作为数学工具建立了区域物流能力的盲数测评模型.模型的基本思路是:首先构建区域物流能力构成要素的层次分析体系;然后采用改进的Delphi法建立模糊一致判断矩阵,确定各构成要素的权重;再将专家的评分结果表示成盲数并计算盲数均值;最后采用加权评分的方法得到区域物流能力总的测算值.设计了一个算例,算例表明模型的可行性和适用性.  相似文献   
本文研究了受迫Duffing振子产生浑沌运动时的控制问题,通过周期激振力、参数激扰、自适应控制和连续反馈控制来抑制和控制其中的浑沌运动,使系统从浑沌运动状态转变到规则运动状态.数值分析表明,在适当的控制信号作用下,受迫Duffing振子中的浑沌运动得到了很好的控制.  相似文献   
本文介绍一种算法,可对工程管理网络图的各个结点进行编号,并实现虚工序的自动添加。文末给出了算法的时间复杂度分析。  相似文献   
统计和分析了国家自然科学基金委员会(以下简称基金委) 管理科学部自 1986 年以来对复杂性科学及其在经济领域中相关研究的资助情况,同时,对复杂性科学及其与经济科学融合所产生的复杂经济学等研究进行了梳理,系统总结和分析了国内外相关研究的进展和发展趋势,以期为该领域的研究者提供参考和启示,促进复杂系统管理的研究,进而为管理科学部的十四五学科战略规划提供参考,为国家经济治理体系的完善等提供理论储备.  相似文献   
This article argues that a better management of increasingly complex socio-ecological systems would require to adopt evidence-based policy-making and improve the science–policy interface by means of participatory action research involving scientists, citizens and policy-makers. The connectivity between the production of scientific evidence by experts and the delivery of policies by policy-makers is currently unsatisfactory. There is the need to find more effective knowledge mechanisms between researchers and policy-makers. A new way of connecting scientists and policy-makers is to invite a “third player” to the game, i.e. the citizens and stakeholders who are interested in or affected by policy decisions, to perform pilot experiments of participatory research. Participatory research combines different forms of knowledge. “Objective” knowledge produced by scientific disciplines is needed to describe, explain or understand a phenomenon, but participatory research brings in the contribution of citizens' everyday knowledge, e.g. their intimate familiarity with their environment and social context. The approach is illustrated with the aid of examples provided by a number of EU-funded participatory research projects coordinated by ISIS: RAISE (www.raise-eu.org), MOVE TOGETHER (www.move-together.net) and AWARE (www.aware-eu.net).  相似文献   
Estimation of finite mixture models when the mixing distribution support is unknown is an important problem. This article gives a new approach based on a marginal likelihood for the unknown support. Motivated by a Bayesian Dirichlet prior model, a computationally efficient stochastic approximation version of the marginal likelihood is proposed and large-sample theory is presented. By restricting the support to a finite grid, a simulated annealing method is employed to maximize the marginal likelihood and estimate the support. Real and simulated data examples show that this novel stochastic approximation and simulated annealing procedure compares favorably with existing methods.  相似文献   
An algorithm, in the form of a Fortran subroutine TRIPLE, is given to compute statistics for the triples test for symmetry, The computational complexity of the algorithm is O(n2) which is an improvement over the straight for ward method, which is O(n3).  相似文献   
When simulating a dynamical system, the computation is actually of a spatially discretized system, because finite machine arithmetic replaces continuum state space. For chaotic dynamical systems, the discretized simulations often have collapsing effects, to a fixed point or to short cycles. Statistical properties of these phenomena can be modelled with random mappings with an absorbing centre. The model gives results which are very much in line with computational experiments. The effects are discussed with special reference to the family of mappings f (x)=1-|1-2x|,x [0,1],1,<,,<,. Computer experiments show close agreement with predictions of the model.  相似文献   
This article explores key vectors in the uprisings of the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region from an urban perspective. The aim is to open up a larger conceptual field to understand the complex interactions between power and powerlessness as they get shaped in urban space. I argue that the city makes visible the limits of superior military power and, most importantly, that cities enable powerlessness to become complex, not simply elementary. In this complexity lies the possibility of making history and remaking the political. The question of public space is central to giving the powerless rhetorical and operational openings. But that public space needs to be distinguished from the concept of public space in the European tradition. This leads me to the concept of The Global Street.

Este artículo explora los vectores claves en los levantamientos de la región del Medio Oriente y África del Norte (MENA, por sus siglas en inglés) desde una perspectiva urbana. El objetivo es abrir un campo conceptual mayor para entender las interacciones complejas entre el poder y la impotencia, a medida que se forman dentro de un espacio urbano. Sostengo que la ciudad expone los límites del poder militar superior y más importante aún, que las ciudades permiten que la impotencia se vuelva compleja y no simplemente elemental. En esta complejidad reside la posibilidad de hacer historia y rehacer la política. El asunto del espacio público es primordial para darle a los impotentes una apertura retórica y operacional. Pero ese espacio público necesita distinguirse del concepto del espacio público en la tradición europea. Esto me conduce al concepto de la Calle Global (The Global Street).

本文从一个城市的视角探究了中东和北非(MENA)地区起义的关键向量。文章旨在开辟一个更加广泛的概念领域,以便理解强权与无权势之间复杂的互动,正如它们在城市空间中被塑造的那样。我认为,城市使得优势军事权力的限度显现,更重要的是,城市使得无权势变得复合化,不单单是不可再分。在这种错综复杂中存在着创造历史和重塑政治的可能。公共空间问题对于为无权势者提供言辞和操作机会来说至关重要。然而,这一公共空间需要与欧洲传统中的公共空间概念区别开来。这导致我确立了“全球街”的概念。  相似文献   
Web-based (2.0) media will play an increasing role in substance abuse treatment. Two focus groups identified initial barriers and potential uses within a population living below the median income. Client suggestions included using different approaches to service delivery based on a person's access to web 2.0 media. Preliminary results indicated that contrary to the staff members' opinions, the majority of clients appeared to have sufficient Internet access and the requisite social networking skills in order to participate in online interventions. Future research should focus on using games as a potential mode of online service delivery, on the potential of the various forms of social networking, and whether classism exists between client and staff perceptions.  相似文献   
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