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The finite sample performance of a number of tests for symmetry of the distribution of the errors of a linear model is considered. The first family of tests is based on the discrepancy between two regression fits. The first fit is appropriate under symmetric errors while the second is appropriate for skewed as well as symmetric error distributions. The second family of procedures consists of tests for the univariate symmetry problem. Thus, in the linear model setting these tests are based on residuals. An extensive empirical study of the finite sample, null behavior of the tests is presented. The results of a power comparison among the tests is also discussed.  相似文献   
This paper examines a number of statistics that have been proposed to test the normality assumption in the tobit (censored regression) model. It argues that a number of commonly proposed statistics can be interpreted as different versions of the Lagrange multiplier, or score, test for a common null hypothesis. This observation is useful in examining the Monte Carlo results presented in the paper. The Monte Carlo results suggest that the computational convenience of a number of statistics is obtained at the cost of poor finite sample performance under the null hypothesis.  相似文献   
向书坚  柴士改 《统计研究》2011,28(12):14-21
 本文以国家数据为准,通过采用2005-2009年的数据为样本,从理论与实证上比较分析了地区与国家GDP数据衔接的三种方法即Geary和Stark的产出估算方法、线性调整法与辅助回归法,比较结果显示:(1)从理论上分析,三种方法都有其合理性,只是辅助回归法较另两种方法更具可取性。(2)从衔接效果上看,辅助回归法优于Geary和Stark的产出估算方法,Geary和Stark的产出估算方法又优于线性调整法。不过不同的方法皆有相应的适用场合与特点以及不同的衔接效果,因而只能说三种方法中有趋优的方法,但不能明确断定何种方法可以具体应用于实际数据衔接中并能达到良好的调整效果。  相似文献   
This paper examines both theoretically and empirically whether the common practice of using OLS multivariate regression models to estimate average treatment effects (ATEs) under experimental designs is justified by the Neyman model for causal inference. Using data from eight large U.S. social policy experiments, the paper finds that estimated standard errors and significance levels for ATE estimators are similar under the OLS and Neyman models when baseline covariates are included in the models, even though theory suggests that this may not have been the case. This occurs primarily because treatment effects do not appear to vary substantially across study subjects.  相似文献   
This paper considers alternative estimators of the intercept parameter of the linear regression model with normal error when uncertain non-sample prior information about the value of the slope parameter is available. The maximum likelihood, restricted, preliminary test and shrinkage estimators are considered. Based on their quadratic biases and mean square errors the relative performances of the estimators are investigated. Both analytical and graphical comparisons are explored. None of the estimators is found to be uniformly dominating the others. However, if the non-sample prior information regarding the value of the slope is not too far from its true value, the shrinkage estimator of the intercept parameter dominates the rest of the estimators.  相似文献   
The identity of the Rao score and PearsonX 2 statistics is well known in the areas where the latter was first introduced: goodness-of-fit in contingency tables and binary responses. We show in this paper that the same identity holds when the two statistics are used for testing goodness-of-fit of Generalized Linear Models. We also highlight the connections that exist between the two statistics when they are used for the comparison of nested models. Finally, we discuss some merits of these unifying results. Work financially supported by cofin. MIUR grants 2000 and 2002.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to describe a simulation procedure to compare parametric regression against a non-parametric regression method, for different functions and sets of information. The proposed methodology improves lack of fit at the edges of the regression curves, and an acceptable result is obtained for the no-parametric estimation in all studied cases. Larger differences appear at the edges of the estimation. The results are applied to the study of dasometric variables, which do not fulfil the normality hypothesis needed for parametric estimation. The kernel regression shows the relationship between the studied variables, which would not be detected with more rigid parametric models.  相似文献   
以2008—2010年间沪市上市公司的922起并购案例为研究样本,通过logistic回归方法,实证分析了内部控制水平、资本结构对并购支付方式选择产生的影响。研究发现:与现金支付相比,资产负债率越低,股权支付的可能性越大;内部控制水平越低,股权支付的可能性越小。内部控制水平与资本结构对资产支付及其他支付方式(以混合支付为主)影响不显著。  相似文献   
本文首次将Elastic Net这种用于高度相关变量的惩罚方法用于面板数据的贝叶斯分位数回归,并基于非对称Laplace先验分布推导所有参数的后验分布,进而构建Gibbs抽样。为了验证模型的有效性,本文将面板数据的贝叶斯Elastic Net分位数回归方法(BQR. EN)与面板数据的贝叶斯分位数回归方法(BQR)、面板数据的贝叶斯Lasso分位数回归方法(BLQR)、面板数据的贝叶斯自适应Lasso分位数回归方法(BALQR)进行了多种情形下的全方位比较,结果表明BQR. EN方法适用于具有高度相关性、数据维度很高和尖峰厚尾分布特征的数据。进一步地,本文就BQR. EN方法在不同扰动项假设、不同样本量的情形展开模拟比较,验证了新方法的稳健性和小样本特性。最后,本文选取互联网金融类上市公司经济增加值(EVA)作为实证研究对象,检验新方法在实际问题中的参数估计与变量选择能力,实证结果符合预期。  相似文献   
Various methods have been proposed for smoothing under the monotonicity constraint. We review the literature and implement an approach of monotone smoothing with B-splines for a generalized linear model response. The approach is expressed as a quadratic programming problem and is easily solved using the statistical software R. In a simulation study, we find that the approach performs better than other approaches with much faster computation time. The approach can also be used for smoothing under other shape constraints or mixed constraints. Supplementary materials of the appendices and R code to implement the developed approach is available online.  相似文献   
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