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Expert Systems     

Expert systems are computer programs which embody the expertise of a human expert in order to consult and advise on a specific problem. It is now becoming feasible to apply expert systems technology to problems in the human services. This article describes what expert systems technology is and how it may be applied in human service practice. Finally, some of the promises and pitfalls of this new technology are addressed.  相似文献   
For the linear-exponential distribution with increasing hazard rate, exact and explicit expressions for means, product moments and percentage points of order statistics are obtained. Some recurrence relations for both single and product moments of order statistics are also derived. These recurrence relations would enable one to obtain all the higher order moments of order statistics for all sample sizes from those of the lower order  相似文献   
This paper addresses the question What drives economic growth from a socio-technical perspective.It discusses the concept ofinnovation system,especially at the national level,and its three components: actors and factors,interrelationships and dynamics.Historical examples will be given from eighteenth century England (especially the Watt-Boulton steam engine firm) and the late nineteenth and early twentieth century USA (especially the contribution of Thomas Edison).Lessons are drawn for China,focusing on Har...  相似文献   
This article discusses the consistent estimation of the parameters in a linear measurement error model when stochastic linear restrictions on regression coefficients are available. We propose some methodologies to obtain the consistent estimation when either the covariance matrix of the measurement errors or the reliability matrix of independent variables is known. Their finite- and large-sample properties are derived with not necessarily normal errors. A Monte Carlo simulation is carried out to study the the finite properties of the estimators.  相似文献   
The Synthetic Situation: Interactionism for a Global World   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Presented as the Distinguished Lecture at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction in Boston, Massachusetts, on August 1, 2008, this article rethinks central assumptions of the interaction order as conceptualized by Goffman and others with respect to global domains of activity. 1 It proposes two new concepts, that of the synthetic situation and that of time transactions. Synthetic situations are situations that include electronically transmitted on‐screen projections that add informational depth and new response requirements to the “ecological huddle” ( Goffman 1964 :135) of the natural situation. Global situations invariably include such components; we also find that temporal forms of integration may substitute for joint territoriality of copresence in the natural situation. Based on research on global currency trading and other empirical examples, I identify four types of synthetic situations and describe the synthetic situation's informational character, its ontological fluidity, and the phenomenon that synthetic situations may become role‐others for participants. I outline the response system of synthetic situations, sketching out the concepts of response presence and its implications in this context as well as the importance of embodiment. I also discuss time transactions and the idea of fatefulness as a symbolic charge linked to the synthetic components of the situation.  相似文献   
《盟水斋存牍》是明末一部史料价值颇高的文集。作者颜俊彦,崇祯元年至四年任广州推官,《盟水斋存牍》就是他在任时处理的勘合、谳略、翻案、矜审、公移等的结集,涉及刑事、民事、诉讼等司法及行政实务,对明末广州、澳门贸易及相关管理制度变动也多有记载。如海道副使原来督察海防,兼管夷务、带管市舶,万历年间明神宗派太监李凤、高寀督办粤、闽榷税,使海道副使的超常权力被剥离,退出市舶管理。明中叶主管朝贡贸易的清闲衙门市舶司重新掌管税收,还协助海禁、防范接济走私等,权势膨胀,产生严重的贪污腐化,号称濒海贪泉。此外,广州、澳门的揽头、铺行、夷商纲纪也十分活跃,参与贸易。这些对了解明末广中事例演变具有重要的史料价值。  相似文献   
网络游戏分级制度旨在唤醒社会对网络游戏的理性认识,增强游戏行业主体对网游产业的责任感和参与感,促进网络游戏行业的健康发展。网络游戏分级制度有助于解决确保网游行业健康有序地竞争与发展与保护作为网络游戏最大消费群体的未成年人权利免受侵害的两难命题。北美ESRB、欧洲PEGI、日本CERO的游戏分级制度实践为我们提供了比较研究和可资借鉴的范本。  相似文献   
Using Monte Carlo methods, the properties of systemwise generalisations of the Breusch-Godfrey test for autocorrelated errors are studied in situations when the error terms follow either normal or non-normal distributions, and when these errors follow either AR(1) or MA(1) processes. Edgerton and Shukur (1999) studied the properties of the test using normally distributed error terms and when these errors follow an AR(1) process. When the errors follow a non-normal distribution, the performances of the tests deteriorate especially when the tails are very heavy. The performances of the tests become better (as in the case when the errors are generated by the normal distribution) when the errors are less heavy tailed.  相似文献   

This article traces the history of one community's efforts to coordinate services to address family violence. The current mazeof organizations in communities is overwhelming to the professionals who work in them, the political leaders who authorize them, the foundations and United Ways who fund them, and, most assuredly, to the persons for whom the various organizations were established. A review of the literature on coordination and collaboration is included as well as a discussion of leadership challenges during the various stages in the evolutionary process to provide confidential, culturally sensitive, comprehensive, accountable, and user-friendly community social service systems.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that knowledge management is now a very dominant theme in modern enterprises. To survive and compete in a knowledge-based economy, companies must learn to manage and sustain their intellectual assets. As a number of practitioners have noted, human resources play an important role in the transition process to the knowledge-based economy. This transition process is characterized by participant-driven integrative teamwork for dealing with various tasks and issues in organizations. This article presents a case study of the development of human resources in the context of knowledge management, which is based on systems thinking, exploring the process of problematization. It is based on a Foucauldian approach to expose the social relationship of power, knowledge and subjectivization in the problem-solving practice.  相似文献   
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