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基于S省J镇的党建创新实践,以"政党组织社会"为分析框架,探讨了乡村振兴视域下基层党组织与乡村社会的关系问题。一般农业型村庄在乡村振兴过程中面临着组织性缺失与艰巨性发展任务之间的矛盾。基层党组织的首要目标是如何通过加强自身组织能力建设,以凝聚各方面资源、激发振兴动力。J镇通过区域化党建推动公共服务下沉、党支部领办合作社及党员联户等实践形式,不仅有效提高了基层党组织自身的凝聚力和战斗力,而且形成了对乡村振兴强有力的引领能力。当前,应以基层党组织的组织能力建设为着力点推进乡村振兴,加强基层党组织对集体经济的统筹能力和再分配能力,充分调动普通党员走群众路线,以重塑乡村社会的组织性。可尝试通过区域化党建的做法推动区域协调发展。  相似文献   
民族贫困地区大力推广以农村信用社为主体,以农户小额信贷为手段的扶贫资金的投入方式对于提高当地农民收入和优化当地农业产业结构意义重大。本文通过实地调研,总结了武陵山区恩施土家族苗族自治州农村信用社开展农户小额信贷的基本做法和成效,指出了目前存在的主要问题并对其原因进行了分析,然后在此基础上对民族贫困地区农信社进一步发展农户小额信贷提出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   
作为国家正规金融组织之外的民间非正规金融互助组织——"合会",在乡土社会中发挥了重要的经济和社会功能。尽管缺乏国家正规金融制度的外在监控,但由于其成员结构不仅蕴含着亲缘性利他的社会生物学基础,而且,乡土社会所具有的"熟人社会"和"不流动性"的结构特征与传统社会的价值观等多位一体,构成了坚实的特殊信任,形成了具有本土化特色的信任文化。  相似文献   
本文通过建立面板数据模型测度了农村居民消费对我国经济增长的影响效应,认为农村居民消费对我国经济增长具有正向促进作用但不够明显,分析了扩大农村居民消费需求促进经济增长所面临的障碍因素并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
乐章  秦习岗 《南方人口》2020,35(4):68-80
基于积极老龄化理论框架和"中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查"面板数据,文章从积极和消极两个维度对农村老年人老化态度问题进行实证考察。研究发现,两种老化态度均以2008年为重要转折点,女性老化态度比男性更具多样性和多变性。健康、社会参与和保障都能引起老化态度的积极变动,但社会适应、子女经济支持和社区照料三个因素对消极老化态度有正向影响,而生产活动降低了积极老化态度水平。从贡献率看,健康因素对老化态度差异贡献最大,其次是保障因素、社会参与因素,健康因素更能解释积极老化态度的变化,社会参与因素对消极老化态度的贡献率更高,二者分别在女性和男性老年人群体中表现得更为明显。贡献率排在前四位的因素是精神健康、子女经济支持、医疗可及性和身体健康。用积极老龄化的观点帮助庞大的农村老年人口建立正确的老化态度将有益于养老问题的解决。  相似文献   
A framework for assessing photographs for the emotional and social health of young people (SHAPE) is described and tested, within the context of a rural program. Two independent raters assessed the photographs of participants. To assess inter-rater reliability, Cohen’ K and Kendall’s W were calculated. The two reviewers’ assessments of photographs were in agreement. The assessment of emotional/behavioural display showed 82% agreement. Agreement between reviewers’ judgements of proxemics (W = .866), interaction (W = .722), engagement (W = .932) and overall impression (W = .804) were all significant (p < .005). The method yielded results indicating that participants found gardening immediately engaging but their approach to equines exhibited a change from fascination to confidence during the program. The visual-diary method is a useful and sensitive method for research: where resources are limited; to complement traditional measures; for use with people who lack appropriate verbal communication or literacy skills to complete questionnaires; young children; other underrepresented groups.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to examine whether and how rural residents’ educational attainment is associated with their self-rated health in China. Taking advantage of the National Exercise Facility Survey that was collected between December 2015 and March 2016, we find that educational attainment has a significant and positive correlation with self-rated health, net of the effects of age, gender, and geographical region. This correlation is mediated by factors such as perceived importance of exercise and healthy lifestyle. Relatively, people’s cognitive knowledge about health-related information and material resource access fail to play a significant mediating role. The findings highlight the non-material and non-cognitive attributes of educational attainment in shaping the gradient of health in the rural setting of China. Interventions that expand formal education to the mass and optimize teaching contents may offer an effective means to balance the health gradient.  相似文献   

Rural dwelling elders who experience mental health problems often have difficulty finding help since rural communities often lack adequate mental health service providers. This paper reports on the initial phase of a 5-year, interdisciplinary clinical research study that is testing the effectiveness of providing a home delivered, therapeutic psychosocial intervention, aimed at improving the emotional well-being and the quality of life of medically frail elders who live in rural communities. In the early phases of this study, the clinical research team encountered a number of interesting and often unanticipated challenges as it attempted to recruit study participants and provide services to them. In this article, we examine these challenges and share what we have learned so far about providing mental health services to elderly persons living in rural environments.  相似文献   
行政诉讼禁令判决,是指根据行政相对人的申请,人民法院作出的,要求行政机关不得实施某项行政行为的判决,是法院为制止违法行政行为可能造成的潜在性风险的一种预防性的判决方式。我国农村邻避型环境群体性事件中,现有权利救济机制存在环境司法治理模式边缘化、政府环境风险监管责任乏力以及事后救济难以恢复生态环境等缺陷,因此,亟有必要在农村邻避型环境群体性事件中引入行政诉讼禁令判决并进行相应的制度构建,从而达到防范环境风险、树立司法权威和保障农民环境权益的目的。  相似文献   
为从全球性现代化的视野观察中国现代化道路,通过在湖北西部(鄂西南、鄂西北)、渝东南、贵州(六盘水、遵义、黔东北等)等地烟草行业综合体建设进行调查,对城乡融合发展中的产业融合进行综合考察和研究。研究认为,中国的乡村振兴从“战略”提升为“道路”,表明中国式“两条腿走路”的三农现代化道路认知正式成形,乡村振兴道路在本质上讲是“农村就地现代化道路”,以农业为基础的农村就地现代化道路的关键是农村产业的融合发展;走乡村振兴道路,必须坚持政府是“主导”、乡村是“主场”、就地现代化是“主道”、产业融合发展是“主业”、内生发展是“主流”、三农工作队伍是“主体”、城乡等值发展是“主向”,再从土地流转关系、政策法规、主导产业培育、共享经济平台建设等方面,培育和推进乡村振兴中的产业融合工程。  相似文献   
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