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Marginal changes of interacted variables and interaction terms in random parameters ordered response models are calculated incorrectly in econometric softwares. We derive the correct formulas for calculating these marginal changes. In our empirical example, we observe significant changes not only in the magnitude of the marginal effects but also in their standard errors, suggesting that the incorrect estimation of the marginal effects of these variables as is commonly practiced can render biased inferences on the findings.  相似文献   

Area statistics are sample versions of areas occurring in a probability plot of two distribution functions F and G. This paper presents a unified basis for five statistics of this type. They can be used for various testing problems in the framework of the two sample problem for independent observations, such as testing equality of distributions against inequality or testing stochastic dominance of distributions in one or either direction against nondominance. Though three of the statistics considered have already been suggested in literature, two of them are new and deserve our interest. The finite sample distributions of the statistics (under F=G) can be calculated via recursion formulae. Two tables with critical values of the new statistics are included. The asymptotic distribution of the properly normalized versions of the area statistics are functionals of the Brownian bridge. The distribution functions and quantiles thereof are obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, the power functions of the two new tests based on area statistics are compared to the power functions of the tests based on the corresponding supremum statistics, i.e., statistics of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov type.  相似文献   

Nonhomogeneous Poisson processes (NHPP) provide many models for hardware and software reliability analysis. In order to get an appropriate NHPP model, goodness-of-Fit (GOF for short) tests have to be carried out. For the power-law processes, lots of GOF tests have been developed. For other NHPP models, only the Conditional Probability Integral Transformation (CPIT) test has been proposed. However, the CPIT test is less powerful and cannot be applied to some NHPP models. This article proposes a general GOF test based on the Laplace statistic for a large class of NHPP models with intensity functions of the form αλ(t, β). The simulation results show that this test is more powerful than CPIT test.  相似文献   
Nonlinear reproductive dispersion models (NRDM, Jorgensen 1997) include a wider range of distributions and nonlinear models such as the possibility of correlated errors and nonlinear hypotheses dropping the exponential family assumption. Based on the generalized Cook distance and the conformal normal curvature of Poon & Poon (1999), local influence of minor perturbations on the data set is investigated for NRDM. Two examples are used to illustrate our results.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider a Markovian perfect debugging model for which the software failure is caused by two types of faults, one which is easily detected and the other which is difficult to detect. When a failure occurs, a perfect debugging is immediately performed and consequently one fault is reduced from fault contents. We also treat the debugging time as a variable to develop a new debugging model. Based on the perfect debugging model, we propose an optimal software release policy that satisfies the requirements for both software reliability and expected number of faults which are required to achieve before releasing the software. Several measures, including the distribution of first passage time to the specified number of removed faults, are also obtained using the proposed debugging model.  相似文献   

A new class of weighted signed-rank-based estimates for estimating the parameter vector of an autoregressive time series is considered. The Wilcoxon signed-rank estimate and the GR-estimates of Terpstra et al. (GR-Estimates for an Autoregressive Time Series. Statistics and Probability Letters 2001, 51, 165–172; Generalized Rank Estimates for an Autoregressive Time Series: A U-Statistic Approach. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 2001, 4, 155–179) can be viewed as special cases of the so-called GSR-estimates. Asymptotic linearity properties are derived for the GSR-estimates. Based on these properties, and a symmetry assumption, the GSR-estimates are shown to be asymptotically normal at rate n 1/2. The theory of U-Statistics along with a characterization of weak dependence that is inherent in stationary AR(p) models are the primary tools used to obtain the results. Tests of hypotheses as well as standard errors for confidence interval procedures can be based on such results. An efficiency study indicates that, for an appropriately chosen set of weights, the GSR-estimate is more efficient than the GR-estimate. Furthermore, the GSR-estimate has an added advantage in that an intercept term can be estimated simultaneously; unlike the GR-estimate. Two examples and a small simulation study are used to illustrate the computational and robust aspects of the GSR-estimates.  相似文献   

The search for optimal non-parametric estimates of the cumulative distribution and hazard functions under order constraints inspired at least two earlier classic papers in mathematical statistics: those of Kiefer and Wolfowitz[1] Kiefer, J. and Wolfowitz, J. 1976. Asymptotically Minimax Estimation of Concave and Convex Distribution Functions. Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete, 34: 7385. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and Grenander[2] Grenander, U. 1956. On the Theory of Mortality Measurement. Part II. Scand. Aktuarietidskrift J., 39: 125153.  [Google Scholar] respectively. In both cases, either the greatest convex minorant or the least concave majorant played a fundamental role. Based on Kiefer and Wolfowitz's work, Wang3-4 Wang, J.L. 1986. Asymptotically Minimax Estimators for Distributions with Increasing Failure Rate. Ann. Statist., 14: 11131131. Wang, J.L. 1987. Estimators of a Distribution Function with Increasing Failure Rate Average. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 16: 415427.   found asymptotically minimax estimates of the distribution function F and its cumulative hazard function Λ in the class of all increasing failure rate (IFR) and all increasing failure rate average (IFRA) distributions. In this paper, we will prove limit theorems which extend Wang's asymptotic results to the mixed censorship/truncation model as well as provide some other relevant results. The methods are illustrated on the Channing House data, originally analysed by Hyde.5-6 Hyde, J. 1977. Testing Survival Under Right Censoring and Left Truncation. Biometrika, 64: 225230. Hyde, J. 1980. “Survival Analysis with Incomplete Observations”. In Biostatistics Casebook 3146. New York: Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics: Applied Probability and Statistics.    相似文献   

The efficacy and the asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of a weighted sum of Kendall's taus, a weighted sum of Spearman's rhos, a weighted sum of Pearson's r's, and a weighted sum of z-transformation of the Fisher–Yates correlation coefficients, in the presence of a blocking variable, are discussed. The method of selecting the weighting constants that maximize the efficacy of these four correlation coefficients is proposed. The estimate, test statistics and confidence interval of the four correlation coefficients with weights are also developed. To compare the small-sample properties of the four tests, a simulation study is performed. The theoretical and simulated results all prefer the weighted sum of the Pearson correlation coefficients with the optimal weights, as well as the weighted sum of z-transformation of the Fisher–Yates correlation coefficients with the optimal weights.  相似文献   
We study sojourn times of customers in a processor sharing queue with a service rate that varies over time, depending on the number of customers and on the state of a random environment. An explicit expression is derived for the Laplace–Stieltjes transform of the sojourn time conditional on the state upon arrival and the amount of work brought into the system. Particular attention is paid to the conditional mean sojourn time of a customer as a function of his required amount of work, and we establish the existence of an asymptote as the amount of work tends to infinity. The method of random time change is then extended to include the possibility of a varying service rate. By means of this method, we explain the well-established proportionality between the conditional mean sojourn time and required amount of work in processor sharing queues without random environment. Based on numerical experiments, we propose an approximation for the conditional mean sojourn time. Although first presented for exponentially distributed service requirements, the analysis is shown to extend to phase-type services. The service discipline of discriminatory processor sharing is also shown to fall within the framework.  相似文献   
We consider the one-sided and the two-sided first-exit problem for a compound Poisson process with linear deterministic decrease between positive and negative jumps. This process (X(t)) t≥0 occurs as the workload process of a single-server queueing system with random workload removal, which we denote by M/G u /G d /1, where G u (G d ) stands for the distribution of the upward (downward) jumps; other applications are to cash management, dams, and several related fields. Under various conditions on G u and G d (assuming e.g. that one of them is hyperexponential, Erlang or Coxian), we derive the joint distribution of τ y =inf{t≥0|X(t)?(0,y)}, y>0, and X(τ y ) as well as that of T=inf{t≥0|X(t)≤0} and X(T). We also determine the distribution of sup{X(t)|0≤tT}.  相似文献   
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