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A Markov-modulated fluid queue is a two-dimensional Markov process; the first dimension is continuous and is usually called the level, and the second is the state of a Markov process that determines the evolution of the level, it is usually called the phase. We show that it is always possible to modify the transition rules at the boundary level of the fluid queue in order to obtain independence between the level and the phase under the stationary distribution. We obtain this result by exploiting the similarity between fluid queues and Quasi-Birth-and-Death (QBD) processes.  相似文献   
The problem addressed is that of smoothing parameter selection in kernel nonparametric regression in the fixed design regression model with dependent noise. An asymptotic expression of the optimum bandwidth parameter has been obtained in recent studies, where this takes the form h = C 0 n ?1/5. This paper proposes to use a plug-in methodology, in order to obtain an optimum estimation of the bandwidth parameter, through preliminary estimation of the unknown value of C 0.  相似文献   
Using a direct resampling process, a Bayesian approach is developed for the analysis of the shiftpoint problem. In many problems it is straight forward to isolate the marginal posterior distribution of the shift-point parameter and the conditional distribution of some of the parameters given the shift point and the other remaining parameters. When this is possible, a direct sampling approach is easily implemented whereby standard random number generators can be used to generate samples from the joint posterior distribution of aii the parameters in the model. This technique is illustrated with examples involving one shift for Poisson processes and regression models.  相似文献   
In some observational studies, we have random censoring model. However, the data available may be partially observable censored data consisting of the observed failure times and only those nonfailure times which are subject to follow-up. Suzuki (1985) discussed the problem of nonparametric estimation of the survival function from such partially observable censored data. In this article, we derive a nonparametric Bayes estimator of the survival function for such data of failures and follow-ups under a Dirichlet process prior and squared error loss. The limiting properties such as the mean square consistency, weak convergence and strong consistency of the Bayes estimator are studied. Finally, the procedures developed are illustrated by means of an example.  相似文献   
In this paper we present first order autoregressive (AR(1)) time series with negative binomial and geometric marginals. These processes are the discrete analogues of the gamma and exponential processes introduced by Sim (1990). Many properties of the processes discussed here, such as autocorrelation, regression and joint distributions, are studied.  相似文献   
In the present paper, a semiparametric maximum-likelihood-type test statistic is proposed and proved to have the same limit null distribution as the classical parametric likelihood one. Under some mild conditions, the limiting law of the proposed test statistic, suitably normalized and centralized, is shown to be double exponential, under the null hypothesis of no change in the parameter of copula models. We also discuss the Gaussian-type approximations for the semiparametric likelihood ratio. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed statistic under specified alternatives is shown to be normal, and an approximation to the power function is given. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed statistical tests based on the double exponential and Gaussian-type approximations.  相似文献   
We deal with parametric inference and selection problems for jump components in discretely observed diffusion processes with jumps. We prepare several competing parametric models for the Lévy measure that might be misspecified, and select the best model from the aspect of information criteria. We construct quasi-information criteria (QIC), which are approximations of the information criteria based on continuous observations.  相似文献   
The Finnish common toad data of Heikkinen and Hogmander are reanalysed using an alternative fully Bayesian model that does not require a pseudolikelihood approximation and an alternative prior distribution for the true presence or absence status of toads in each 10 km×10 km square. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to obtain posterior probability estimates of the square-specific presences of the common toad and these are presented as a map. The results are different from those of Heikkinen and Hogmander and we offer an explanation in terms of the prior used for square-specific presence of the toads. We suggest that our approach is more faithful to the data and avoids unnecessary confounding of effects. We demonstrate how to extend our model efficiently with square-specific covariates and illustrate this by introducing deterministic spatial changes.  相似文献   
We study the normal variance-mean mixture model from a semiparametric point of view, i.e. we let the mixing distribution belong to a non-parametric family. The main results are consistency of the non-parametric maximum likelihood estimator and construction of an asymptotically normal and efficient estimator for the Euclidian part of the parameter. We study the model according to the theory outlined in the monograph by Bickel et al. (1993) and apply a general result (based on the theory of empirical processes) for semiparametric models from van der Vaart (1996) to prove asymptotic normality and efficiency of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   
Both kriging and non-parametric regression smoothing can model a non-stationary regression function with spatially correlated errors. However comparisons have mainly been based on ordinary kriging and smoothing with uncorrelated errors. Ordinary kriging attributes smoothness of the response to spatial autocorrelation whereas non-parametric regression attributes trends to a smooth regression function. For spatial processes it is reasonable to suppose that the response is due to both trend and autocorrelation. This paper reviews methodology for non-parametric regression with autocorrelated errors which is a natural compromise between the two methods. Re-analysis of the one-dimensional stationary spatial data of Laslett (1994) and a clearly non-stationary time series demonstrates the rather surprising result that for these data, ordinary kriging outperforms more computationally intensive models including both universal kriging and correlated splines for spatial prediction. For estimating the regression function, non-parametric regression provides adaptive estimation, but the autocorrelation must be accounted for in selecting the smoothing parameter.  相似文献   
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