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We propose some estimators of noncentrality parameters which improve upon usual unbiased estimators under quadratic loss. The distributions we consider are the noncentral chi-square and the noncentral F. However, we give more general results for the family of elliptically contoured distributions and propose a robust dominating estimator.  相似文献   
The Multiple-Try Metropolis is a recent extension of the Metropolis algorithm in which the next state of the chain is selected among a set of proposals. We propose a modification of the Multiple-Try Metropolis algorithm which allows for the use of correlated proposals, particularly antithetic and stratified proposals. The method is particularly useful for random walk Metropolis in high dimensional spaces and can be used easily when the proposal distribution is Gaussian. We explore the use of quasi Monte Carlo (QMC) methods to generate highly stratified samples. A series of examples is presented to evaluate the potential of the method.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The problem of estimating the mean of a multivariate normal distribution when the parameter space allows an orthogonal decomposition is discussed. Risk functions and lower bounds for a class of shrinkage estimators that includes Stein's estimator are derived, and an improvement on Stein's estimator that takes advantage of the orthogonal decomposition is introduced. Uniform asymptotics related to Pinsker's minimax risk is derived and we give conditions for attaining the lower risk bound. Special cases including regression and analysis of variance are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the problem of selecting the “best” population from a given number of populations in a decision theoretic framework. The class of selection rules considered is based on a suitable partition of the sample space. A selection rule is given which is shown to have certain optimum properties among the selection rules in the given class for a mal rules are known.  相似文献   
A stepwise variable selection procedure for multinomial discrimination is presented and discussed. Based upon the work of Kullback and Hills, stopping rules are proposed and illustrated for a set of data on communication buyer behavior.  相似文献   
A nonparametric inference algorithm developed by Davis and Geman (1983) is extended problem. The algorithm and applied to a medical prediction employs an estimation procedure for acquiring pairwise statistics among variables of a binary data set, allows for the data-driven creation of interaction terms among the variables, and employs a decision rule which asymptotically gives the minimum expected error. The inference procedure was designed for large data sets but has been extended via the method of cross-validation to encompass smaller data sets.  相似文献   
In a multi-sample simple regression model, generally, homogeneity of the regression slopes leads to improved estimation of the intercepts. Analogous to the preliminary test estimators, (smooth) shrinkage least squares estimators of Intercepts based on the James-Stein rule on regression slopes are considered. Relative pictures on the (asymptotic) risk of the classical, preliminary test and the shrinkage least squares estimators are also presented. None of the preliminary test and shrinkage least squares estimators may dominate over the other, though each of them fares well relative to the other estimators.  相似文献   
Let πi(i=1,2,…K) be independent U(0,?i) populations. Let Yi denote the largest observation based on a random sample of size n from the i-th population. for selecting the best populaton, that is the one associated with the largest ?i, we consider the natural selection rule, according to which the population corresponding to the largest Yi is selected. In this paper, the estimation of M. the mean of the selected population is considered. The natural estimator is positively biased. The UMVUE (uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator) of M is derived using the (U,V)-method of Robbins (1987) and its asymptotic distribution is found. We obtain a minimax estimator of M for K≤4 and a class of admissible estimators among those of the form cYmax. For the case K = 2, the UMVUE is improved using the Brewster-Zidek (1974) Technique with respect to the squared error loss function L1 and the scale-invariant loss function L2. For the case K = 2, the MSE'S of all the estimators are compared for selected values of n and ρ=?1/(?1+?2).  相似文献   
For a general class of continuous ( and marginally symmetric ) inultivariate distributions, based on suitable M-statistics ( involving bounded but possibly discontinuous score generating functions), shrinkage estimators of location are considered. These estimators are based on the James-Stein type rule and incorporates the idea of preliminary test estimation too. The main emphasis is laid on the study of asymptotic tdistributional ) risk properties of these est-innators, and asymptotic tin-) adraissibility results are also studied under fairly general regularity conditions.  相似文献   
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