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营造包容性空间,构建包容性社会,加快推进空间治理的现代化进程,是现代化治理的重要目标。基于江苏省南京市Q社区的空间营造案例,从社区空间营造策略的视角出发,剖析国际化社区如何营造包容性空间。研究发现,基层政府基于中国居民与外籍人士的空间服务需求,运用多元参与、互动协商、文化治理等软性手段,通过建设人与居住地、社会、自然相融合的表征的包容性空间,组织温度、服务与文化协同相融的包容性空间的实践,构筑开放、包容与共享的包容性空间的表征等方式营造包容性空间。在营造包容性空间的过程中,基层政府空间营造行动的关键策略是采用“分型管理、内育外引”的主体包容策略、“内外兼修、空间包容”的技术包容策略、“多元网格、协商自治”的制度包容策略及“制度共融、成果共享”的结果包容策略,其根本目标在于打造国际化社区的治理共同体。包容性空间的治理技术对优化基层政府的空间治理能力、提升居民的参与水平与再造国际化社区秩序有积极效应,但亦潜藏多主体协同失序、政社关系掣肘、族群关系区隔、文化不稳定及包容性制度偏差等失灵风险。因此,基层政府需厚植多主体合作的治理机制、经营包容性空间的“适度性”,以利于国际化社区善治目标的实现。  相似文献   
人民币实际汇率波动与中国对美出口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用协整方法对人民币实际汇率波动与中国对美出口的关系进行实证研究。结果表明:中国对美出口收入效应极强,中国对美出口汇率波动效应较弱,中国对美出口的价格效应不存在。在美国经济可能陷入衰退的情况下,中国政府应暂缓人民币升值和人民币汇率形成机制改革的步伐。  相似文献   
This paper considers a class of summary measures of the dependence between a pair of failure time variables over a finite follow-up region. The class consists of measures that are weighted averages of local dependence measures, and includes the cross-ratio-measure and finite region version of Kendall's τ; recently proposed by the authors. Two new special cases are identified that can avoid the need to estimate the bivariate survivor function and that admit explicit variance estimators. Nonparametric estimators of such dependence measures are proposed and are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal with variances that can be consistently estimated. Properties of selected estimators are evaluated in a simulation study, and the method is illustrated through an analysis of Australian Twin Study data.  相似文献   
For given real functionsg andh, first we give necessary and sufficient conditions such that there exists a random variableX satisfying thatE(g(X)|X≥y)=h(y)r x (y),∀y ∈ C x , whereC x andT X are the support and the failure rate function ofX, respectively. These extend the results of Ruiz and Navarro (1994) and Ghitany et al. (1995). Next we investigate necessary and sufficient conditions such thath(y)=E(g(X)|X≥y), for a given functionh. Support for this research was provided in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China, Grant No. NSC 86-2115-M-110-014 and NSC 88-2118-M-110-001  相似文献   
In this paper we investigate the asymptotic critical value behaviour of certain multiple decision procedures as e.g. simultaneous confidence intervals and simultaneous as well as stepwise multiple test procedures. Supposing that n hypotheses or parameters of interest are under consideration we investigate the critical value behaviour when n increases. More specifically, we answer e.g. the question by which amount the lengths of confidence intervals increase when an additional parameter is added to the statistical analysis. Furthermore, critical values of different multiple decision procedures as for instance step-down and step-up procedures will be compared. Some general theoretic results are derived and applied for various distributions.  相似文献   
The efficiency of education in East and Southeast Turkey (E&SE) has long been a subject of debate. Both regions are similar to each other and different from the other regions in terms of economy, culture, ethnic origin, and languages spoken. Sahin (1997) studied the efficiency of education in the E&SE and proposed that illiteracy is significantly the highest in both regions, the female student population is significantly lower, and students are significantly less successful in nationwide general proficiency examinations (OSS and OYS) compared to all the other regions. Social sources of failure were studied in terms of the distinguishing characteristics of both regions, from both practical and theoretical standpoints. The findings indicated inequality of educational opportunity rooted in geographical, economical, social (cultural, linguistic), and political factors.  相似文献   
西方发达国家的就业促进经验及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,随着中国改革开放的深入开展 ,城镇失业率迅速上升。西方发达国家在就业领域 ,都曾经历了失业率上升的发展阶段。为降低失业率 ,各国采取了不尽相同但却切实有效的就业促进措施 ,积累了丰富的就业促进经验。中国也可以借鉴这些就业促进经验 ,以期逐步降低失业率  相似文献   
本文分析了中国近 5年来外贸出口增长速度及外贸出口效益的变化趋势 ,并用“增长型衰退”对其加以表述 ;一个国家的外贸出口难于做到线型增长 ,但中国的外贸出口增长速度下滑 ,却跟外贸出口的外延增长方式以及出口商品结构变化缓慢有关。通过创新以提升出口商品结构 ,是我国外贸出口走可持续发展的必由之路  相似文献   
单一税思想及对我国个人所得税改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单一税是20世纪80年代初美国经济学家罗伯特.霍尔和阿尔文.拉布什卡针对繁琐的美国联邦所得税而提出的税制改革主张。单一税思想有三个显著特征:单一税率、消费税基和"整洁的"税基。我国正处于制度变迁进程中,面临着税制改革深化的重要课题。"他山之石,可以攻玉。"在检视既有的改革历程,总结自己的经验教训的同时,立足我国国情,分析和借鉴单一税思想,将有益于我国制度的顺利转型和税制设计的前瞻性。  相似文献   
韩国人口老龄化过程及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金度完  郑真真 《人口学刊》2007,299(5):44-49
韩国人口老龄化的过程与中国有很多相似之处,经历了20世纪50年代的高生育率和死亡率降低、60年代以后的生育率下降直到目前的超低生育率,韩国人口在世纪之交快速进入老龄化阶段。预计初婚年龄的升高、持续的低生育率和育龄妇女数量的减少将会使韩国人口进一步老化。快速的人口老龄化已经为韩国社会带来了一系列的经济和社会问题,应对老龄化带来的挑战成为国家面临的重大问题。韩国的老龄化过程、现状以及采取相应的对策,将对中国具有启示意义。  相似文献   
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