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Modelling udder infection data using copula models for quadruples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study copula models for correlated infection times in the four udder quarters of dairy cows. Both a semi-parametric and a nonparametric approach are considered to estimate the marginal survival functions, taking into account the effect of a binary udder quarter level covariate. We use a two-stage estimation approach and we briefly discuss the asymptotic behaviour of the estimators obtained in the first and the second stage of the estimation. A pseudo-likelihood ratio test is used to select an appropriate copula from the power variance copula family that describes the association between the outcomes in a cluster. We propose a new bootstrap algorithm to obtain the p-value for this test. This bootstrap algorithm also provides estimates for the standard errors of the estimated parameters in the copula. The proposed methods are applied to the udder infection data. A small simulation study for a setting similar to the setting of the udder infection data gives evidence that the proposed method provides a valid approach to select an appropriate copula within the power variance copula family.  相似文献   
Robust tests for the common principal components model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When dealing with several populations, the common principal components (CPC) model assumes equal principal axes but different variances along them. In this paper, a robust log-likelihood ratio statistic allowing to test the null hypothesis of a CPC model versus no restrictions on the scatter matrices is introduced. The proposal plugs into the classical log-likelihood ratio statistic robust scatter estimators. Using the same idea, a robust log-likelihood ratio and a robust Wald-type statistic for testing proportionality against a CPC model are considered. Their asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis and their partial influence functions are derived. A small simulation study allows to compare the behavior of the classical and robust tests, under normal and contaminated data.  相似文献   
Sen Gupta (1988) considered a locally most powerful (LMP) test for testing nonzero values of the equicorrelation coefficient of a standard symmetric multivariate normal distribution. This paper constructs analogous tests for the symmetric multivariate normal distribution. It shows that the new test is uniformly most powerful invariant even in the presence of a nuisance parameter, σ2. Further applications of LMP invariant tests to several equicorrelated populations have been considered and an extension to panel data modeling has been suggested.  相似文献   
Bootstrap tests: how many bootstraps?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In practice, bootstrap tests must use a finite number of bootstrap samples. This means that the outcome of the test will depend on the sequence of random numbers used to generate the bootstrap samples, and it necessarily results in some loss of power. We examine the extent of this power loss and propose a simple pretest procedure for choosing the number of bootstrap samples so as to minimize experimental randomness. Simulation experiments suggest that this procedure will work very well in practice.  相似文献   
In sequential studies, formal interim analyses are usually restricted to a consideration of a single null hypothesis concerning a single parameter of interest. Valid frequentist methods of hypothesis testing and of point and interval estimation for the primary parameter have already been devised for use at the end of such a study. However, the completed data set may warrant a more detailed analysis, involving the estimation of parameters corresponding to effects that were not used to determine when to stop, and yet correlated with those that were. This paper describes methods for setting confidence intervals for secondary parameters in a way which provides the correct coverage probability in repeated frequentist realizations of the sequential design used. The method assumes that information accumulates on the primary and secondary parameters at proportional rates. This requirement will be valid in many potential applications, but only in limited situations in survival analysis.  相似文献   
Thispaper considers the stratified proportional hazards model witha focus on the assessment of stratum effects. The assessmentof such effects is often of interest, for example, in clinicaltrials. In this case, two relevant tests are the test of stratuminteraction with covariates and the test of stratum interactionwith baseline hazard functions. For the test of stratum interactionwith covariates, one can use the partial likelihood method (Kalbfleischand Prentice, 1980; Lin, 1994). For the test of stratum interactionwith baseline hazard functions, however, there seems to be noformal test available. We consider this problem and propose aclass of nonparametric tests. The asymptotic distributions ofthe tests are derived using the martingale theory. The proposedtests can also be used for survival comparisons which need tobe adjusted for covariate effects. The method is illustratedwith data from a lung cancer clinical trial.  相似文献   
对我国佣金制度改革的效果以及对证券市场的影响进行了实证研究 ,检验结果却出人预料 ,证券市场的交易量和平均价格都有明显的下降 ,难道这一救市政策失败了吗 ?文章通过分析 ,提出这一政策对我国的证券市场是有重大意义的  相似文献   
对我国股票市场有效性的实证检验,不同的检验方法、样本区间和数据处理方法,都可能会影响得出不同的检验结论。本文从主要的实证检验、股票市场缺乏效率的原因、研究方法的创新与争论几个方面,对我国股票市场有效性的实证研究进行了综述,并对进一步研究的方向提出了建议。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了多元线性回归分析的数学模型.同时结合实例演示了应用R软件实现多元线性回归的过程.  相似文献   
由于具有市场、信息、成本、区域等方面的竞争优势,农村社区型金融机构已经成为我国农村金融机构创新的首要途径。虽然自2005年以来我国不断出台相关鼓励政策和措施,但农村社区型金融机构的发展却仍然不尽如人意。为更好地促进其发展,利用向量误差修正模型,首次从定量的角度明确影响农村社区型金融机构发展的现实因素及其影响程度。研究结果表明,财政收入、城乡居民储蓄存款余额及农村居民消费水平对农村社区型金融机构的发展影响最为显著。  相似文献   
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