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The principal components analysis (PCA) in the frequency domain of a stationary p-dimensional time series (X n ) n∈? leads to a summarizing time series written as a linear combination series X n =∑ m C m ° X n?m . Therefore, we observe that, when the coefficients C m , m≠0, are close to 0, this PCA is close to the usual PCA, that is the PCA in the temporal domain. When the coefficients tend to 0, the corresponding limit is said to satisfy a property noted 𝒫, of which we will study the consequences. Finally, we will examine, for any series, the proximity between the two PCAs.  相似文献   
A new method for constructing interpretable principal components is proposed. The method first clusters the variables, and then interpretable (sparse) components are constructed from the correlation matrices of the clustered variables. For the first step of the method, a new weighted-variances method for clustering variables is proposed. It reflects the nature of the problem that the interpretable components should maximize the explained variance and thus provide sparse dimension reduction. An important feature of the new clustering procedure is that the optimal number of clusters (and components) can be determined in a non-subjective manner. The new method is illustrated using well-known simulated and real data sets. It clearly outperforms many existing methods for sparse principal component analysis in terms of both explained variance and sparseness.  相似文献   
The robust principal components analysis (RPCA) introduced by Campbell (Applied Statistics 1980, 29, 231–237) provides in addition to robust versions of the usual output of a principal components analysis, weights for the contribution of each point to the robust estimation of each component. Low weights may thus be used to indicate outliers. The present simulation study provides critical values for testing the kth smallest weight in the RPCA of a sample of n p-dimensional vectors, under the null hypothesis of a multivariate normal distribution. The cases p=2(2)10, 15, 20 for n=20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100 subject to n≥p/2, are examined, with k≤√n.  相似文献   
A data base that provides a multivariate statistical history for each of a number of individual entities is called a pooled cross-sectional and time series data base in the econometrics literature. In marketing and survey literature the terms panel data or longitudinal data are often used. In management science a convenient term might be management data base. Such a data base provides a particularly rich environment for statistical analysis. This article reviews methods for estimating multivariate relationships particular to each individual entity and for summarizing these relationships for a number of individuals. Inference to a larger population when the data base is viewed as a sample is also considered.  相似文献   
In this paper, a new small domain estimator for area-level data is proposed. The proposed estimator is driven by a real problem of estimating the mean price of habitation transaction at a regional level in a European country, using data collected from a longitudinal survey conducted by a national statistical office. At the desired level of inference, it is not possible to provide accurate direct estimates because the sample sizes in these domains are very small. An area-level model with a heterogeneous covariance structure of random effects assists the proposed combined estimator. This model is an extension of a model due to Fay and Herriot [5], but it integrates information across domains and over several periods of time. In addition, a modified method of estimation of variance components for time-series and cross-sectional area-level models is proposed by including the design weights. A Monte Carlo simulation, based on real data, is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed estimators in comparison with other estimators frequently used in small area estimation problems. In particular, we compare the performance of these estimators with the estimator based on the Rao–Yu model [23]. The simulation study also accesses the performance of the modified variance component estimators in comparison with the traditional ANOVA method. Simulation results show that the estimators proposed perform better than the other estimators in terms of both precision and bias.  相似文献   
Summary.  A multivariate non-linear time series model for road safety data is presented. The model is applied in a case-study into the development of a yearly time series of numbers of fatal accidents (inside and outside urban areas) and numbers of kilometres driven by motor vehicles in the Netherlands between 1961 and 2000. The model accounts for missing entries in the disaggregated numbers of kilometres driven although the aggregated numbers are observed throughout. We consider a multivariate non-linear time series model for the analysis of these data. The model consists of dynamic unobserved factors for exposure and risk that are related in a non-linear way to the number of fatal accidents. The multivariate dimension of the model is due to its inclusion of multiple time series for inside and outside urban areas. Approximate maximum likelihood methods based on the extended Kalman filter are utilized for the estimation of unknown parameters. The latent factors are estimated by extended smoothing methods. It is concluded that the salient features of the observed time series are captured by the model in a satisfactory way.  相似文献   
生态旅游概念探微   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
选取国外 44个生态旅游定义作为研究对象 ,通过确认关键词、对关键词进行聚类分析 ,将定义内容归纳为 6大类 11组分 ,进而构建生态旅游概念模型。在检验模型理论上的可靠性和实践上的适应性后 ,依据模型提出自己的生态旅游定义  相似文献   
A framework is described for organizing and understanding the computations necessary to obtain the posterior mean of a vector of linear effects in a normal linear model, conditional on the parameters that determine covariance structure. The approach has two major uses; firstly, as a pedagogical tool in the derivation of formulae, and secondly, as a practical tool for developing computational strategies without needing complicated matrix formulae that are often unwieldy in complex hierarchical models. The proposed technique is based upon symbolic application of the sweep operator SWP to an appropriate tableau of means and covariances. The method is illustrated with standard linear model specifications, including the so-called mixed model, with both fixed and random effects.  相似文献   
Summary.  A general method for exploring multivariate data by comparing different estimates of multivariate scatter is presented. The method is based on the eigenvalue–eigenvector decomposition of one scatter matrix relative to another. In particular, it is shown that the eigenvectors can be used to generate an affine invariant co-ordinate system for the multivariate data. Consequently, we view this method as a method for invariant co-ordinate selection . By plotting the data with respect to this new invariant co-ordinate system, various data structures can be revealed. For example, under certain independent components models, it is shown that the invariant co- ordinates correspond to the independent components. Another example pertains to mixtures of elliptical distributions. In this case, it is shown that a subset of the invariant co-ordinates corresponds to Fisher's linear discriminant subspace, even though the class identifications of the data points are unknown. Some illustrative examples are given.  相似文献   
Copula-based regression models: A survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this review paper we collect several results about copula-based models, especially concerning regression models, by focusing on some insurance applications.  相似文献   
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