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基于新古典和新制度经济学的个体经济分析,企业内层级收入差距是通过三种收益和三种成本来影响企业绩效的,最优的企业内层级收入差距就是实现成本最小化或收益最大化。基于整体和演进的分析,企业是一个可以演进的组织整体,是一个制度生产者,企业内收入差距是企业治理的一个控制变量,合理的企业内收入差距会促进企业向更高阶段演进。企业的产权结构决定了企业内收入差距的变化范围,对企业治理效率的提高起着决定性作用。在知识经济背景下,企业内合作要求更高,企业内收入差距应缩小,产权在企业内部要变得更加分散,从而达到效率和公平的统一。  相似文献   
由于应力的各向异性和纤芯的非理想圆将会引起偏振色散。本文从介电常数微扰理论得到偏振色散与波长的关系。  相似文献   
本文提出了光栅时间色散的概念,给出了分析双光栅压缩器产生二次相位修正的一种简洁、新颖的方法,并由此讨论了双光栅压缩器对线性频率啁啾光脉冲的压缩特性.  相似文献   
The literature on testing for the presence of Rosenberg's (1973) return to normalcy random coefficient model is well developed with both Shively (1988) and Brooks (1993) advocating the use of point optimal tests. This paper explores the robustness of point optimal testing for the Rosenberg alternative to two departures: the special case HildrethHouck (1968) alternative and non-normality in regression disturbances, finding the point optimal testing approach to be fairly robust to both departures.  相似文献   
The effect of processing conditions of material and interfacial/ interphase properties in clay/polymer nanocomposites are usually studied through experimental results of X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and rheology mechanical tests. In this paper, the interaction of the experimental parameters and properties measure results are studied by employing multivariate analysis of variance technique. This model is used to establish relations between several material and interfacial/interphase characteristics with the processing conditions. These results are then analyzed in detail, using univariate approach (analysis of variance), to point out the existing significant relations. In general, agreement with experimental observations was found, but few other nonagreeable things are found out, which must be studied in the future. The effects of all parameters are thus determined, using these new approach, to predict the relations between material and interfacial/interphase properties, without the need to duplicate experiments in laboratory.  相似文献   
The generalized Poisson (GP) regression model has been used to model count data that exhibit over-dispersion or under-dispersion. The zero-inflated GP (ZIGP) regression model can additionally handle count data characterized by many zeros. However, the parameters of ZIGP model cannot easily be used for inference on overall exposure effects. In order to address this problem, a marginalized ZIGP is proposed to directly model the population marginal mean count. The parameters of the marginalized zero-inflated GP model are estimated by the method of maximum likelihood. The regression model is illustrated by three real-life data sets.  相似文献   
A flexible family of multivariate models, named multiple stable Tweedie (MST) models, is introduced and produces generalized variance functions which are products of powered components of the mean. These MST models are built from a fixed univariate stable Tweedie variable having a positive value domain, and the remaining random variables given the fixed one are also real independent Tweedie variables, with the same dispersion parameter equal to the fixed component. In this huge family of MST models, generalized variance estimators are explicitly pointed out by maximum likelihood method and, moreover, computably presented for the uniform minimum variance and unbiased approach. The second estimator is brought from modified Lévy measures of MST which lead to some solutions of particular Monge–Ampère equations.  相似文献   
Two-phase optional randomized response (TORR) technique has been proposed. The proposed randomized response (RR) performs much better in general than the existing RR techniques. Theoretical and numerical illustrations identified conditions of superiority of the proposed TORR over the existing comparable optional randomized response (ORR) techniques.  相似文献   

Negative hypergeometric distribution arises as a waiting time distribution when we sample without replacement from a finite population. It has applications in many areas such as inspection sampling and estimation of wildlife populations. However, as is well known, the negative hypergeometric distribution is over-dispersed in the sense that its variance is greater than the mean. To make it more flexible and versatile, we propose a modified version of negative hypergeometric distribution called COM-Negative Hypergeometric distribution (COM-NH) by introducing a shape parameter as in the COM-Poisson and COMP-Binomial distributions. It is shown that under some limiting conditions, COM-NH approaches to a distribution that we call the COM-Negative binomial (COMP-NB), which in turn, approaches to the COM Poisson distribution. For the proposed model, we investigate the dispersion characteristics and shape of the probability mass function for different combinations of parameters. We also develop statistical inference for this model including parameter estimation and hypothesis tests. In particular, we investigate some properties such as bias, MSE, and coverage probabilities of the maximum likelihood estimators for its parameters by Monte Carlo simulation and likelihood ratio test to assess shape parameter of the underlying model. We present illustrative data to provide discussion.  相似文献   
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