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杰克·伦敦的多部小说都蕴含着成长小说的元素。结合成长小说的相关理论,通过对杰克·伦敦成长小说《野性的呼唤》和《白牙》的探究,分析其二元对立的独特叙事主题,旨在说明杰克·伦敦对传统成长小说的继承与开创,以期从新的角度展开对伦敦作品的思考。  相似文献   
澳大利亚土著作家马都鲁创作的第一部澳洲土著小说《野猫下坠》描绘了土著在殖民社会的孤独感、幻灭感和逃遁感.从后殖民主义的视角来看,马都鲁不仅试图探讨土著混血儿的身份认同问题,突出土著文化传承的意义,还试图通过模拟欧洲白人的文学形式、语言和后现代创作手法,动摇殖民话语的稳定性,解构白人的文化霸权.  相似文献   
This paper argues that dominant academic understandings of the Wild West overstate the extent to which it can be understood as a pro-capitalist mythology. The paper begins with an account of the making of the mythic West, particularly in the second half of the nineteenth century. I then consider the cultural economics of this process, noting that, for most of the twentieth century, the Western was the dominant genre across whole swathes of cultural production. This is followed by a consideration of the place of the outlaw and related figures that appear to problematize the legitimacy of new forms of social order, particularly in relation to land and ownership. I conclude with some thoughts on what it might mean to propose an anti-modern and radical reading of the Western, and to connect the cowboy with other social bandits, such as the pirate and the Mafiosi.  相似文献   
鲁迅本人深受基督教观念的影响,他《野草》中的哲学思想有基督教因素。本文从四个方面探讨,一从鲁迅对耶稣形象重塑角度来看鲁迅的描述与《圣经》记载的似与不似;二看鲁迅对地狱的想象和对语言遭扭曲现象的考察背后的基督教因素;三是分析“过客”哲学与天国哲学乃至基督教“过客”精神的关联;四是论述《野草》反抗绝望后重回信、望、爱这些神圣价值之思路及其与基督教观念的联系。通过这样的探讨,可加深对《野草》哲学思想的理解。  相似文献   
Motivated by the need to assess the significance of the trend in some macroeconomic series, this article considers inference of a parameter in parametric trend functions when the errors exhibit certain degrees of nonstationarity with changing unconditional variances. We adopt the recently developed self-normalized approach to avoid the difficulty involved in the estimation of the asymptotic variance of the ordinary least-square estimator. The limiting distribution of the self-normalized quantity is nonpivotal but can be consistently approximated by using the wild bootstrap, which is not consistent in general without studentization. Numerical simulation demonstrates favorable coverage properties of the proposed method in comparison with alternative ones. The U.S. nominal wages series is analyzed to illustrate the finite sample performance. Some technical details are included in the online supplemental material.  相似文献   
A number of recent papers have focused on the problem of testing for a unit root in the case where the driving shocks may be unconditionally heteroskedastic. These papers have, however, taken the lag length in the unit root test regression to be a deterministic function of the sample size, rather than data-determined, the latter being standard empirical practice. We investigate the finite sample impact of unconditional heteroskedasticity on conventional data-dependent lag selection methods in augmented Dickey–Fuller type regressions and propose new lag selection criteria which allow for unconditional heteroskedasticity. Standard lag selection methods are shown to have a tendency to over-fit the lag order under heteroskedasticity, resulting in significant power losses in the (wild bootstrap implementation of the) augmented Dickey–Fuller tests under the alternative. The proposed new lag selection criteria are shown to avoid this problem yet deliver unit root tests with almost identical finite sample properties as the corresponding tests based on conventional lag selection when the shocks are homoskedastic.  相似文献   
这次的新冠肺炎疫情震撼了世界,导致此次疫情的重要病源来自野生动物,而"元凶"似乎是人们的"野食"。野生动物纵有危险之虞,如果人们不捕杀、不食用,危险终究不会发生。因此,"野食"成了关键性的话题,本文从人类学的角度对"野食"进行分析。文中个别观点曾经在拙著《饮食人类学》[1]中有所论及,只是在当下的特定语境重新讨论更不寻常,语义也完全不同。  相似文献   
鲁迅的散文诗集《野草》具有陌生化的诗学特征,尤其体现在语言、意象和叙事等几个方面。虽然陌生化给作品带来了一定的阅读阻力,但同时也使《野草》的生命哲学得到了更有力的体现,表现出诗的意境的极致。  相似文献   
杰克·伦敦的思想深受尼采、斯宾塞和马克思的影响。以《野性的呼唤》为范例,从小说的多重矛盾主题-权力意志与超人哲学,适者生存原则,社会主义思想等几个方面分析三者思想在其小说中的具体体现,揭示其小说的多重矛盾主题和复杂思想,以及如何理解小说思想矛盾性及复杂性,并试图从弗洛伊德学说和视角理论(现实描述视角,个体批判视角,社会批判视角)两方面,对其思想的复杂性和矛盾性进行理解和探析。  相似文献   
作为战国策派主将陈铨的代表剧作,《野玫瑰》在抗战文学中有着较高的美学价值和文化内涵。但在特殊的历史情境下,它却一度被左翼人士指责为为国民党反动派效劳的法西斯主义文学。本属文艺范畴内的学术争鸣由此上升为以政党政治为背景的话语论争,突出体现了国共两党在文艺领域内对话语权力的激烈争夺,对其后文艺思潮的发展有着深远影响。  相似文献   
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