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鲁迅《野草》的怀疑精神对穆旦诗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁迅的散文诗《野草》和穆旦诗都具有怀疑精神,这种怀疑精神的核心就是清醒的现实主义精神。鲁迅《野草》的怀疑精神从现代主义特质、多疑性和丰富性三个方面对穆旦诗产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   
李玉明 《齐鲁学刊》2012,(1):143-147
由于现实的巨大变动,鲁迅在一种怀疑精神的驱迫之下,由对历史和现实的否定,走向了对启蒙、人生及其价值的怀疑,走向了对自我力量的怀疑,他的自我分裂了。然而,鲁迅惊人的意志品格体现在:他又怀疑于这种怀疑,于是在一种决绝的寻找中,在一种悲剧性的承担中,鲁迅力图确证自我,并进而战胜自我、超越自我,他的自我重新聚合了。——这整个过程,是人类历史上罕有的炼狱般的过程。  相似文献   
夏敬渠《野叟曝言》塑造出超人、完人的文素臣获得的勋业及个人荣贵,是仙师中不得志的道学先生阴暗心灵的反映。作品中描写田有谋的段落,对中国农村社会经济史的研究很有参考价值。作者假手刘、戴创造的《亚夫》剧,在对刘邦的处理上是集前人诮骂刘邦的集大成之笔。作者夏敬渠是一位满口讲仁义道德的道学家,和书中人物文素臣是二而为一的。《野叟曝言》之评,顺应作者笔锋,极力地为文素臣、水夫人唱赞歌,推销传统道学家观念。  相似文献   
沈从文小说中的湘西清新自然,特别是其中出现的野花的意象让人回味无穷。本文就其作品的野花意象进行解读,挖掘沈从文小说的深刻蕴意。  相似文献   
In this article, we develop a new and novel kernel density estimator for a sum of weighted averages from a single population based on utilizing the well defined kernel density estimator in conjunction with classic inversion theory. This idea is further developed for a kernel density estimator for the difference of weighed averages from two independent populations. The resulting estimator is “bootstrap-like” in terms of its properties with respect to the derivation of approximate confidence intervals via a “plug-in” approach. This new approach is distinct from the bootstrap methodology in that it is analytically and computationally feasible to provide an exact estimate of the distribution function through direct calculation. Thus, our approach eliminates the error due to Monte Carlo resampling that arises within the context of simulation based approaches that are oftentimes necessary in order to derive bootstrap-based confidence intervals for statistics involving weighted averages of i.i.d. random variables. We provide several examples and carry forth a simulation study to show that our kernel density estimator performs better than the standard central limit theorem based approximation in term of coverage probability.  相似文献   
寻阳 《齐鲁学刊》2007,(4):105-106
杰克.伦敦是20世纪初美国文学最具批判精神的现实主义作家。《野性的呼唤》和《雪狼》是杰克.伦敦小说创作中"狼"情结的艺术体现。他对"狼"情结的执着有着深刻的文学渊源,"狼"主题小说具有特定的社会意义。  相似文献   
《荒野的呼唤》中“巴克”的多重性格分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《荒野的呼唤》是20世纪美国著名作家杰克·伦敦的成名作.狗主人公巴克的形象是作品长盛不衰的原因之一,作者的思想在巴克的身上得到了完美的体现.文章通过剖析巴克的性格特征,揭示了其性格的复杂性和多重性,从而展示了主人公艺术形象的永久魅力.  相似文献   
This article investigates the impact of multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) errors on hypothesis testing for cointegrating vectors. The study reviews a cointegrated vector autoregressive model incorporating multivariate GARCH innovations and a regularity condition required for valid asymptotic inferences. Monte Carlo experiments are then conducted on a test statistic for a hypothesis on the cointegrating vectors. The experiments demonstrate that the regularity condition plays a critical role in rendering the hypothesis testing operational. It is also shown that Bartlett-type correction and wild bootstrap are useful in improving the small-sample size and power performance of the test statistic of interest.  相似文献   
在《无愁河的浪荡汉子》第一卷中,黄永玉先生以超凡的感知力和记忆力,采用小说体自传形式,真实地再现了上世纪二三十年代其生活的凤凰城一群见情见义、乐观向上人物的生活画卷,书写了其对家乡--南方最美小城--深情的眷恋与热爱。  相似文献   
杰克·伦敦的多部小说都蕴含着成长小说的元素。结合成长小说的相关理论,通过对杰克·伦敦成长小说《野性的呼唤》和《白牙》的探究,分析其二元对立的独特叙事主题,旨在说明杰克·伦敦对传统成长小说的继承与开创,以期从新的角度展开对伦敦作品的思考。  相似文献   
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