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各种超高频电子整机需要高性能的表声波压电器件。介绍了新的压电薄膜——ZnO/AIN复合压电薄膜的制速、结构和性能,并给出主要研制结果。 相似文献
Analysis of massive datasets is challenging owing to limitations of computer primary memory. Composite quantile regression (CQR) is a robust and efficient estimation method. In this paper, we extend CQR to massive datasets and propose a divide-and-conquer CQR method. The basic idea is to split the entire dataset into several blocks, applying the CQR method for data in each block, and finally combining these regression results via weighted average. The proposed approach significantly reduces the required amount of primary memory, and the resulting estimate will be as efficient as if the entire data set is analysed simultaneously. Moreover, to improve the efficiency of CQR, we propose a weighted CQR estimation approach. To achieve sparsity with high-dimensional covariates, we develop a variable selection procedure to select significant parametric components and prove the method possessing the oracle property. Both simulations and data analysis are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed methods. 相似文献
In this paper, we consider the weighted composite quantile regression for linear model with left-truncated data. The adaptive penalized procedure for variable selection is proposed. The asymptotic normality and oracle property of the resulting estimators are also established. Simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed methods. 相似文献
Robust parameter designs (RPDs) enable the experimenter to discover how to modify the design of the product to minimize the effect due to variation from noise sources. The aim of this article is to show how this amount of work can be reduced under modified central composite design (MCCD). We propose a measure of extended scaled prediction variance (ESPV) for evaluation of RPDs on MCCD. Using these measures, we show that we can check the error or bias associated with estimating the model parameters and suggest the values of α recommended for MCCS under minimum ESPV. 相似文献
In multiple hypothesis test, an important problem is estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses. Existing methods are mainly based on the p-values of the single tests. In this paper, we propose two new estimations for this proportion. One is a natural extension of the commonly used methods based on p-values and the other is based on a mixed distribution. Simulations show that the first method is comparable with existing methods and performs better under some cases. And the method based on a mixed distribution can get accurate estimators even if the variance of data is large or the difference between the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis is very small. 相似文献
Small area estimation (SAE) concerns with how to reliably estimate population quantities of interest when some areas or domains have very limited samples. This is an important issue in large population surveys, because the geographical areas or groups with only small samples or even no samples are often of interest to researchers and policy-makers. For example, large population health surveys, such as Behavioural Risk Factor Surveillance System and Ohio Mecaid Assessment Survey (OMAS), are regularly conducted for monitoring insurance coverage and healthcare utilization. Classic approaches usually provide accurate estimators at the state level or large geographical region level, but they fail to provide reliable estimators for many rural counties where the samples are sparse. Moreover, a systematic evaluation of the performances of the SAE methods in real-world setting is lacking in the literature. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian hierarchical model with constraints on the parameter space and show that it provides superior estimators for county-level adult uninsured rates in Ohio based on the 2012 OMAS data. Furthermore, we perform extensive simulation studies to compare our methods with a collection of common SAE strategies, including direct estimators, synthetic estimators, composite estimators, and Datta GS, Ghosh M, Steorts R, Maples J.'s [Bayesian benchmarking with applications to small area estimation. Test 2011;20(3):574–588] Bayesian hierarchical model-based estimators. To set a fair basis for comparison, we generate our simulation data with characteristics mimicking the real OMAS data, so that neither model-based nor design-based strategies use the true model specification. The estimators based on our proposed model are shown to outperform other estimators for small areas in both simulation study and real data analysis. 相似文献
价格持续期的非对称对数ACD模型及其应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过建立两状态价格持续期的非对称对数ACD模型,刻画价格持续期过程对不同价格状态的不对称依赖关系和对未预期到的短价格持续期冲击与未预期到的长价格持续期冲击的不对称响应过程,并在该模型中引入买卖价差和交易规模变量,检验市场微观结构理论相关假说。模型拟合结果表明,价格上升和价格下降两种状态对价格持续期的影响不同,未预期到的短价格持续期冲击对价格持续期有正面影响,而未预期到的长价格持续期冲击对价格持续期有负面影响;对市场微观结构信息模型的实证分析表明,滞后买卖价差和滞后交易量具有信息含量,它们与价格持续期显著负相关;隐藏交易假说没有得到实证的支持,在选取样本中大规模交易量比中等规模交易量对价格持续期有更加显著的影响。 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(9):757-767
Testing for significance with gene expression data from DNA microarray experiments involves simultaneous comparisons of hundreds or thousands of genes. In common exploratory microarray experiments, most genes are not expected to be differentially expressed. The family-wise error (FWE) rate and false discovery rate (FDR) are two common approaches used to account for multiple hypothesis tests to identify differentially expressed genes. When the number of hypotheses is very large and some null hypotheses are expected to be true, the power of an FWE or FDR procedure can be improved if the number of null hypotheses is known. The mean of differences (MD) of ranked p-values has been proposed to estimate the number of true null hypotheses under the independence model. This article proposes to incorporate the MD estimate into an FWE or FDR approach for gene identification. Simulation results show that the procedure appears to control the FWE and FDR well at the FWE=0.05 and FDR=0.05 significant levels; it exceeds the nominal level for FDR=0.01 when the null hypotheses are highly correlated, a correlation of 0.941. The proposed approach is applied to a public colon tumor data set for illustration. 相似文献
《Journal of nonparametric statistics》2012,24(2):177-191
Using subspaces to describe the nonparametric null hypotheses introduced in Akritas and Arnold [Fully nonparametric hypotheses for factorial designs I: multivariate repeated measures designs, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 89 (1994), pp. 336–343.], leads to a natural extension of the models and the class of nonparametric hypotheses considered there. Nonparametric versions of all saturated or unsaturated parametric models for factorial designs, as well as nonparametric versions of all parametric hypotheses considered in such contexts, are included in the new formulation. To test these new hypotheses we introduce a new family of (mid-)rank statistics. The new statistics are modelled after the weighted F-statistics and are appropriate for (possibly) unbalanced designs with independent observations that can be heteroscedastic. Being rank versions of likelihood ratio statistics, the proposed statistics apply in situations where the Wald-type rank statistics of Akritas, Arnold and Brunner [Nonparametric hypotheses and rank statistics for unbalanced factorial designs, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 92 (1997), pp. 258–265.] have not been extended and are at least as efficient in the cases where both apply. We show that the new rank statistics converge in distribution to central chi-squared distributions under their respective null hypotheses. Finding the asymptotic distribution of statistics without a closed form expression requires a novel approach, which we introduce. A simulation study compares the achieved level and power of the new statistics with a number of competing procedures. 相似文献
《Journal of nonparametric statistics》2012,24(4):855-872
We develop a new kernel-based local polynomial methodology for nonparametric regression based on optimising a linear combination of several loss functions. Optimal weights for least squares and quantile loss functions can be chosen to provide maximum efficiency and these optimal weights can be estimated from data. The resulting estimators are at least as efficient as those provided by existing procedures, but can be much more efficient for many distributions. The data-based weights adapt to the tails of the error distribution resulting in a procedure which is both robust and resistant. Furthermore, the assumption of homogeneous error variance is not required. To illustrate its practical use, we apply the proposed method to model the motorcycle data. 相似文献