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通过对DAM—II数字模拟多功能实验箱的研发 ,剖析了现有电子技术基础实验设备装置存在的问题 ,如 :标准化问题、兼容性问题等。阐述了实验装置研发中应重视的开发方法和思路 ,对“二次开发”在电技术中的应用和“标准化”在电子技术实验设备装置设计中的必要性、重要性作了探讨  相似文献   
This article reviews various characterizations of a multivariate extreme dependence function A(·). The most important estimators derived from these characterizations are also sketched. Then, a unifying approach, which puts all these estimators under the same framework, is presented. This unifying approach enables us to construct new estimators and, most importantly, to propose an automatic selection method for an unknown parameter on which all the existing non-parametric estimators of A(·) depend. Constrained smoothing splines and convex hull techniques are used to force the obtained estimators to be extreme dependence functions. A simulation study comparing these estimators on a wide range of extreme dependence functions is provided.  相似文献   
A smooth monotone polynomial spline (PS) estimator is proposed for the cumulative distribution function. The proposed method applies a constrained PS regression to smooth the empirical distribution function, while simultaneously ensures monotonicity by imposing a set of linear constraints on the coefficients of the PS functions. This feature is not shared by its kernel counterpart in [Cheng, M.Y., and Peng, L. (2002), ‘Regression Modeling for Nonparametric Estimation of Distribution and Quantile Functions’, Statistica Sinica, 12, 1043–1060], as the kernel estimator is not necessarily monotone. Under mild assumptions, both L 2 and uniform convergence rates are obtained. Our simulation studies show that the proposed estimator has better finite sample performance than the simple empirical distribution function. We also illustrate the use of the proposed method by analysing two real data examples.  相似文献   
Energy use is on the rise due to an increase in the number of households and general consumptions. It is important to estimate and forecast the number of houses and the resultant energy consumptions to address the effective and efficient use of energy in future planning. In this paper, the number of houses in Brunei Darussalam is estimated by using Spline interpolation and forecasted by using two methods, namely an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and nonlinear autoregressive (NAR) neural network. The NAR model is more accurate in forecasting the number of houses as compared to the ARIMA model. The energy required for water heating and other appliances is investigated and are found to be 21.74% and 78.26% of the total energy used, respectively. Through analysis, it is demonstrated that 9 m2 solar heater and 90 m2 of solar panel can meet these energy requirements.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We present a method to approximate and forecast, on an entire interval, a continuous-time process. For this purpose, we use the modelization of ARH(l) processes, defined by Bosq (1991). We deal with the practical problem of the discretization of the observed trajectories and approximate them by means of spline functions. We show by simulations that for well-chosen smoothing parameters, good prediction can be obtained in comparison with the “predictable” part of the process. Finally, we apply this model to forecast road traffic and compare it with a SARIMA model.  相似文献   
对双排双波浪带散热水箱的结构形式、换热和阻力试验结果进行了分析。采用非线性拟合法得到气侧的换热系数αa,并与桑塔纳管翅式散热水箱的气侧换热系数进行了对比,结果表明,此散热水箱具有较高的换热系数。  相似文献   
针对具有类矩形双肢钝体断面拱肋的大跨度拱桥在风洞试验过程易出现大幅涡激振动问题,沿拱肋模型表面进行动态风压同步测量及基于POD算法的本征气动力荷载分布模式分解,获得了涡振发生时对于周期性涡激力具有最大贡献的气动力荷载作用位置,初步揭示出此类断面涡激动发生时的局部气动力荷载作用机制。以上海卢浦大桥和肇庆西江特大桥此类具有双肢钝体断面拱桥为工程实例,结合涡激气动力沿拱肋周向时空气分布特征,提出并以二维悬吊节段模型风洞试验验证了拱肋断面多种有针对性的气动控制措施;结合实际桥梁拱肋的三维空间效应,利用全桥气弹模型  相似文献   
1929年的美国和2009年的中国都同样处在经济危机的寒潮之下,对比二者电影业的发展状况,分析经济危机对电影业产生的诸多影响,可以看出:首先,由于"口红效应"的影响,中美电影在经济危机中都出现了票房的大幅攀升,特别是中国电影增长迅速;其次,危机中的电影技术都得到了进一步的发展,如同1929年声音技术的运用一样,2009年的中国电影则是3D技术崭露头角,3D电影以及3D银幕的数量激增;再次,危机中电影内容普遍具有疗伤倾向,无论是当年美国盛行的歌舞片或是2009年中国主旋律电影的商业化,无一例外;最后,从娱乐产业的更迭趋势来看,1929年美国的百老汇逐渐衰落,电影逐渐取而代之。2009年的中国则是互联网迅速发展的一年,媒介融合趋势下电影的传播介质可能也会发生相应变化。  相似文献   
结合张石高速公路四十里峪大桥无落地支架现浇箱梁施工,利用墩柱抱箍和施工完的盖梁作为支点拼装贝雷梁作为支架进行现浇箱梁施工,取得了成功。重点介绍了现浇箱梁施工过程中的关键技术和控制要点,为同类施工提供参考。  相似文献   
本文讨论了一类三阶变系数微分方程的边值问题的样条解法.构造了一个四次样条的近似解,并证明了它的唯一性和收敛性.在文末举例说明本方法是可行的.  相似文献   
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