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This paper investigates nonparametric estimation of density on [0, 1]. The kernel estimator of density on [0, 1] has been found to be sensitive to both bandwidth and kernel. This paper proposes a unified Bayesian framework for choosing both the bandwidth and kernel function. In a simulation study, the Bayesian bandwidth estimator performed better than others, and kernel estimators were sensitive to the choice of the kernel and the shapes of the population densities on [0, 1]. The simulation and empirical results demonstrate that the methods proposed in this paper can improve the way the probability densities on [0, 1] are presently estimated.  相似文献   
In this paper, we derive the distribution and density functions of the feasible generalized ridge regression (GRR) estimator. It is shown that when the absolute value of a regression coefficient is close to zero, the distribution of the feasible GRR estimator is bimodal and has thinner tails than that of the OLS estimator.  相似文献   
Some test statistics for the structural coefficients of simultaneous equations model often referred to as the multivariate linear functional relationship model are proposed in this article. The following cases are considered: the covariance matrix of errors is either unknown, known up to a proportionality factor, or completely known. The exact and approximate distributions of the proposed test statistics, as well as those of some that are known, are also given.  相似文献   
On a multiple choice test in which each item has r alternative options, a given number c of which are correct, various scoring models have been proposed. In one case the test-taker is allowed to choose any size solution subset and he/she is graded according to whether the subset is small and according to how many correct answers the subset contains. In a second case the test-taker is allowed to select only solution subsets of a prespecified maximum size and is graded as above. The first case is analogous to the situation where the test-taker is given a set of r options with each question; each question calls for a solution which consists of selecting that subset of the r responses which he/she believes to be correct. In the second case, when the prespecified solution subset is restricted to be of size at most one, the resulting scoring model corresponds to the usual model, referred to below as standard. The number c of correct options per item is usually known to the test-taker in this case.

Scoring models are evaluated according to how well they correctly identify the total scores of the individuals in the class of test-takers. Loss functions are constructed which penalize scoring models resulting in student scores which are not associated with the students true (or average) total score on the exam. Scoring models are compared on the basis of cross-validated assessments of the loss incurred by using each of the given models. It is shown that in many cases the assessment of the loss for scoring models which allow students the opportunity to choose more than one option for each question are smaller than the assessment of the loss for the standard scoring model.  相似文献   
In the present paper, we introduce and study a class of distributions that has the linear mean residual quantile function. Various distributional properties and reliability characteristics of the class are studied. Some characterizations of the class of distributions are presented. We then present generalizations of this class of distributions using the relationship between various quantile based reliability measures. The method of L-moments is employed to estimate parameters of the class of distributions. Finally, we apply the proposed class of distributions to a real data set.  相似文献   
Hartigan (1975) defines the number q of clusters in a d ‐variate statistical population as the number of connected components of the set {f > c}, where f denotes the underlying density function on Rd and c is a given constant. Some usual cluster algorithms treat q as an input which must be given in advance. The authors propose a method for estimating this parameter which is based on the computation of the number of connected components of an estimate of {f > c}. This set estimator is constructed as a union of balls with centres at an appropriate subsample which is selected via a nonparametric density estimator of f. The asymptotic behaviour of the proposed method is analyzed. A simulation study and an example with real data are also included.  相似文献   
The second moment of recently introduced scalar inference function can be viewed as generalized Fisher information of the continuous probability distributions. In this paper we call it the t-information and give some possible applications of the new concept.  相似文献   
本文研究了随机回收率的分布,建立了回收率的双Beta分布密度模型,它具有双峰分布的特点,这与Moody公司的最新研究相吻合,弥补了现有回收率分布模型均为单峰的不足。利用基于数论网格的序贯优化算法对所建模型的参数做出了估计,借助于核密度估计的工具,进行了实证分析,结果表明双Beta模型的拟合误差很小,远小于Beta模型的误差,它是表示回收率理想的模型。最后给出了抽取双Beta分布随机数的方法。  相似文献   
通过建立概率模型、利用概率论相关定理解决了复杂的求极限问题。  相似文献   
对高密度可读写DVD光盘所采用的相变记录技术、增加记录密度的方法、轨道格式的确定、前置技术、ZCLV转动控制技术、绿色和兰色激光技术等关键技术作了介绍和分析。  相似文献   
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