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教育公平既指教育权利平等,也指教育机会均等;既指教育经费均衡,也指教育资源均衡;既指每个受教育者按其天性获得优质高效的教育,也指每个受教育者按其天性获得最大限度的发展。实现教育公平,可以采用以下策略:加快教育法规建设步伐,用法律法规保障教育公平;积极探索新的教育体制,以新型制度促进教育公平;科学规划各级教育投资,以经费均衡确保教育公平;合理分配各类教育资源,以资源均衡保证教育公平;不断完善扶困助学机制,以扶困助贫推进教育公平;坚决摒弃性别歧视陋习,真正实现男女教育平等;关注流动人口子女教育,保障他们享有同等权利;因生天赋实施差异教学,努力促进每位学生成才;关心、关注、关爱全体学生,帮助他们不断走向成功。  相似文献   
本文在远期鞅测度下,应用信用风险结构模型对循环贷款价格的解析计算进行研究。贷款定价的关键是求解债务人的远期中性违约概率。本文把求解债务人远期中性违约概率问题转化为对时间相依的曲线边界求解布朗运动的首达时间概率分布问题,求出违约概率的解析解,进而得到循环贷款的利差,使得计算结果较之随机模拟的结果更为稳定、精确。  相似文献   
行政执法职务犯罪:类型、逻辑与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政执法职务犯罪是一种严重的腐败形式,主要类型有徇私型、交易型、占有型、渎职型和滥用型,其犯罪过程有其权力逻辑、制度逻辑和利益逻辑因素。预防和治理行政执法职务犯罪,应当创新执法体制,改进执法方式,强化执法责任。  相似文献   
In this work, we introduce a generalized rationale for local sensitivity analysis (SA) methods that allows to solve the problems connected with input constraints. Several models in use in the risk analysis field are characterized by the presence of deterministic relationships among the input parameters. However, SA issues related to the presence of constraints have been mainly dealt with in a heuristic fashion. We start with a systematic analysis of the effects of constraints. The findings can be summarized in the following three effects. (i) Constraints make it impossible to vary one parameter while keeping all others fixed. (ii) The model output becomes insensitive to a parameter if a constraint is solved for that parameter. (iii) Sensitivity analysis results depend on which parameter is selected as dependent. The explanation of these effects is found by proposing a result that leads to a natural extension of the local SA rationale introduced in Helton (1993) . We then extend the definitions of the Birnbaum, criticality, and the differential importance measures to the constrained case. In addition, a procedure is introduced that allows to obtain constrained sensitivity results at the same cost as in the absence of constraints. The application to a nonbinary event tree concludes the article, providing a numerical illustration of the above findings.  相似文献   
The present study was aimed at assessing the health consequences of the presence of radon in Quebec homes and the possible impact of various screening programs on lung cancer mortality. Lung cancer risk due to this radioactive gas was estimated according to the cancer risk model developed by the Sixth Committee on Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations. Objective data on residential radon exposure, population mobility, and tobacco use in the study population were integrated into a Monte‐Carlo‐type model. Participation rates to radon screening programs were estimated from published data. According to the model used, approximately 10% of deaths due to lung cancer are attributable to residential radon exposure on a yearly basis in Quebec. In the long term, the promotion of a universal screening program would prevent less than one death/year on a province‐wide scale (0.8 case; IC 99%: –3.6 to 5.2 cases/year), for an overall reduction of 0.19% in radon‐related mortality. Reductions in mortality due to radon by (1) the implementation of a targeted screening program in the region with the highest concentrations, (2) the promotion of screening on a local basis with financial support, or (3) the realization of systematic investigations in primary and secondary schools would increase to 1%, 14%, and 16.4%, respectively, in the each of the populations targeted by these scenarios. Other than the battle against tobacco use, radon screening in public buildings thus currently appears as the most promising screening policy for reducing radon‐related lung cancer.  相似文献   
当前我国社会保障存在的问题及其改革措施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自《中华人民共和国劳动保险条例》颁布始 ,中国社会保障制度已走过 50年发展历程 ,社会保障制度从雏形到逐步成熟和规范。当前我国社会保障实践在成绩中隐含着许多矛盾和问题 ,因此 ,应尽快建立起独立于企业事业单位之外、资金来源多元化、保障制度规范化、管理服务社会化的社会保障体系已是迫在眉睫  相似文献   
郑平 《南都学坛》2000,20(2):73-74
文书工作规范化是保证档案工作高质、优效的重要因素。但从文书立卷归档和档案利用工作看 ,文书工作中仍存在许多不规范的问题 ,具体应把好文件的内容关、文字关、印刷关 ,为档案工作提供合格的文件材料 ;提高文书人员的办文素质 ,加强归档材料的管理 ;实行档案工作与文秘专业一体化管理等方面入手 ,保证文书档案标准化的实现及开发利用  相似文献   
资本多数决原则作为公司的基本原则,具有存在合理性,如提高公司的决策效率、鼓励股东加大投资、限制大股东风险等。但在公司实践中,控股股东和中小股东的利益存在冲突,控股股东为了取得自身最大的利益,往往滥用资本多数决原则,将自身的意志上升为公司的意思表示。近年来由于公司股权过于集中,法律保护不力,所以大股东滥用资本多数决侵害公司和中小股东权益的案件比比皆是。在这种情况下,如何规避资本多数决的弊端,保护中小股东的权益是我国面临的难题。  相似文献   
We provide a characterization of closeness centrality in the class of distance-based centralities. To this end, we introduce a natural property, called majority comparison, that states that out of two adjacent nodes the one closer to more nodes is more central. We prove that any distance-based centrality that satisfies this property gives the same ranking in every graph as closeness centrality. The axiom is inspired by the interpretation of the graph as an election in which nodes are both voters and candidates and their preferences are determined by the distances to the other nodes.  相似文献   
Ante-dependence models can be used to model the covariance structure in problems involving repeated measures through time. They are conditional regression models which generalize Gabriel’s constant-order ante-dependence model. Likelihood-based procedures are presented, together with simple expressions for likelihood ratio test statistics in terms of sum of squares from appropriate analysis of covariance. The estimation of the orders is approached as a model selection problem, and penalized likelihood criteria are suggested. Extensions of all procedures discussed here to situations with a monotone pattern of missing data are presented.  相似文献   
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