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从社会福利最大化角度出发,通过设定物品消费偏好指数,建立两物品模型,推导出了区域环境最佳投资水平;在此基础上,从理论上证明了环境库兹涅茨曲线存在的依据以及在环境质量最低点和环境质量发生根本性好转的转折点的社会总投资水平。最后,得出环境质量演化过程曲线取决于社会经济发展状况,它与非环境物品生产函数和排污生产函数的技术参数、居民收入水平以及对环境物品和非环境物品的消费偏好以及国民收入分配政策等有关,而非仅仅与经济增长状况有关。  相似文献   
对合作处理中的一些基本概念给出了明确的定义,并提出了一个有用的合作团队的模型。模型中的团队代理是实现透明性的依托,在此对其特性、行为及其构造作了描述。把合作团队的透明性分解为环境透明和编程透明,并给出两种进明性在OSEware中的实现方法。  相似文献   
节水生产行为、非农就业与农户收入溢出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
将劳动力要素配置纳入分析框架是厘清粮食节水生产行为收入溢出机制的关键。基于河北、山东、河南540个粮食种植户调查数据,运用工具变量分位数、中介效应和门槛回归模型分析农户节水生产行为的收入溢出机制及异质性。研究表明:节水生产行为能够显著提升农户收入,且农业增收效应大于要素替代效应;节水生产行为的农业增收效应随农业收入水平提升而递增,即“马太效应”,其非农增收效应随非农收入水平提升而递减,即“重心转变效应”;本地非农就业在节水生产行为增收效应中发挥中介作用,外出务工部分遮掩了节水生产行为的收入提升效果;节水生产行为的增收效应随本地非农就业比例增加而上升,随外出务工比例提高而下降。因此,建议完善粮食节水生产的政策扶持与市场机制,引导非农劳动力合理有序就业,强化农村人力资本积累,进而推动农户持续增收。  相似文献   
基于河北、安徽、湖北三省1150份农户的实地调查数据,采用倾向得分匹配法构建“反事实”框架,探讨了农户兼业对秸秆还田技术采纳的影响效应,并进一步验证了其中介效应及务工距离的作用机制。研究结果表明:(1)相比纯农户,兼业户更倾向于采纳秸秆还田技术;(2)农户兼业通过风险分担间接影响秸秆还田技术采纳,间接影响占比为24.43%;(3)当纯农户选择在乡内务工时,秸秆还田技术采纳率会提高15.0%,选择在县内乡外务工时,兼业对农户秸秆还田技术采纳行为没有显著性影响,但当纯农户选择省内县外务工时,秸秆还田技术采纳率提高了9.2%,选择省外务工时秸秆还田技术采纳率提高了10.0%。因此,为更好促进秸秆还田技术推广,政府部门应该引导和鼓励农户就近务工,保障农村劳动力就业质量,培育和支持农机社会化服务组织并加强对秸秆还田技术的指导和培训。  相似文献   
以机器大生产为标志的工业文明将人类推向了一个物质发达的社会。工业技术的革新使社会生产力得到大力发展,人类的消费逐渐趋于奢侈和浪费。与此同时,由于资本主义社会的生产资料私人占有,生产的扩大具有盲目性。马克思的异化劳动理论对资本主义社会的剥削关系进行了深入细致的分析,将批判视角从生产领域延伸到消费领域,马克思由此提出了异化消费理论。异化消费理论为当代消费群体的各种不当消费提供了重要的理论支持,伴随而来的奢侈消费、享乐消费、符号消费盛行,导致一些错误的消费价值取向产生,造成大量的资源浪费和环境负担。因此,推动异化消费向生态消费的转型尤为重要。生态消费是促进社会的生态化转型和实现可持续发展的重要手段,是适度消费、有限消费、低碳消费、可持续消费和需求性消费,需要政府的“引导力”、企业的“推动力”、社会媒体的“宣传力”、社会公众的“内在动力”等合力而行,共同构建生态消费社会对于促进我国生态文明建设和美丽中国建设具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   
Contemporary immigration to the United States and the formation of new ethnic groups are the complex and unintended social consequences of the expansion of the nation to its post-World War II position of global hegemony. Immigrant communities in the United States today are related to a history of American military, political, economic, and cultural involvement and intervention in the sending countries, especially in Asia and the Caribbean Basin, and to the linkages that are formed in the process that open a variety of legal and illegal migration pathways. The 19.8 million foreign-born persons counted in the 1990 U.S. census formed the largest immigrant population in the world, though in relative terms, only 7.9% of the U.S. population was foreign-born, a lower proportion than earlier in this century. Today's immigrants are extraordinarily diverse, a reflection of polar-opposite types of migrations embedded in very different historical and structural contexts. Also, unlike the expanding economy that absorbed earlier flows from Europe, since the 1970s new immigrants have entered an hourglass economy with reduced opportunities for social mobility, particularly among the less educated, and new waves of refugees have entered a welfare state with expanded opportunities for public assistance. This paper seeks to make sense of the new diversity. A typology of contemporary immigrants is presented, and their patterns of settlement, their distinctive social and economic characteristics compared to major native-born racial-ethnic groups, and their different modes of incorporation in—and consequences for—American society are considered.  相似文献   
This paper examines the entry of Asian immigrant women into a gendered labor market via government-funded job training programs. The focus is on the intake processing of clients into an employment training program operated by a community based organization. The study reveals that women's family responsibilities and the cultural capital they bring function to screen them into or out of training programs and ultimately shape their location in the workforce. The study thus draws attention to how race, class, and gender enter into the organization of Asian immigrant women into the labor market. This investigation is based in institutional ethnography (Smith 1987), a research strategy which displays how activities in a particular setting are coordinated with more extended forms of social organization. The study shows that the overriding concern with successful placement in a job as mandated by government regulations is a critical factor in selecting the women for these programs.  相似文献   
This paper suggests that the employment behavior and stated preferences of new mothers are not simply a product of choices that individual women make or characteristics that they have. Rather, using qualitative interview data from a sample of new parents, this paper illustrates some of the interactional and institutional contexts in which new mothers' approaches to paid work are embedded, with a particular focus on gender. Among the themes explored are the influence of husbands' preferences on women's decisions, the role of economic processes in structuring parenting arrangements, as well as the prominence of gendered cultural imagery in new parents' accounts about their work and family arrangements.  相似文献   
张珊珊  汪洋 《管理学报》2006,3(3):329-335
家族企业在全世界经济中占有重要地位。从各个不同角度研究家族企业可持续发展的理论问题,介绍家族企业可持续发展路径选择的SHEMP理论,并且探讨了此种路径选择与环境的关系:从宏观的角度进行家族企业可持续发展的PEST分析,进而提出在现有融资环境、诚信环境和职业经理人市场条件下,我国家族企业的选择路径。  相似文献   
选取制造业的十个重点行业,使用2001-2014年的面板数据,运用数据包络分析法(DEA)对其产能利用率、技术效率和设备利用率进行了测算,结果显示:我国制造业的部分行业存在严重的产能过剩问题;非金属矿物制品业、黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业等传统行业的产能利用率较低;通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业等新兴行业的产能利用率相对较高.剖析制造业产能过剩的影响因素,发现市场需求与产能利用率存在显著的正相关关系,资本密集度、就业水平、开放度、金融支持与产能利用率有显著的负相关关系.  相似文献   
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