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Elementary students survey buildings in an extracurricular community service project to learn social studies and historic preservation. From these experiences students formed values and dispositions by engaging in a constructivist process of creating knowledge by examining their community. They gathered data, transformed it into information, and shared it with the larger community. Because students learned what community means in reality, not just reading about it, they had a different understanding of how they related to the place they called home. Examining these types of questions helped elementary students have significant experiences that helped them to connect community members with the importance of place. The built environment is the context for historic structures. Student engagement with the social studies curriculum allowed them to create investigations with architecture to broaden their understanding of their world.  相似文献   
This article is an attempt at developing a lens through which political culture in Mozambique can be analysed, described and interpreted. It is based on the notion of a political teleology that emerged out of the conditions within which the country fought for its independence. The paper argues that violence in a symbolic and physical form played a central role in the constitution of this political teleology by, on the one hand, allowing the liberation movement to produce an account of Mozambican history which both gave legitimacy to its own struggle while at the same time undermining alternative accounts and, on the other, set the scene for the implementation of a national project that came to be primarily concerned with the reproduction of the claim to power of the liberation movement. Forty years of independence in Mozambique offer an ideal time frame to attempt the construction of such a lens.  相似文献   
传统士人园林对于其人生的完满与人格理想的构建意义重大,时至宋代,士人园林发展已极为成熟完备,地处华夏之中的洛阳更是荟萃了当时士人园林的精华,在众多园林中,独乐园虽小,却因有了司马光人品之涵养而独树一帜,别具一格,在传统士人园林中占有一席之地。独乐园为司马光赋闲洛阳时所建,它蕴含着司马光的处世态度与价值观念。所谓"独"与"乐"别具一番深意,对司马光而言甚为重要,既反映了司马光当时的人生状态,也寄托着他的人格理想,即一方面是著书立说、上师圣人、下友群贤、徜徉山水的自在人生,另一方面,则省分知足、独善其身、坚持原则的人格操守。  相似文献   
《弗兰肯斯坦》中女性形象丰富、寓意深刻,折射出这部作品所蕴藏的玛丽.雪莱极具洞察力的、极具远见性的女性观,其中包括对十九世纪初西方女性的生存状况、女性的奴化与反抗意识以及对女性出路的深刻反思。  相似文献   
日本“516”毒气部队遗址的现状与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“516”毒气部队遗址是侵华日军利用化学毒气武器残害中国人民的重要罪证。“516”毒气部队遗迹的残骸,依然清晰地记录着日本侵略者的罪恶。在日本政府否认侵略战争、右翼势力猖狂活动的今天,保护和开发“516”毒气部队遗址,保留日本军队侵华害人的罪证已刻不容缓,所以必须日军“516”毒气部队旧址进行实质性的有效保护与开发。  相似文献   
论特留份制度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
规定特留份制度 ,目的在于保护缺乏劳动能力又没有生活来源的法定继承人的权益。我国继承法也规定了“必要的遗产份额” ,但存在着继承人范围过窄和份额规定不明的缺陷 ,因此作相应的修正非常必要。  相似文献   
高等教育的两难境地--论高等教育与社会的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育与社会之间的关系问题是一个由来已久的问题.传统大学绝对独立于社会的历史如今已不现实,也不可取,而现代大学一味适应社会的做法也将预示着大学精神的衰落.在独立与适应之间找到平衡点,既不远离社会也不迎奉社会,与现实社会保持适当距离,是高等教育在处理自身与社会现实之间错综复杂关系的一种原则和策略.  相似文献   
伍廷芳的司法独立思想建构在西方"三权分立"原则之上,其主要内容有三点:一是反对行政权干涉司法权;二是采用西方律师制、陪审制、公开审判、辩论式诉讼、无罪推定等西方资产阶级文明审判方式和原则;三是开办法律学堂,实行法官高薪制。伍廷芳的司法独立思想是中国近代法制思想的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
妇女解放是"五四 "时期民主知识分子备加关注的一个问题.伴随着"人"的意识的觉醒,追求人格独立、个性自由、婚恋自主已成为"五四"时代广大知识女性的自觉要求,"五四"时代女作家本身就是这样一些知识女性.文章从分析她们的作品入手,论述了女性自身对"自由"平等"的不懈探寻.  相似文献   
Let k 5 be a fixed integer and let m = (k – 1)/2. It is shown that the independence number of a C k-free graph is at least c 1[ d(v)1/(m – 1)](m – 1)/m and that, for odd k, the Ramsey number r(C k, K n) is at most c 2(n m + 1/log n)1/m , where c 1 = c 1(m) > 0 and c 2 = c 2(m) > 0.  相似文献   
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